
When configuring a Mock, you can specify one or more matchers for incoming requests.
The Mock is only triggered if the incoming request satisfies all the matchers attached to it.

Common matchers

The wiremock crate provides an extensive collection of matchers out of the box.
Check out the documentation of the matchers module for the full list.

Writing your own matchers

Occasionally, you'll need to write your own matchers, either because you need to match on a property that's not supported by the built-in matchers, or because you want to build a higher-level matcher out of existing ones.

To write a custom matcher, you need to implement the Match trait:

fn main() {
pub trait Match: Send + Sync {
    // Required method
    fn matches(&self, request: &Request) -> bool;

The trait is quite straight-forward. It has a single method, matches, that takes a reference to the incoming Request and returns a bool: true if the request matches, false otherwise.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_http_mocking/02_match