
Welcome to "100 Exercises To Learn Rust"!

This course will teach you Rust's core concepts, one exercise at a time.
You'll learn about Rust's syntax, its type system, its standard library, and its ecosystem.

We don't assume any prior knowledge of Rust, but we assume you know at least another programming language. We also don't assume any prior knowledge of systems programming or memory management. Those topics will be covered in the course.

In other words, we'll be starting from scratch!
You'll build up your Rust knowledge in small, manageable steps. By the end of the course, you will have solved ~100 exercises, enough to feel comfortable working on small to medium-sized Rust projects.


This course is based on the "learn by doing" principle.
It has been designed to be interactive and hands-on.

Mainmatter developed this course to be delivered in a classroom setting, over 4 days: each attendee advances through the lessons at their own pace, with an experienced instructor providing guidance, answering questions and diving deeper into the topics as needed.
If you're interested in attending one of our training sessions, or if you'd like to bring this course to your company, please get in touch.

You can also follow the course on your own, but we recommend you find a friend or a mentor to help you along the way should you get stuck. You can also find solutions to all exercises in the solutions branch of the GitHub repository.


You can go through the course material in the browser.
You can also download it as a PDF file, for offline reading.


On the left side of the screen, you can see that the course is divided into sections. Each section introduces a new concept or feature of the Rust language.
To verify your understanding, each section is paired with an exercise that you need to solve.

You can find the exercises in the companion GitHub repository.
Before starting the course, make sure to clone the repository to your local machine:

# If you have an SSH key set up with GitHub
git clone git@github.com:mainmatter/100-exercises-to-learn-rust.git
# Otherwise, use the HTTPS URL:
#   https://github.com/mainmatter/100-exercises-to-learn-rust.git

We also recommend you work on a branch, so you can easily track your progress and pull in updates from the main repository, if needed:

cd 100-exercises-to-learn-rust
git checkout -b my-solutions

All exercises are located in the exercises folder. Each exercise is structured as a Rust package. The package contains the exercise itself, instructions on what to do (in src/lib.rs), and a test suite to automatically verify your solution.

wr, the workshop runner

To verify your solutions, we've provided a tool that will guide you through the course. It is the wr CLI (short for "workshop runner"). Install it with:

cargo install --locked workshop-runner

In a new terminal, navigate back to the top-level folder of the repository. Run the wr command to start the course:


wr will verify the solution to the current exercise.
Don't move on to the next section until you've solved the exercise for the current one.

We recommend committing your solutions to Git as you progress through the course, so you can easily track your progress and "restart" from a known point if needed.

Enjoy the course!


This course was written by Luca Palmieri, Principal Engineering Consultant at Mainmatter.
Luca has been working with Rust since 2018, initially at TrueLayer and then at AWS.
Luca is the author of "Zero to Production in Rust", the go-to resource for learning how to build backend applications in Rust.
He is also the author and maintainer of a variety of open-source Rust projects, including cargo-chef, Pavex and wiremock.


The exercise for this section is located in 01_intro/00_welcome


Don't jump ahead!
Complete the exercise for the previous section before you start this one.
It's located in exercises/01_intro/00_welcome, in the course GitHub's repository.
Use wr to start the course and verify your solutions.

The previous task doesn't even qualify as an exercise, but it already exposed you to quite a bit of Rust syntax. We won't cover every single detail of Rust's syntax used in the previous exercise. Instead, we'll cover just enough to keep going without getting stuck in the details.
One step at a time!


You can use // for single-line comments:

fn main() {
// This is a single-line comment
// Followed by another single-line comment


Functions in Rust are defined using the fn keyword, followed by the function's name, its input parameters, and its return type. The function's body is enclosed in curly braces {}.

In previous exercise, you saw the greeting function:

fn main() {
// `fn` <function_name> ( <input params> ) -> <return_type> { <body> }
fn greeting() -> &'static str {
    // TODO: fix me 👇
    "I'm ready to __!"

greeting has no input parameters and returns a reference to a string slice (&'static str).

Return type

The return type can be omitted from the signature if the function doesn't return anything (i.e. if it returns (), Rust's unit type). That's what happened with the test_welcome function:

fn main() {
fn test_welcome() {
    assert_eq!(greeting(), "I'm ready to learn Rust!");

The above is equivalent to:

fn main() {
// Spelling out the unit return type explicitly
//                   👇
fn test_welcome() -> () {
    assert_eq!(greeting(), "I'm ready to learn Rust!");

Returning values

The last expression in a function is implicitly returned:

fn main() {
fn greeting() -> &'static str {
    // This is the last expression in the function
    // Therefore its value is returned by `greeting`
    "I'm ready to learn Rust!"

You can also use the return keyword to return a value early:

fn main() {
fn greeting() -> &'static str {
    // Notice the semicolon at the end of the line!
    return "I'm ready to learn Rust!";

It is considered idiomatic to omit the return keyword when possible.

Input parameters

Input parameters are declared inside the parentheses () that follow the function's name.
Each parameter is declared with its name, followed by a colon :, followed by its type.

For example, the greet function below takes a name parameter of type &str (a "string slice"):

fn main() {
// An input parameter
//        👇
fn greet(name: &str) -> String {
    format!("Hello, {}!", name)

If there are multiple input parameters, they must be separated with commas.

Type annotations

Since we've been mentioned "types" a few times, let's state it clearly: Rust is a statically typed language.
Every single value in Rust has a type and that type must be known to the compiler at compile-time.

Types are a form of static analysis.
You can think of a type as a tag that the compiler attaches to every value in your program. Depending on the tag, the compiler can enforce different rules—e.g. you can't add a string to a number, but you can add two numbers together. If leveraged correctly, types can prevent whole classes of runtime bugs.


The exercise for this section is located in 01_intro/01_syntax

A Basic Calculator

In this chapter we'll learn how to use Rust as a calculator.
It might not sound like much, but it'll give us a chance to cover a lot of Rust's basics, such as:

  • How to define and call functions
  • How to declare and use variables
  • Primitive types (integers and booleans)
  • Arithmetic operators (including overflow and underflow behavior)
  • Comparison operators
  • Control flow
  • Panics

Nailing the basics with a few exercises will get the language flowing under your fingers. When we move on to more complex topics, such as traits and ownership, you'll be able to focus on the new concepts without getting bogged down by the syntax or other trivial details.


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/00_intro

Types, part 1

In the "Syntax" section compute's input parameters were of type u32.
Let's unpack what that means.

Primitive types

u32 is one of Rust's primitive types. Primitive types are the most basic building blocks of a language. They're built into the language itself—i.e. they are not defined in terms of other types.

You can combine these primitive types to create more complex types. We'll see how soon enough.


u32, in particular, is an unsigned 32-bit integer.

An integer is a number that can be written without a fractional component. E.g. 1 is an integer, while 1.2 is not.

Signed vs. unsigned

An integer can be signed or unsigned.
An unsigned integer can only represent non-negative numbers (i.e. 0 or greater). A signed integer can represent both positive and negative numbers (e.g. -1, 12, etc.).

The u in u32 stands for unsigned.
The equivalent type for signed integer is i32, where the i stands for integer (i.e. any integer, positive or negative).

Bit width

The 32 in u32 refers to the number of bits1 used to represent the number in memory.
The more bits, the larger the range of numbers that can be represented.

Rust supports multiple bit widths for integers: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

With 32 bits, u32 can represent numbers from 0 to 2^32 - 1 (a.k.a. u32::MAX).
With the same number of bits, a signed integer (i32) can represent numbers from -2^31 to 2^31 - 1 (i.e. from i32::MIN to i32::MAX).
The maximum value for i32 is smaller than the maximum value for u32 because one bit is used to represent the sign of the number. Check out the two's complement representation for more details on how signed integers are represented in memory.


Combining the two variables (signed/unsigned and bit width), we get the following integer types:

Bit widthSignedUnsigned


A literal is a notation for representing a fixed value in source code.
For example, 42 is a Rust literal for the number forty-two.

Type annotations for literals

But all values in Rust have a type, so... what's the type of 42?

The Rust compiler will try to infer the type of a literal based on how it's used.
If you don't provide any context, the compiler will default to i32 for integer literals.
If you want to use a different type, you can add the desired integer type as a suffix—e.g. 2u64 is a 2 that's explicitly typed as a u64.

Underscores in literals

You can use underscores _ to improve the readability of large numbers.
For example, 1_000_000 is the same as 1000000.

Arithmetic operators

Rust supports the following arithmetic operators2 for integers:

  • + for addition
  • - for subtraction
  • * for multiplication
  • / for division
  • % for remainder

Precedence and associativity rules for these operators are the same as in mathematics.
You can use parentheses to override the default precedence. E.g. 2 * (3 + 4).

⚠️ Warning

The division operator / performs integer division when used with integer types. I.e. the result is truncated towards zero. For example, 5 / 2 is 2, not 2.5.

No automatic type coercion

As we discussed in the previous exercise, Rust is a statically typed language.
In particular, Rust is quite strict about type coercion. It won't automatically convert a value from one type to another3, even if the conversion is lossless. You have to do it explicitly.

For example, you can't assign a u8 value to a variable with type u32, even though all u8 values are valid u32 values:

fn main() {
let b: u8 = 100;
let a: u32 = b;

It'll throw a compilation error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
3 |     let a: u32 = b;
  |            ---   ^ expected `u32`, found `u8`
  |            |
  |            expected due to this

We'll see how to convert between types later in this course.

