Implementing traits

When a type is defined in another crate (e.g. u32, from Rust's standard library), you can't directly define new methods for it. If you try:

fn main() {
impl u32 {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool {
        self % 2 == 0

the compiler will complain:

error[E0390]: cannot define inherent `impl` for primitive types
1 | impl u32 {
  | ^^^^^^^^
  = help: consider using an extension trait instead

Extension trait

An extension trait is a trait whose primary purpose is to attach new methods to foreign types, such as u32. That's exactly the pattern you deployed in the previous exercise, by defining the IsEven trait and then implementing it for i32 and u32. You are then free to call is_even on those types as long as IsEven is in scope.

// Bring the trait in scope
use my_library::IsEven;

fn main() {
    // Invoke its method on a type that implements it
    if 4.is_even() {
        // [...]

One implementation

There are limitations to the trait implementations you can write.
The simplest and most straight-forward one: you can't implement the same trait twice, in a crate, for the same type.

For example:

fn main() {
trait IsEven {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool;

impl IsEven for u32 {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool {

impl IsEven for u32 {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool {

The compiler will reject it:

error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `IsEven` for type `u32`
5  | impl IsEven for u32 {
   | ------------------- first implementation here
11 | impl IsEven for u32 {
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation for `u32`

There can be no ambiguity as to what trait implementation should be used when IsEven::is_even is invoked on a u32 value, therefore there can only be one.

Orphan rule

Things get more nuanced when multiple crates are involved. In particular, at least one of the following must be true:

  • The trait is defined in the current crate
  • The implementor type is defined in the current crate

This is known as Rust's orphan rule. Its goal is to make the method resolution process unambiguous.

Imagine the following situation:

  • Crate A defines the IsEven trait
  • Crate B implements IsEven for u32
  • Crate C provides a (different) implementation of the IsEven trait for u32
  • Crate D depends on both B and C and calls 1.is_even()

Which implementation should be used? The one defined in B? Or the one defined in C?
There's no good answer, therefore the orphan rule was defined to prevent this scenario. Thanks to the orphan rule, neither crate B nor crate C would compile.

Further reading

  • There are some caveats and exceptions to the orphan rule as stated above. Check out the reference if you want to get familiar with its nuances.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/02_orphan_rule