
A custom test harness gives you a great deal of flexibility, but there are some limitations.

No #[test] attribute

The most obvious one is that you can't use the #[test] attribute.
There is no built-in mechanism to automatically collect all annotated tests, as cargo test does with #[test].
You either have to manually register your tests (e.g. as you did in the previous exercise with that vector) or find a way to automatically collect them (e.g. by establishing a file naming convention).

You can try to emulate distributed registration using some third-party crates (e.g. linkme or inventory).


Using a custom test harness you can customise how a single test suite is run.
If you need to perform some setup or teardown actions before or after all test suites, you're out of luck. You still need to design some cross-process communication mechanism to coordinate across different test binaries.
Alternatively, you need to replace cargo test with a different command that takes charge of collecting and running all your test binaries (e.g. like cargo-nextest).


The exercise for this section is located in 09_test_harness/03_outro