Further reading


A bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer. It can only have two values: 0 or 1.


Rust doesn't let you define custom operators, but it puts you in control of how the built-in operators behave. We'll talk about operator overloading later in the course, after we've covered traits.


There are some exceptions to this rule, mostly related to references, smart pointers and ergonomics. We'll cover those later on. A mental model of "all conversions are explicit" will serve you well in the meantime.


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/01_integers


In Rust, you can use the let keyword to declare variables.
For example:

fn main() {
let x = 42;

Above we defined a variable x and assigned it the value 42.


Every variable in Rust must have a type. It can either be inferred by the compiler or explicitly specified by the developer.

Explicit type annotation

You can specify the variable type by adding a colon : followed by the type after the variable name. For example:

fn main() {
// let <variable_name>: <type> = <expression>;
let x: u32 = 42;

In the example above, we explicitly constrained the type of x to be u32.

Type inference

If we don't specify the type of a variable, the compiler will try to infer it based on the context in which the variable is used.

fn main() {
let x = 42;
let y: u32 = x;

In the example above, we didn't specify the type of x.
x is later assigned to y, which is explicitly typed as u32. Since Rust doesn't perform automatic type coercion, the compiler infers the type of x to be u32—the same as y and the only type that will allow the program to compile without errors.

Inference limitations

The compiler sometimes needs a little help to infer the correct variable type based on its usage.
In those cases you'll get a compilation error and the compiler will ask you to provide an explicit type hint to disambiguate the situation.

Function arguments are variables

Not all heroes wear capes, not all variables are declared with let.
Function arguments are variables too!

fn main() {
fn add_one(x: u32) -> u32 {
    x + 1

In the example above, x is a variable of type u32.
The only difference between x and a variable declared with let is that functions arguments must have their type explicitly declared. The compiler won't infer it for you.
This constraint allows the Rust compiler (and us humans!) to understand the function's signature without having to look at its implementation. That's a big boost for compilation speed1!


You don't have to initialize a variable when you declare it.
For example

fn main() {
let x: u32;

is a valid variable declaration.
However, you must initialize the variable before using it. The compiler will throw an error if you don't:

fn main() {
let x: u32;
let y = x + 1;

will throw a compilation error:

error[E0381]: used binding `x` isn't initialized
 --> src/main.rs:3:9
2 | let x: u32;
  |     - binding declared here but left uninitialized
3 | let y = x + 1;
  |         ^ `x` used here but it isn't initialized
help: consider assigning a value
2 | let x: u32 = 0;
  |            +++

The Rust compiler needs all the help it can get when it comes to compilation speed.


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/02_variables

Control flow, part 1

All our programs so far have been pretty straightforward.
A sequence of instructions is executed from top to bottom, and that's it.

It's time to introduce some branching.

if clauses

The if keyword is used to execute a block of code only if a condition is true.

Here's a simple example:

fn main() {
let number = 3;
if number < 5 {
    println!("`number` is smaller than 5");

This program will print number is smaller than 5 because the condition number < 5 is true.

else clauses

Like most programming languages, Rust supports an optional else branch to execute a block of code when the condition in an if expression is false.
For example:

fn main() {
let number = 3;

if number < 5 {
    println!("`number` is smaller than 5");
} else {
    println!("`number` is greater than or equal to 5");


The condition in an if expression must be of type bool, a boolean.
Booleans, just like integers, are a primitive type in Rust.

A boolean can have one of two values: true or false.

No truthy or falsy values

If the condition in an if expression is not a boolean, you'll get a compilation error.

For example, the following code will not compile:

fn main() {
let number = 3;
if number {
    println!("`number` is not zero");

You'll get the following compilation error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/main.rs:3:8
3 |     if number {
  |        ^^^^^^ expected `bool`, found integer

This follows from Rust's philosophy around type coercion: there's no automatic conversion from non-boolean types to booleans. Rust doesn't have the concept of truthy or falsy values, like JavaScript or Python.
You have to be explicit about the condition you want to check.

Comparison operators

It's quite common to use comparison operators to build conditions for if expressions.
Here are the comparison operators available in Rust when working with integers:

  • ==: equal to
  • !=: not equal to
  • <: less than
  • >: greater than
  • <=: less than or equal to
  • >=: greater than or equal to

if/else is an expression

In Rust, if expressions are expressions, not statements: they return a value.
That value can be assigned to a variable or used in other expressions. For example:

fn main() {
let number = 3;
let message = if number < 5 {
    "smaller than 5"
} else {
    "greater than or equal to 5"

In the example above, each branch of the if evaluates to a string literal, which is then assigned to the message variable.
The only requirement is that both if branches return the same type.


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/03_if_else


Let's go back to the speed function you wrote for the "Variables" section. It probably looked something like this:

fn main() {
fn speed(start: u32, end: u32, time_elapsed: u32) -> u32 {
    let distance = end - start;
    distance / time_elapsed

If you have a keen eye, you might have spotted one issue1: what happens if time_elapsed is zero?

You can try it out on the Rust playground!
The program will exit with the following error message:

thread 'main' panicked at src/main.rs:3:5:
attempt to divide by zero

This is known as a panic.
A panic is Rust's way to signal that something went so wrong that the program can't continue executing, it's an unrecoverable error2. Division by zero classifies as such an error.

The panic! macro

You can intentionally trigger a panic by calling the panic! macro3:

fn main() {
    panic!("This is a panic!");
    // The line below will never be executed
    let x = 1 + 2;

There are other mechanisms to work with recoverable errors in Rust, which we'll cover later. For the time being we'll stick with panics as a brutal but simple stopgap solution.

Further reading


There's another issue with speed that we'll address soon enough. Can you spot it?


You can try to catch a panic, but it should be a last resort attempt reserved for very specific circumstances.


If it's followed by a !, it's a macro invocation. Think of macros as spicy functions for now. We'll cover them in more detail later in the course.


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/04_panics


So far you've learned:

  • How to define a function
  • How to call a function
  • Which integer types are available in Rust
  • Which arithmetic operators are available for integers
  • How to execute conditional logic via comparisons and if/else expressions

It looks like you're ready to tackle factorials!


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/05_factorial

Loops, part 1: while

Your implementation of factorial has been forced to use recursion.
This may feel natural to you, especially if you're coming from a functional programming background. Or it may feel strange, if you're used to more imperative languages like C or Python.

Let's see how you can implement the same functionality using a loop instead.

The while loop

A while loop is a way to execute a block of code as long as a condition is true.
Here's the general syntax:

fn main() {
while <condition> {
    // code to execute

For example, we might want to sum the numbers from 1 to 5:

fn main() {
let sum = 0;
let i = 1;
// "while i is less than or equal to 5"
while i <= 5 {
    // `+=` is a shorthand for `sum = sum + i`
    sum += i;
    i += 1;

This will keep adding 1 to i and i to sum until i is no longer less than or equal to 5.

The mut keyword

The example above won't compile as is. You'll get an error like:

error[E0384]: cannot assign twice to immutable variable `sum`
 --> src/main.rs:7:9
2 |     let sum = 0;
  |         ---
  |         |
  |         first assignment to `sum`
  |         help: consider making this binding mutable: `mut sum`
7 |         sum += i;
  |         ^^^^^^^^ cannot assign twice to immutable variable

error[E0384]: cannot assign twice to immutable variable `i`
 --> src/main.rs:8:9
3 |     let i = 1;
  |         -
  |         |
  |         first assignment to `i`
  |         help: consider making this binding mutable: `mut i`
8 |         i += 1;
  |         ^^^^^^ cannot assign twice to immutable variable

This is because variables in Rust are immutable by default.
You can't change their value once it has been assigned.

If you want to allow modifications, you have to declare the variable as mutable using the mut keyword:

fn main() {
// `sum` and `i` are mutable now!
let mut sum = 0;
let mut i = 1;

while i <= 5 {
    sum += i;
    i += 1;

This will compile and run without errors.

Further reading


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/06_while

Loops, part 2: for

Having to manually increment a counter variable is somewhat tedious. The pattern is also extremely common!
To make this easier, Rust provides a more concise way to iterate over a range of values: the for loop.

The for loop

A for loop is a way to execute a block of code for each element in an iterator1.

Here's the general syntax:

fn main() {
for <element> in <iterator> {
    // code to execute


Rust's standard library provides range type that can be used to iterate over a sequence of numbers2.

For example, if we want to sum the numbers from 1 to 5:

fn main() {
let mut sum = 0;
for i in 1..=5 {
    sum += i;

Every time the loop runs, i will be assigned the next value in the range before executing the block of code.

There are five kinds of ranges in Rust:

  • 1..5: A (half-open) range. It includes all numbers from 1 to 4. It doesn't include the last value, 5.
  • 1..=5: An inclusive range. It includes all numbers from 1 to 5. It includes the last value, 5.
  • 1..: An open-ended range. It includes all numbers from 1 to infinity (well, until the maximum value of the integer type).
  • ..5: A range that starts at the minimum value for the integer type and ends at 4. It doesn't include the last value, 5.
  • ..=5: A range that starts at the minimum value for the integer type and ends at 5. It includes the last value, 5.

