Snapshot testing

In all the tests we've written so far we've always manually created the expected value.
This is fine for simple cases, but it can quickly become cumbersome when the expected value is complex (e.g. a large JSON document) and it needs to be updated fairly often (e.g. the responses of a downstream API service that's under active development).

To solve this problem we can use snapshot testing.
You snapshot the output of an operation and compare it with a previously saved snapshot. You then review the changes and decide whether they are expected or not: if they are, we can automatically update the snapshot.


insta is an established snapshot testing library for Rust.

It comes with a CLI, cargo-insta, which we'll use to manage our snapshots. Install it before moving forward:

cargo install --locked cargo-insta


The exercise for this section is located in 02_snapshots/00_intro