You can use a for loop with the first three kinds of ranges, where the starting point is explicitly specified. The last two range types are used in other contexts, that we'll cover later.

The extreme values of a range don't have to be integer literals—they can be variables or expressions too!

For example:

fn main() {
let end = 5;
let mut sum = 0;

for i in 1..(end + 1) {
    sum += i;

Further reading


Later in the course we'll give a precise definition of what counts as an "iterator". For now, think of it as a sequence of values that you can loop over.


You can use ranges with other types too (e.g. characters and IP addresses), but integers are definitely the most common case in day-to-day Rust programming.


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/07_for


The factorial of a number grows quite fast.
For example, the factorial of 20 is 2,432,902,008,176,640,000. That's already bigger than the maximum value for a 32-bit integer, 2,147,483,647.

When the result of an arithmetic operation is bigger than the maximum value for a given integer type, we are talking about an integer overflow.

Integer overflows are an issue because they violate the contract for arithmetic operations.
The result of an arithmetic operation between two integers of a given type should be another integer of the same type. But the mathematically correct result doesn't fit into that integer type!

If the result is smaller than the minimum value for a given integer type, we refer to the event as an integer underflow.
For brevity, we'll only talk about integer overflows for the rest of this section, but keep in mind that everything we say applies to integer underflows as well.

The speed function you wrote in the "Variables" section underflowed for some input combinations. E.g. if end is smaller than start, end - start will underflow the u32 type since the result is supposed to be negative but u32 can't represent negative numbers.

No automatic promotion

One possible approach would be automatically promote the result to a bigger integer type. E.g. if you're summing two u8 integers and the result is 256 (u8::MAX + 1), Rust could choose to interpret the result as u16, the next integer type that's big enough to hold 256.

But, as we've discussed before, Rust is quite picky about type conversions. Automatic integer promotion is not Rust's solution to the integer overflow problem.


Since we ruled out automatic promotion, what can we do when an integer overflow occurs?
It boils down to two different approaches:

  • Reject the operation
  • Come up with a "sensible" result that fits into the expected integer type

Reject the operation

This is the most conservative approach: we stop the program when an integer overflow occurs.
That's done via a panic, the mechanism we've already seen in the "Panics" section.

Come up with a "sensible" result

When the result of an arithmetic operation is bigger than the maximum value for a given integer type, you can choose to wrap around.
If you think of all the possible values for a given integer type as a circle, wrapping around means that when you reach the maximum value, you start again from the minimum value.

For example, if you do a wrapping addition between 1 and 255 (=u8::MAX), the result is 0 (=u8::MIN). If you're working with signed integers, the same principle applies. E.g. adding 1 to 127 (=i8::MAX) with wrapping will give you -128 (=i8::MIN).


Rust lets you, the developer, choose which approach to use when an integer overflow occurs. The behaviour is controlled by the overflow-checks profile setting.

If overflow-checks is set to true, Rust will panic at runtime when an integer operation overflows. If overflow-checks is set to false, Rust will wrap around when an integer operation overflows.

You may be wondering—what is a profile setting? Let's get into that!


A profile is a set of configuration options that can be used to customize the way Rust code is compiled.

Cargo provides two built-in profiles: dev and release.
The dev profile is used every time you run cargo build, cargo run or cargo test. It's aimed at local development, therefore it sacrifices runtime performance in favor of faster compilation times and a better debugging experience.
The release profile, instead, is optimized for runtime performance but incurs longer compilation times. You need to explicitly request via the --release flag—e.g. cargo build --release or cargo run --release.

"Have you built your project in release mode?" is almost a meme in the Rust community.
It refers to developers who are not familiar with Rust and complain about its performance on social media (e.g. Reddit, Twitter, etc.) before realizing they haven't built their project in release mode.

You can also define custom profiles or customize the built-in ones.


By default, overflow-checks is set to:

  • true for the dev profile
  • false for the release profile

This is in line with the goals of the two profiles.
dev is aimed at local development, so it panics in order to highlight potential issues as early as possible.
release, instead, is tuned for runtime performance: checking for overflows would slow down the program, so it prefers to wrap around.

At the same time, having different behaviours for the two profiles can lead to subtle bugs.
Our recommendation is to enable overflow-checks for both profiles: it's better to crash than to silently produce incorrect results. The runtime performance hit is negligible in most cases; if you're working on a performance-critical application, you can run benchmarks to decide if it's something you can afford.

Further reading


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/08_overflow

Case-by-case behavior

overflow-checks is a blunt tool: it's a global setting that affects the whole program.
It often happens that you want to handle integer overflows differently depending on the context: sometimes wrapping is the right choice, other times panicking is preferable.

wrapping_ methods

You can opt into wrapping arithmetic on a per-operation basis by using the wrapping_ methods1.
For example, you can use wrapping_add to add two integers with wrapping:

fn main() {
let x = 255u8;
let y = 1u8;
let sum = x.wrapping_add(y);
assert_eq!(sum, 0);

saturating_ methods

Alternatively, you can opt into saturating arithmetic by using the saturating_ methods.
Instead of wrapping around, saturating arithmetic will return the maximum or minimum value for the integer type. For example:

fn main() {
let x = 255u8;
let y = 1u8;
let sum = x.saturating_add(y);
assert_eq!(sum, 255);

Since 255 + 1 is 256, which is bigger than u8::MAX, the result is u8::MAX (255).
The opposite happens for underflows: 0 - 1 is -1, which is smaller than u8::MIN, so the result is u8::MIN (0).

You can't get saturating arithmetic via the overflow-checks profile setting—you have to explicitly opt into it when performing the arithmetic operation.


You can think of methods as functions that are "attached" to a specific type. We'll cover methods (and how to define them) in the next chapter.


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/09_saturating

Conversions, pt. 1

We've repeated over and over again that Rust won't perform implicit type conversions for integers.
How do you perform explicit conversions then?


You can use the as operator to convert between integer types.
as conversions are infallible.

For example:

fn main() {
let a: u32 = 10;

// Cast `a` into the `u64` type
let b = a as u64;

// You can use `_` as the target type
// if it can be correctly inferred 
// by the compiler. For example:
let c: u64 = a as _;

The semantics of this conversion are what you expect: all u32 values are valid u64 values.


Things get more interesting if we go in the opposite direction:

fn main() {
// A number that's too big 
// to fit into a `u8`
let a: u16 = 255 + 1;
let b = a as u8;

This program will run without issues, because as conversions are infallible. But what is the value of b? When going from a larger integer type to a smaller, the Rust compiler will perform a truncation.

To understand what happens, let's start by looking at how 256u16 is represented in memory, as a sequence of bits:

 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
|               |               |
  First 8 bits    Last 8 bits

When converting to a u8, the Rust compiler will keep the last 8 bits of a u16 memory representation:

 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
|               |
  Last 8 bits

Hence 256 as u8 is equal to 0. That's... not ideal, in most scenarios.
In fact, the Rust compiler will actively try to stop you if it sees you trying to cast a literal value which will result in a truncation:

error: literal out of range for `i8`
4 |     let a = 255 as i8;
  |             ^^^
  = note: the literal `255` does not fit into the type `i8` 
          whose range is `-128..=127`
  = help: consider using the type `u8` instead
  = note: `#[deny(overflowing_literals)]` on by default


As a rule of thumb, be quite careful with as casting.
Use it exclusively for going from a smaller type to a larger type. To convert from a larger to smaller integer type, rely on the fallible conversion machinery that we'll explore later in the course.


Surprising behaviour is not the only downside of as casting. It is also fairly limited: you can only rely on as casting for primitive types and a few other special cases.
When working with composite types, you'll have to rely on different conversion mechanisms (fallible and infallible), which we'll explore later on.

Further reading

  • Check out Rust's official reference to learn the precise behaviour of as casting for each source/target combination, as well as the exhaustive list of allowed conversions.


The exercise for this section is located in 02_basic_calculator/10_as_casting

Modelling A Ticket

The first chapter should have given you a good grasp over some of Rust's primitive types, operators and basic control flow constructs.
In this chapter we'll go one step further and cover what makes Rust truly unique: ownership.
Ownership is what enables Rust to be both memory-safe and performant, with no garbage collector.

As our running example, we'll use a (JIRA-like) ticket, the kind you'd use to track bugs, features, or tasks in a software project.
We'll take a stab at modeling it in Rust. It'll be the first iteration—it won't be perfect nor very idiomatic by the end of the chapter. It'll be enough of a challenge though!
To move forward you'll have to pick up several new Rust concepts, such as:

  • structs, one of Rust's ways to define custom types
  • Ownership, references and borrowing
  • Memory management: stack, heap, pointers, data layout, destructors
  • Modules and visibility
  • Strings


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/00_intro


We need to keep track of three pieces of information for each ticket:

  • A title
  • A description
  • A status

We can start by using a String to represent them. String is the type defined in Rust's standard library to represent UTF-8 encoded text.

But how do we combine these three pieces of information into a single entity?

Defining a struct

A struct defines a new Rust type.

fn main() {
struct Ticket {
    title: String,
    description: String,
    status: String

A struct is quite similar to what you would call a class or an object in other programming languages.

Defining fields

The new type is built by combining other types as fields.
Each field must have a name and a type, separated by a colon, :. If there are multiple fields, they are separated by a comma, ,.

Fields don't have to be of the same type, as you can see in the Configuration struct below:

fn main() {
struct Configuration {
   version: u32,
   active: bool


You can create an instance of a struct by specifying the values for each field:

fn main() {
// Syntax: <StructName> { <field_name>: <value>, ... }
let ticket = Ticket {
    title: "Build a ticket system".into(),
    description: "A Kanban board".into(),
    status: "Open".into()

Accessing fields

You can access the fields of a struct using the . operator:

fn main() {
// Field access
let x = ticket.description;


We can attach behaviour to our structs by defining methods.
Using the Ticket struct as an example:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    fn is_open(self) -> bool {
        self.status == "Open"

// Syntax:
// impl <StructName> {
//    fn <method_name>(<parameters>) -> <return_type> {
//        // Method body
//    }
// }

Methods are pretty similar to functions, with two key differences:

  1. methods must be defined inside an impl block
  2. methods may use self as their first parameter. self is a keyword and represents the instance of the struct the method is being called on.


If a method takes self as its first parameter, it can be called using the method call syntax:

fn main() {
// Method call syntax: <instance>.<method_name>(<parameters>)
let is_open = ticket.is_open();

This is the same calling syntax you used to perform saturating arithmetic operations on u32 values in the previous chapter.

Static methods

If a method doesn't take self as its first parameter, it's a static method.

fn main() {
struct Configuration {
    version: u32,
    active: bool

impl Configuration {
    // `default` is a static method on `Configuration`
    fn default() -> Configuration {
        Configuration { version: 0, active: false }

The only way to call a static method is by using the function call syntax:

fn main() {
// Function call syntax: <StructName>::<method_name>(<parameters>)
let default_config = Configuration::default();


You can use the function call syntax even for methods that take self as their first parameter:

fn main() {
// Function call syntax:
//   <StructName>::<method_name>(<instance>, <parameters>)
let is_open = Ticket::is_open(ticket);

The function call syntax makes it quite clear that ticket is being used as self, the first parameter of the method, but it's definitely more verbose. Prefer the method call syntax when possible.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/01_struct


Let's go back to our ticket definition:

fn main() {
struct Ticket {
    title: String,
    description: String,
    status: String,

We are using "raw" types for the fields of our Ticket struct. This means that users can create a ticket with an empty title, a suuuuuuuper long description or a nonsensical status (e.g. "Funny").
We can do better than that!

Further reading

  • Check out String's documentation for a thorough overview of the methods it provides. You'll need it for the exercise!


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/02_validation


The new method you've just defined is trying to enforce some constraints on the field values for Ticket. But are those invariants really enforced? What prevents a developer from creating a Ticket without going through Ticket::new?

To get proper encapsulation you need to become familiar with two new concepts: visibility and modules. Let's start with modules.

What is a module?

In Rust a module is a way to group related code together, under a common namespace (i.e. the module's name).
You've already seen modules in action: the unit tests that verify the correctness of your code are defined in a different module, named tests.

fn main() {
mod tests {
    // [...]

Inline modules

The tests module above is an example of an inline module: the module declaration (mod tests) and the module contents (the stuff inside { ... }) are next to each other.

Module tree

Modules can be nested, forming a tree structure.
The root of the tree is the crate itself, which is the top-level module that contains all the other modules. For a library crate, the root module is usually src/lib.rs (unless its location has been customized). The root module is also known as the crate root.

The crate root can have submodules, which in turn can have their own submodules, and so on.

External modules and the filesystem

Inline modules are useful for small pieces of code, but as your project grows you'll want to split your code into multiple files. In the parent module, you declare the existence of a submodule using the mod keyword.

fn main() {
mod dog;

cargo, Rust's build tool, is then in charge of finding the file that contains the module implementation.
If your module is declared in the root of your crate (e.g. src/lib.rs or src/main.rs), cargo expects the file to be named either:

  • src/<module_name>.rs
  • src/<module_name>/mod.rs

If your module is a submodule of another module, the file should be named:

  • [..]/<parent_module>/<module_name>.rs
  • [..]/<parent_module>/<module_name>/mod.rs

E.g. src/animals/dog.rs or src/animals/dog/mod.rs if dog is a submodule of animals.

Your IDE might help you create these files automatically when you declare a new module using the mod keyword.

Item paths and use statements

You can access items defined in the same module without any special syntax. You just use their name.

fn main() {
struct Ticket {
    // [...]

// No need to qualify `Ticket` in any way here
// because we're in the same module
fn mark_ticket_as_done(ticket: Ticket) {
    // [...]

That's not the case if you want to access an entity from a different module.
You have to use a path pointing to the entity you want to access.

You can compose the path in various ways:

  • starting from the root of the current crate, e.g. crate::module_1::MyStruct
  • starting from the parent module, e.g. super::my_function
  • starting from the current module, e.g. sub_module_1::MyStruct

Having to write the full path every time you want to refer to a type can be cumbersome. To make your life easier, you can introduce a use statement to bring the entity into scope.

fn main() {
// Bring `MyStruct` into scope
use crate::module_1::module_2::MyStruct;

// Now you can refer to `MyStruct` directly
fn a_function(s: MyStruct) {
     // [...]

Star imports

You can also import all the items from a module with a single use statement.

fn main() {
use crate::module_1::module_2::*;

This is known as a star import.
It is generally discouraged because it can pollute the current namespace, making it hard to understand where each name comes from and potentially introducing name conflicts.
Nonetheless, it can be useful in some cases, like when writing unit tests. You might have noticed that most of our test modules start with a use super::*; statement to bring all the items from the parent module (the one being tested) into scope.

Visualizing the module tree

If you're struggling to picture the module tree of your project, you can try using cargo-modules to visualize it!

Refer to their documentation for installation instructions and usage examples.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/03_modules


When you start breaking down your code into multiple modules, you need to start thinking about visibility. Visibility determines which regions of your code (or other people's code) can access a given entity, be it a struct, a function, a field, etc.

Private by default

By default, everything in Rust is private.
A private entity can only be accessed:

  1. within the same module where it's defined, or
  2. by one of its submodules

We've used this extensively in the previous exercises:

  • create_todo_ticket worked (once you added a use statement) because helpers is a submodule of the crate root, where Ticket is defined. Therefore, create_todo_ticket can access Ticket without any issues even though Ticket is private.
  • All our unit tests are defined in a submodule of the code they're testing, so they can access everything without restrictions.

Visibility modifiers

You can modify the default visibility of an entity using a visibility modifier.
Some common visibility modifiers are:

  • pub: makes the entity public, i.e. accessible from outside the module where it's defined, potentially from other crates.
  • pub(crate): makes the entity public within the same crate, but not outside of it.
  • pub(super): makes the entity public within the parent module.
  • pub(in path::to::module): makes the entity public within the specified module.

You can use these modifiers on modules, structs, functions, fields, etc. For example:

fn main() {
pub struct Configuration {
    pub(crate) version: u32,
    active: bool,

Configuration is public, but you can only access the version field from within the same crate. The active field, instead, is private and can only be accessed from within the same module or one of its submodules.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/04_visibility


Now that we have a basic understanding of modules and visibility, let's circle back to encapsulation.
Encapsulation is the practice of hiding the internal representation of an object. It is most commonly used to enforce some invariants on the object's state.

Going back to our Ticket struct:

fn main() {
struct Ticket {
    title: String,
    description: String,
    status: String,

If all fields are made public, there is no encapsulation.
You must assume that the fields can be modified at any time, set to any value that's allowed by their type. You can't rule out that a ticket might have an empty title or a status that doesn't make sense.

To enforce stricter rules, we must keep the fields private1. We can then provide public methods to interact with a Ticket instance. Those public methods will have the responsibility of upholding our invariants (e.g. a title must not be empty).

If at least one field is private it is no longer possible to create a Ticket instance directly using the struct instantiation syntax:

fn main() {
// This won't work!
let ticket = Ticket {
    title: "Build a ticket system".into(),
    description: "A Kanban board".into(),
    status: "Open".into()

You've seen this in action in the previous exercise on visibility.
We now need to provide one or more public constructors—i.e. static methods or functions that can be used from outside the module to create a new instance of the struct.
Luckily enough we already have one: Ticket::new, as implemented in a previous exercise.

Accessor methods

In summary:

  • All Ticket fields are private
  • We provide a public constructor, Ticket::new, that enforces our validation rules on creation

That's a good start, but it's not enough: apart from creating a Ticket, we also need to interact with it. But how can we access the fields if they're private?

We need to provide accessor methods.
Accessor methods are public methods that allow you to read the value of a private field (or fields) of a struct.

Rust doesn't have a built-in way to generate accessor methods for you, like some other languages do. You have to write them yourself—they're just regular methods.


Or refine their type, a technique we'll explore later on.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/05_encapsulation


If you solved the previous exercise using what this course has taught you so far, your accessor methods probably look like this:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn title(self) -> String {

    pub fn description(self) -> String {

    pub fn status(self) -> String {

Those methods compile and are enough to get tests to pass, but in a real-world scenario they won't get you very far. Consider this snippet:

fn main() {
if ticket.status() == "To-Do" {
    // We haven't covered the `println!` macro yet,
    // but for now it's enough to know that it prints 
    // a (templated) message to the console
    println!("Your next task is: {}", ticket.title());

If you try to compile it, you'll get an error:

error[E0382]: use of moved value: `ticket`
  --> src/main.rs:30:43
25 |     let ticket = Ticket::new(/* */);
   |         ------ move occurs because `ticket` has type `Ticket`, 
   |                which does not implement the `Copy` trait
26 |     if ticket.status() == "To-Do" {
   |               -------- `ticket` moved due to this method call
30 |         println!("Your next task is: {}", ticket.title());
   |                                           ^^^^^^ 
   |                                value used here after move
note: `Ticket::status` takes ownership of the receiver `self`, 
      which moves `ticket`
  --> src/main.rs:12:23
12 |         pub fn status(self) -> String {
   |                       ^^^^

Congrats, this is your first borrow-checker error!

The perks of Rust's ownership system

Rust's ownership system is designed to ensure that:

  • Data is never mutated while it's being read
  • Data is never read while it's being mutated
  • Data is never accessed after it has been destroyed

These constraints are enforced by the borrow checker, a subsystem of the Rust compiler, often the subject of jokes and memes in the Rust community.

Ownership is a key concept in Rust, and it's what makes the language unique. Ownership enables Rust to provide memory safety without compromising performance. All these things are true at the same time for Rust:

  1. There is no runtime garbage collector
  2. As a developer, you rarely have to manage memory directly
  3. You can't cause dangling pointers, double frees, and other memory-related bugs

Languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java give you 2. and 3., but not 1.
Language like C or C++ give you 1., but neither 2. nor 3.

Depending on your background, 3. might sound a bit arcane: what is a "dangling pointer"? What is a "double free"? Why are they dangerous?
Don't worry: we'll cover these concepts in more details during the rest of the course.

For now, though, let's focus on learning how to work within Rust's ownership system.

The owner

In Rust, each value has an owner, statically determined at compile-time. There is only one owner for each value at any given time.

Move semantics

Ownership can be transferred.

If you own a value, for example, you can transfer ownership to another variable:

fn main() {
let a = "hello, world".to_string(); // <- `a` is the owner of the String
let b = a;  // <- `b` is now the owner of the String

Rust's ownership system is baked into the type system: each function has to declare in its signature how it wants to interact with its arguments.

So far, all our methods and functions have consumed their arguments: they've taken ownership of them. For example:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn description(self) -> String {

Ticket::description takes ownership of the Ticket instance it's called on.
This is known as move semantics: ownership of the value (self) is moved from the caller to the callee, and the caller can't use it anymore.

That's exactly the language used by the compiler in the error message we saw earlier:

error[E0382]: use of moved value: `ticket`
  --> src/main.rs:30:43
25 |     let ticket = Ticket::new(/* */);
   |         ------ move occurs because `ticket` has type `Ticket`, 
   |                which does not implement the `Copy` trait
26 |     if ticket.status() == "To-Do" {
   |               -------- `ticket` moved due to this method call
30 |         println!("Your next task is: {}", ticket.title());
   |                                           ^^^^^^ 
   |                                 value used here after move
note: `Ticket::status` takes ownership of the receiver `self`, 
      which moves `ticket`
  --> src/main.rs:12:23
12 |         pub fn status(self) -> String {
   |                       ^^^^

In particular, this is the sequence of events that unfold when we call ticket.status():

  • Ticket::status takes ownership of the Ticket instance
  • Ticket::status extracts status from self and transfers ownership of status back to the caller
  • The rest of the Ticket instance is discarded (title and description)

When we try to use ticket again via ticket.title(), the compiler complains: the ticket value is gone now, we no longer own it, therefore we can't use it anymore.

To build useful accessor methods we need to start working with references.


It is desirable to have methods that can read the value of a variable without taking ownership of it.
Programming would be quite limited otherwise. In Rust, that's done via borrowing.

Whenever you borrow a value, you get a reference to it.
References are tagged with their privileges1:

  • Immutable references (&) allow you to read the value, but not to mutate it
  • Mutable references (&mut) allow you to read and mutate the value

Going back to the goals of Rust's ownership system:

  • Data is never mutated while it's being read
  • Data is never read while it's being mutated

To ensure these two properties, Rust has to introduce some restrictions on references:

  • You can't have a mutable reference and an immutable reference to the same value at the same time
  • You can't have more than one mutable reference to the same value at the same time
  • The owner can't mutate the value while it's being borrowed
  • You can have as many immutable references as you want, as long as there are no mutable references

In a way, you can think of an immutable reference as a "read-only" lock on the value, while a mutable reference is like a "read-write" lock.

All these restrictions are enforced at compile-time by the borrow checker.


How do you borrow a value, in practice?
By adding & or &mut in front a variable, you're borrowing its value. Careful though! The same symbols (& and &mut) in front of a type have a different meaning: they denote a different type, a reference to the original type.

For example:

struct Configuration {
    version: u32,
    active: bool,

fn main() {
    let config = Configuration {
        version: 1,
        active: true,
    // `b` is a reference to the `version` field of `config`.
    // The type of `b` is `&u32`, since it contains a reference to 
    // a `u32` value.
    // We create a reference by borrowing `config.version`, using 
    // the `&` operator.
    // Same symbol (`&`), different meaning depending on the context!
    let b: &u32 = &config.version;
    //     ^ The type annotation is not necessary, 
    //       it's just there to clarify what's going on

The same concept applies to function arguments and return types:

fn main() {
// `f` takes a mutable reference to a `u32` as an argument, 
// bound to the name `number`
fn f(number: &mut u32) -> &u32 {
    // [...]

Breathe in, breathe out

Rust's ownership system can be a bit overwhelming at first.
But don't worry: it'll become second nature with practice.
And you're going to get a lot of practice over the rest of this chapter, as well as the rest of the course! We'll revisit each concept multiple times to make sure you get familiar with them and truly understand how they work.

Towards the end of this chapter we'll explain why Rust's ownership system is designed the way it is. For the time being, focus on understanding the how. Take each compiler error as a learning opportunity!


This is a great mental model to start out, but it doesn't capture the full picture. We'll refine our understanding of references later in the course.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/06_ownership

Mutable references

Your accessor methods should look like this now:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn title(&self) -> &String {

    pub fn description(&self) -> &String {

    pub fn status(&self) -> &String {

A sprinkle of & here and there did the trick!
We now have a way to access the fields of a Ticket instance without consuming it in the process. Let's see how we can enhance our Ticket struct with setter methods next.


Setter methods allow users to change the values of Ticket's private fields while making sure that its invariants are respected (i.e. you can't set a Ticket's title to an empty string).

There are two common ways to implement setters in Rust:

  • Taking self as input.
  • Taking &mut self as input.

Taking self as input

The first approach looks like this:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn set_title(mut self, new_title: String) -> Self {
        // Validate the new title [...]
        self.title = new_title;

It takes ownership of self, changes the title, and returns the modified Ticket instance.
This is how you'd use it:

fn main() {
let ticket = Ticket::new(
let ticket = ticket.set_title("New title".into());

Since set_title takes ownership of self (i.e. it consumes it), we need to reassign the result to a variable. In the example above we take advantage of variable shadowing to reuse the same variable name: when you declare a new variable with the same name as an existing one, the new variable shadows the old one. This is a common pattern in Rust code.

self-setters work quite nicely when you need to change multiple fields at once: you can chain multiple calls together!

fn main() {
let ticket = ticket
    .set_title("New title".into())
    .set_description("New description".into())
    .set_status("In Progress".into());

Taking &mut self as input

The second approach to setters, using &mut self, looks like this instead:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn set_title(&mut self, new_title: String) {
        // Validate the new title [...]
        self.title = new_title;

This time the method takes a mutable reference to self as input, changes the title, and that's it. Nothing is returned.

You'd use it like this:

fn main() {
let mut ticket = Ticket::new(
ticket.set_title("New title".into());

// Use the modified ticket

Ownership stays with the caller, so the original ticket variable is still valid. We don't need to reassign the result. We need to mark ticket as mutable though, because we're taking a mutable reference to it.

&mut-setters have a downside: you can't chain multiple calls together. Since they don't return the modified Ticket instance, you can't call another setter on the result of the first one. You have to call each setter separately:

fn main() {
ticket.set_title("New title".into());
ticket.set_description("New description".into());
ticket.set_status("In Progress".into());


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/07_setters

Memory layout

We've looked at ownership and references from an operational point of view—what you can and can't do with them. Now it's a good time to take a look under the hood: let's talk about memory.

Stack and heap

When discussing memory, you'll often hear people talk about the stack and the heap.
These are two different memory regions used by programs to store data.

Let's start with the stack.


The stack is a LIFO (Last In, First Out) data structure.
When you call a function, a new stack frame is added on top of the stack. That stack frame stores the function's arguments, local variables and a few "bookkeeping" values.
When the function returns, the stack frame is popped off the stack1.

| frame for func1 |
        | func2 is 
        | called
| frame for func2 |
| frame for func1 |
        | func2  
        | returns
| frame for func1 |

From an operational point of view, stack allocation/de-allocation is very fast.
We are always pushing and popping data from the top of the stack, so we don't need to search for free memory. We also don't have to worry about fragmentation: the stack is a single contiguous block of memory.


Rust will often allocate data on the stack.
You have a u32 input argument in a function? Those 32 bits will be on the stack.
You define a local variable of type i64? Those 64 bits will be on the stack.
It all works quite nicely because the size of those integers is known at compile time, therefore the compiled program knows how much space it needs to reserve on the stack for them.


You can verify how much space a type would take on the stack using the std::mem::size_of function.

For a u8, for example:

fn main() {
// We'll explain this funny-looking syntax (`::<u8>`) later on.
// Ignore it for now.
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<u8>(), 1);

1 makes sense, because a u8 is 8 bits long, or 1 byte.


If you have nested function calls, each function pushes its data onto the stack when it's called but it doesn't pop it off until the innermost function returns. If you have too many nested function calls, you can run out of stack space—the stack is not infinite! That's called a stack overflow.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/08_stack


The stack is great, but it can't solve all our problems. What about data whose size is not known at compile time? Collections, strings, and other dynamically-sized data cannot be (entirely) stack-allocated. That's where the heap comes in.

Heap allocations

You can visualize the heap as a big chunk of memory—a huge array, if you will.
Whenever you need to store data on the heap, you ask a special program, the allocator, to reserve for you a subset of the heap. We call this interaction (and the memory you reserved) a heap allocation. If the allocation succeeds, the allocator will give you a pointer to the start of the reserved block.

No automatic de-allocation

The heap is structured quite differently from the stack.
Heap allocations are not contiguous, they can be located anywhere inside the heap.

|  Allocation 1 | Free  | ... | ... |  Allocation N |    Free   |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ... + ... +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

It's the allocator's job to keep track of which parts of the heap are in use and which are free. The allocator won't automatically free the memory you allocated, though: you need to be deliberate about it, calling the allocator again to free the memory you no longer need.


The heap's flexibility comes at a cost: heap allocations are slower than stack allocations. There's a lot more bookkeeping involved!
If you read articles about performance optimization you'll often be advised to minimize heap allocations and prefer stack-allocated data whenever possible.

String's memory layout

When you create a local variable of type String, Rust is forced to allocate on the heap1: it doesn't know in advance how much text you're going to put in it, so it can't reserve the right amount of space on the stack.
But a String is not entirely heap-allocated, it also keeps some data on the stack. In particular:

  • The pointer to the heap region you reserved.
  • The length of the string, i.e. how many bytes are in the string.
  • The capacity of the string, i.e. how many bytes have been reserved on the heap.

Let's look at an example to understand this better:

fn main() {
let mut s = String::with_capacity(5);

If you run this code, memory will be laid out like this:

Stack | pointer | length | capacity | 
      |  |      |   0    |    5     |
Heap:  | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |

We asked for a String that can hold up to 5 bytes of text.
String::with_capacity goes to the allocator and asks for 5 bytes of heap memory. The allocator returns a pointer to the start of that memory block.
The String is empty, though. On the stack, we keep track of this information by distinguishing between the length and the capacity: this String can hold up to 5 bytes, but it currently holds 0 bytes of actual text.

If you push some text into the String, the situation will change:

fn main() {
Stack | pointer | length | capacity |
      |  |      |   3    |    5     |
      +--|  ----+--------+----------+
Heap:  | H | e | y | ? | ? |

s now holds 3 bytes of text. Its length is updated to 3, but capacity remains 5. Three of the five bytes on the heap are used to store the characters H, e, and y.


How much space do we need to store pointer, length and capacity on the stack?
It depends on the architecture of the machine you're running on.

Every memory location on your machine has an address, commonly represented as an unsigned integer. Depending on the maximum size of the address space (i.e. how much memory your machine can address), this integer can have a different size. Most modern machines use either a 32-bit or a 64-bit address space.

Rust abstracts away these architecture-specific details by providing the usize type: an unsigned integer that's as big as the number of bytes needed to address memory on your machine. On a 32-bit machine, usize is equivalent to u32. On a 64-bit machine, it matches u64.

Capacity, length and pointers are all represented as usizes in Rust2.

No std::mem::size_of for the heap

std::mem::size_of returns the amount of space a type would take on the stack, which is also known as the size of the type.

What about the memory buffer that String is managing on the heap? Isn't that part of the size of String?

That heap allocation is a resource that String is managing. It's not considered to be part of the String type by the compiler.

std::mem::size_of doesn't know (or care) about additional heap-allocated data that a type might manage or refer to via pointers, as is the case with String, therefore it doesn't track its size.

Unfortunately there is no equivalent of std::mem::size_of to measure the amount of heap memory that a certain value is allocating at runtime. Some types might provide methods to inspect their heap usage (e.g. String's capacity method), but there is no general-purpose "API" to retrieve runtime heap usage in Rust.
You can, however, use a memory profiler tool (e.g. DHAT or a custom allocator) to inspect the heap usage of your program.


std doesn't allocate if you create an empty String (i.e. String::new()). Heap memory will be reserved when you push data into it for the first time.


The size of a pointer depends on the operating system too. In certain environments, a pointer is larger than a memory address (e.g. CHERI). Rust makes the simplifying assumption that pointers are the same size as memory addresses, which is true for most modern systems you're likely to encounter.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/09_heap


What about references, like &String or &mut String? How are they represented in memory?

Most references1 in Rust are represented, in memory, as a pointer to a memory location.
It follows that their size is the same as the size of a pointer, a usize.

You can verify this using std::mem::size_of:

fn main() {
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<&String>(), 8);
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<&mut String>(), 8);

A &String, in particular, is a pointer to the memory location where the String's metadata is stored.
If you run this snippet:

fn main() {
let s = String::from("Hey");
let r = &s;

you'll get something like this in memory:

           |                                    |
      +----v----+--------+----------+      +----|----+
Stack | pointer | length | capacity |      | pointer |
      |  |      |   3    |    5     |      |         |
      +--|  ----+--------+----------+      +---------+
         |          s                           r
Heap   | H | e | y | ? | ? |

It's a pointer to a pointer to the heap-allocated data, if you will. The same goes for &mut String.

Not all pointers point to the heap

The example above should clarify one thing: not all pointers point to the heap.
They just point to a memory location, which may be on the heap, but doesn't have to be.


Later in the course we'll talk about fat pointers, i.e. pointers with additional metadata. As the name implies, they are larger than the pointers we discussed in this chapter, also known as thin pointers.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/10_references_in_memory


When introducing the heap, we mentioned that you're responsible for freeing the memory you allocate.
When introducing the borrow-checker, we also stated that you rarely have to manage memory directly in Rust.

These two statements might seem contradictory at first. Let's see how they fit together by introducing scopes and destructors.


The scope of a variable is the region of Rust code where that variable is valid, or alive.

The scope of a variable starts with its declaration. It ends when one of the following happens:

  1. the block (i.e. the code between {}) where the variable was declared ends
    fn main() {
       // `x` is not yet in scope here
       let y = "Hello".to_string();
       let x = "World".to_string(); // <-- x's scope starts here...
       let h = "!".to_string(); //   |
    } //  <-------------- ...and ends here
  2. ownership of the variable is transferred to someone else (e.g. a function or another variable)
    fn compute(t: String) {
       // Do something [...]
    fn main() {
        let s = "Hello".to_string(); // <-- s's scope starts here...
                    //                    | 
        compute(s); // <------------------- ..and ends here
                    //   because `s` is moved into `compute`


When the owner of a value goes out of scope, Rust invokes its destructor.
The destructor tries to clean up the resources used by that value—in particular, whatever memory it allocated.

You can manually invoke the destructor of a value by passing it to std::mem::drop.
That's why you'll often hear Rust developers saying "that value has been dropped" as a way to state that a value has gone out of scope and its destructor has been invoked.

Visualizing drop points

We can insert explicit calls to drop to "spell out" what the compiler does for us. Going back to the previous example:

fn main() {
   let y = "Hello".to_string();
   let x = "World".to_string();
   let h = "!".to_string();

It's equivalent to:

fn main() {
   let y = "Hello".to_string();
   let x = "World".to_string();
   let h = "!".to_string();
   // Variables are dropped in reverse order of declaration

Let's look at the second example instead, where s's ownership is transferred to compute:

fn compute(s: String) {
   // Do something [...]

fn main() {
   let s = "Hello".to_string();

It's equivalent to this:

fn compute(t: String) {
    // Do something [...]
    drop(t); // <-- Assuming `t` wasn't dropped or moved 
             //     before this point, the compiler will call 
             //     `drop` here, when it goes out of scope

fn main() {
    let s = "Hello".to_string();

Notice the difference: even though s is no longer valid after compute is called in main, there is no drop(s) in main. When you transfer ownership of a value to a function, you're also transferring the responsibility of cleaning it up.

This ensures that the destructor for a value is called at most1 once, preventing double free bugs by design.

Use after drop

What happens if you try to use a value after it's been dropped?

fn main() {
let x = "Hello".to_string();
println!("{}", x);

If you try to compile this code, you'll get an error:

fn main() {
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `x`
 --> src/main.rs:4:20
3 |     drop(x);
  |          - value moved here
4 |     println!("{}", x);
  |                    ^ value used here after move

Drop consumes the value it's called on, meaning that the value is no longer valid after the call.
The compiler will therefore prevent you from using it, avoiding use-after-free bugs.

Dropping references

What if a variable contains a reference?
For example:

fn main() {
let x = 42i32;
let y = &x;

When you call drop(y)... nothing happens.
If you actually try to compile this code, you'll get a warning:

warning: calls to `std::mem::drop` with a reference 
         instead of an owned value does nothing
 --> src/main.rs:4:5
4 |     drop(y);
  |     ^^^^^-^
  |          |
  |          argument has type `&i32`

It goes back to what we said earlier: we only want to call the destructor once.
You can have multiple references to the same value—if we called the destructor for the value they point at when one of them goes out of scope, what would happen to the others? They would refer to a memory location that's no longer valid: a so-called dangling pointer, a close relative of use-after-free bugs. Rust's ownership system rules out these kinds of bugs by design.


Rust doesn't guarantee that destructors will run. They won't, for example, if you explicitly choose to leak memory.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/11_destructor

Wrapping up

We've covered a lot of foundational Rust concepts in this chapter.
Before moving on, let's go through one last exercise to consolidate what we've learned. You'll have minimal guidance this time—just the exercise description and the tests to guide you.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_ticket_v1/12_outro


In the previous chapter we covered the basics of Rust's type and ownership system.
It's time to dig deeper: we'll explore traits, Rust's take on interfaces.

Once you learn about traits, you'll start seeing their fingerprints all over the place.
In fact, you've already seen traits in action throughout the previous chapter, e.g. .into() invocations as well as operators like == and +.

On top of traits as a concept, we'll also cover some of the key traits that are defined in Rust's standard library:

  • Operator traits (e.g. Add, Sub, PartialEq, etc.)
  • From and Into, for infallible conversions
  • Clone and Copy, for copying values
  • Deref and deref coercion
  • Sized, to mark types with a known size
  • Drop, for custom cleanup logic

Since we'll be talking about conversions, we'll seize the opportunity to plug some of the "knowledge gaps" from the previous chapter—e.g. what is "A title", exactly? Time to learn more about slices too!


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/00_intro


Let's look again at our Ticket type:

fn main() {
pub struct Ticket {
    title: String,
    description: String,
    status: String,

All our tests, so far, have been making assertions using Ticket's fields.

fn main() {
assert_eq!(ticket.title(), "A new title");

What if we wanted to compare two Ticket instances directly?

fn main() {
let ticket1 = Ticket::new(/* ... */);
let ticket2 = Ticket::new(/* ... */);
ticket1 == ticket2

The compiler will stop us:

error[E0369]: binary operation `==` cannot be applied to type `Ticket`
  --> src/main.rs:18:13
18 |     ticket1 == ticket2
   |     ------- ^^ ------- Ticket
   |     |
   |     Ticket
note: an implementation of `PartialEq` might be missing for `Ticket`

Ticket is a new type. Out of the box, there is no behavior attached to it.
Rust doesn't magically infer how to compare two Ticket instances just because they contain Strings.

The Rust compiler is nudging us in the right direction though: it's suggesting that we might be missing an implementation of PartialEq. PartialEq is a trait!

What are traits?

Traits are Rust's way of defining interfaces.
A trait defines a set of methods that a type must implement to satisfy the trait's contract.

Defining a trait

The syntax for a trait definition goes like this:

fn main() {
trait <TraitName> {
    fn <method_name>(<parameters>) -> <return_type>;

We might, for example, define a trait named MaybeZero that requires its implementors to define an is_zero method:

fn main() {
trait MaybeZero {
    fn is_zero(self) -> bool;

Implementing a trait

To implement a trait for a type we use the impl keyword, just like we do for regular1 methods, but the syntax is a bit different:

fn main() {
impl <TraitName> for <TypeName> {
    fn <method_name>(<parameters>) -> <return_type> {
        // Method body

For example, to implement the MaybeZero trait for a custom number type, WrappingU32:

fn main() {
pub struct WrappingU32 {
    inner: u32,

impl MaybeZero for WrappingU32 {
    fn is_zero(self) -> bool {
        self.inner == 0

Invoking a trait method

To invoke a trait method, we use the . operator, just like we do with regular methods:

fn main() {
let x = WrappingU32 { inner: 5 };

To invoke a trait method, two things must be true:

  • The type must implement the trait.
  • The trait must be in scope.

To satisfy the latter, you may have to add a use statement for the trait:

fn main() {
use crate::MaybeZero;

This is not necessary if:

  • The trait is defined in the same module where the invocation occurs.
  • The trait is defined in the standard library's prelude. The prelude is a set of traits and types that are automatically imported into every Rust program. It's as if use std::prelude::*; was added at the beginning of every Rust module.

You can find the list of traits and types in the prelude in the Rust documentation.


A method defined directly on a type, without using a trait, is also known as an inherent method.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/01_trait

Implementing traits

When a type is defined in another crate (e.g. u32, from Rust's standard library), you can't directly define new methods for it. If you try:

fn main() {
impl u32 {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool {
        self % 2 == 0

the compiler will complain:

error[E0390]: cannot define inherent `impl` for primitive types
1 | impl u32 {
  | ^^^^^^^^
  = help: consider using an extension trait instead

Extension trait

An extension trait is a trait whose primary purpose is to attach new methods to foreign types, such as u32. That's exactly the pattern you deployed in the previous exercise, by defining the IsEven trait and then implementing it for i32 and u32. You are then free to call is_even on those types as long as IsEven is in scope.

// Bring the trait in scope
use my_library::IsEven;

fn main() {
    // Invoke its method on a type that implements it
    if 4.is_even() {
        // [...]

One implementation

There are limitations to the trait implementations you can write.
The simplest and most straight-forward one: you can't implement the same trait twice, in a crate, for the same type.

For example:

fn main() {
trait IsEven {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool;

impl IsEven for u32 {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool {

impl IsEven for u32 {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool {

The compiler will reject it:

error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `IsEven` for type `u32`
5  | impl IsEven for u32 {
   | ------------------- first implementation here
11 | impl IsEven for u32 {
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation for `u32`

There can be no ambiguity as to what trait implementation should be used when IsEven::is_even is invoked on a u32 value, therefore there can only be one.

Orphan rule

Things get more nuanced when multiple crates are involved. In particular, at least one of the following must be true:

  • The trait is defined in the current crate
  • The implementor type is defined in the current crate

This is known as Rust's orphan rule. Its goal is to make the method resolution process unambiguous.

Imagine the following situation:

  • Crate A defines the IsEven trait
  • Crate B implements IsEven for u32
  • Crate C provides a (different) implementation of the IsEven trait for u32
  • Crate D depends on both B and C and calls 1.is_even()

Which implementation should be used? The one defined in B? Or the one defined in C?
There's no good answer, therefore the orphan rule was defined to prevent this scenario. Thanks to the orphan rule, neither crate B nor crate C would compile.

Further reading

  • There are some caveats and exceptions to the orphan rule as stated above. Check out the reference if you want to get familiar with its nuances.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/02_orphan_rule

Operator overloading

Now that we have a basic understanding of what traits are, let's circle back to operator overloading. Operator overloading is the ability to define custom behavior for operators like +, -, *, /, ==, !=, etc.

Operators are traits

In Rust, operators are traits.
For each operator, there is a corresponding trait that defines the behavior of that operator. By implementing that trait for your type, you unlock the usage of the corresponding operators.

For example, the PartialEq trait defines the behavior of the == and != operators:

fn main() {
// The `PartialEq` trait definition, from Rust's standard library
// (It is *slightly* simplified, for now)
pub trait PartialEq {
    // Required method
    // `Self` is a Rust keyword that stands for 
    // "the type that is implementing the trait"
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;

    // Provided method
    fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { ... }

When you write x == y the compiler will look for an implementation of the PartialEq trait for the types of x and y and replace x == y with x.eq(y). It's syntactic sugar!

This is the correspondence for the main operators:

== and !=PartialEq
<, >, <=, and >=PartialOrd

Arithmetic operators live in the std::ops module, while comparison ones live in the std::cmp module.

Default implementations

The comment on PartialEq::ne states that "ne is a provided method".
It means that PartialEq provides a default implementation for ne in the trait definition—the { ... } elided block in the definition snippet.
If we expand the elided block, it looks like this:

fn main() {
pub trait PartialEq {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;

    fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {

It's what you expect: ne is the negation of eq.
Since a default implementation is provided, you can skip implementing ne when you implement PartialEq for your type. It's enough to implement eq:

fn main() {
struct WrappingU8 {
    inner: u8,

impl PartialEq for WrappingU8 {
    fn eq(&self, other: &WrappingU8) -> bool {
        self.inner == other.inner
    // No `ne` implementation here

You are not forced to use the default implementation though. You can choose to override it when you implement the trait:

fn main() {
struct MyType;

impl PartialEq for MyType {
    fn eq(&self, other: &MyType) -> bool {
        // Custom implementation

    fn ne(&self, other: &MyType) -> bool {
        // Custom implementation


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/03_operator_overloading

Derive macros

Implementing PartialEq for Ticket was a bit tedious, wasn't it? You had to manually compare each field of the struct.

Destructuring syntax

Furthermore, the implementation is brittle: if the struct definition changes (e.g. a new field is added), you have to remember to update the PartialEq implementation.

You can mitigate the risk by destructuring the struct into its fields:

fn main() {
impl PartialEq for Ticket {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        let Ticket {
        } = self;
        // [...]

If the definition of Ticket changes, the compiler will error out, complaining that your destructuring is no longer exhaustive.
You can also rename struct fields, to avoid variable shadowing:

fn main() {
impl PartialEq for Ticket {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        let Ticket {
        } = self;
        let Ticket {
            title: other_title,
            description: other_description,
            status: other_status,
        } = other;
        // [...]

Destructuring is a useful pattern to have in your toolkit, but there's an even more convenient way to do this: derive macros.


You've already encountered a few macros in past exercises:

  • assert_eq! and assert!, in the test cases
  • println!, to print to the console

Rust macros are code generators.
They generate new Rust code based on the input you provide, and that generated code is then compiled alongside the rest of your program. Some macros are built into Rust's standard library, but you can also write your own. We won't be creating our own macro in this course, but you can find some useful pointers in the "Further reading" section.


Some IDEs let you expand a macro to inspect the generated code. If that's not possible, you can use cargo-expand.

Derive macros

A derive macro is a particular flavour of Rust macro. It is specified as an attribute on top of a struct.

fn main() {
struct Ticket {
    title: String,
    description: String,
    status: String

Derive macros are used to automate the implementation of common (and "obvious") traits for custom types. In the example above, the PartialEq trait is automatically implemented for Ticket. If you expand the macro, you'll see that the generated code is functionally equivalent to the one you wrote manually, although a bit more cumbersome to read:

fn main() {
impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq for Ticket {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Ticket) -> bool {
        self.title == other.title 
            && self.description == other.description
            && self.status == other.status

The compiler will nudge you to derive traits when possible.

Further reading


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/04_derive

Trait bounds

We've seen two use cases for traits so far:

  • Unlocking "built-in" behaviour (e.g. operator overloading)
  • Adding new behaviour to existing types (i.e. extension traits)

There's a third use case: generic programming.

The problem

All our functions and methods, so far, have been working with concrete types.
Code that operates on concrete types is usually straightforward to write and understand. But it's also limited in its reusability.
Let's imagine, for example, that we want to write a function that returns true if an integer is even. Working with concrete types, we'd have to write a separate function for each integer type we want to support:

fn main() {
fn is_even_i32(n: i32) -> bool {
    n % 2 == 0

fn is_even_i64(n: i64) -> bool {
    n % 2 == 0

// Etc.

Alternatively, we could write a single extension trait and then different implementations for each integer type:

fn main() {
trait IsEven {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool;

impl IsEven for i32 {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool {
        self % 2 == 0

impl IsEven for i64 {
    fn is_even(&self) -> bool {
        self % 2 == 0

// Etc.

The duplication remains.

Generic programming

We can do better using generics.
Generics allow us to write code that works with a type parameter instead of a concrete type:

fn main() {
fn print_if_even<T>(n: T)
    T: IsEven + Debug
    if n.is_even() {
        println!("{n:?} is even");

print_if_even is a generic function.
It isn't tied to a specific input type. Instead, it works with any type T that:

  • Implements the IsEven trait.
  • Implements the Debug trait.

This contract is expressed with a trait bound: T: IsEven + Debug.
The + symbol is used to require that T implements multiple traits. T: IsEven + Debug is equivalent to "where T implements IsEven and Debug".

Trait bounds

What purpose do trait bounds serve in print_if_even?
To find out, let's try to remove them:

fn main() {
fn print_if_even<T>(n: T) {
    if n.is_even() {
        println!("{n:?} is even");

This code won't compile:

error[E0599]: no method named `is_even` found for type parameter `T` 
              in the current scope
 --> src/lib.rs:2:10
1 | fn print_if_even<T>(n: T) {
  |                  - method `is_even` not found 
  |                    for this type parameter
2 |     if n.is_even() {
  |          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `T`

error[E0277]: `T` doesn't implement `Debug`
 --> src/lib.rs:3:19
3 |         println!("{n:?} is even");
  |                   ^^^^^ 
  |   `T` cannot be formatted using `{:?}` because 
  |         it doesn't implement `Debug`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
1 | fn print_if_even<T: std::fmt::Debug>(n: T) {
  |                   +++++++++++++++++

Without trait bounds, the compiler doesn't know what T can do.
It doesn't know that T has an is_even method, and it doesn't know how to format T for printing. From the compiler point of view, a bare T has no behaviour at all.
Trait bounds restrict the set of types that can be used by ensuring that the behaviour required by the function body is present.

Syntax: inlining trait bounds

All the examples above used a where clause to specify trait bounds:

fn main() {
fn print_if_even<T>(n: T)
    T: IsEven + Debug
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//  This is a `where` clause
    // [...]

If the trait bounds are simple, you can inline them directly next to the type parameter:

fn main() {
fn print_if_even<T: IsEven + Debug>(n: T) {
    //           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //           This is an inline trait bound
    // [...]

Syntax: meaningful names

In the examples above, we used T as the type parameter name. This is a common convention when a function has only one type parameter.
Nothing stops you from using a more meaningful name, though:

fn main() {
fn print_if_even<Number: IsEven + Debug>(n: Number) {
    // [...]

It is actually desirable to use meaningful names when there are multiple type parameters at play or when the name T doesn't convey enough information about the type's role in the function. Maximize clarity and readability when naming type parameters, just as you would with variables or function parameters. Follow Rust's conventions, though: use upper camel case for type parameter names.

The function signature is king

You may wonder why we need trait bounds at all. Can't the compiler infer the required traits from the function's body?
It could, but it won't.
The rationale is the same as for explicit type annotations on function parameters: each function signature is a contract between the caller and the callee, and the terms must be explicitly stated. This allows for better error messages, better documentation, less unintentional breakages across versions, and faster compilation times.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/05_trait_bounds

String slices

Throughout the previous chapters you've seen quite a few string literals being used in the code, like "To-Do" or "A ticket description". They were always followed by a call to .to_string() or .into(). It's time to understand why!

String literals

You define a string literal by enclosing the raw text in double quotes:

fn main() {
let s = "Hello, world!";

The type of s is &str, a reference to a string slice.

Memory layout

&str and String are different types—they're not interchangeable.
Let's recall the memory layout of a String from our previous exploration. If we run:

fn main() {
let mut s = String::with_capacity(5);

we'll get this scenario in memory:

Stack | pointer | length | capacity | 
      |  |      |   5    |    5     |
Heap:  | H | e | l | l | o |

If you remember, we've also examined how a &String is laid out in memory:

     |                                    |         
+----v----+--------+----------+      +----|----+
| pointer | length | capacity |      | pointer |
|    |    |   5    |    5     |      |         |
+----|----+--------+----------+      +---------+
     |        s                          &s 
   | H | e | l | l | o |

&String points to the memory location where the String's metadata is stored.
If we follow the pointer, we get to the heap-allocated data. In particular, we get to the first byte of the string, H.

What if we wanted a type that represents a substring of s? E.g. ello in Hello?

String slices

A &str is a view into a string, a reference to a sequence of UTF-8 bytes stored elsewhere. You can, for example, create a &str from a String like this:

fn main() {
let mut s = String::with_capacity(5);
// Create a string slice reference from the `String`, 
// skipping the first byte.
let slice: &str = &s[1..];

In memory, it'd look like this:

                    s                              slice
      +---------+--------+----------+      +---------+--------+
Stack | pointer | length | capacity |      | pointer | length |
      |    |    |   5    |    5     |      |    |    |   4    |
      +----|----+--------+----------+      +----|----+--------+
           |        s                           |  
           |                                    |
           v                                    | 
         +---+---+---+---+---+                  |
Heap:    | H | e | l | l | o |                  |
         +---+---+---+---+---+                  |
               ^                                |
               |                                |

slice stores two pieces of information on the stack:

  • A pointer to the first byte of the slice.
  • The length of the slice.

slice doesn't own the data, it just points to it: it's a reference to the String's heap-allocated data.
When slice is dropped, the heap-allocated data won't be deallocated, because it's still owned by s. That's why slice doesn't have a capacity field: it doesn't own the data, so it doesn't need to know how much space it was allocated for it; it only cares about the data it references.

&str vs &String

As a rule of thumb, use &str rather than &String whenever you need a reference to textual data.
&str is more flexible and generally considered more idiomatic in Rust code.

If a method returns a &String, you're promising that there is heap-allocated UTF-8 text somewhere that matches exactly the one you're returning a reference to.
If a method returns a &str, instead, you have a lot more freedom: you're just saying that somewhere there's a bunch of text data and that a subset of it matches what you need, therefore you're returning a reference to it.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/06_str_slice

Deref trait

In the previous exercise you didn't have to do much, did you?


fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn title(&self) -> &String {


fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn title(&self) -> &str {

was all you needed to do to get the code to compile and the tests to pass. Some alarm bells should be ringing in your head though.

It shouldn't work, but it does

Let's review the facts:

  • self.title is a String
  • &self.title is, therefore, a &String
  • The output of the (modified) title method is &str

You would expect a compiler error, wouldn't you? Expected &String, found &str or something similar. Instead, it just works. Why?

Deref to the rescue

The Deref trait is the mechanism behind the language feature known as deref coercion.
The trait is defined in the standard library, in the std::ops module:

fn main() {
// I've slightly simplified the definition for now.
// We'll see the full definition later on.
pub trait Deref {
    type Target;
    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target;

type Target is an associated type.
It's a placeholder for a concrete type that must be specified when the trait is implemented.

Deref coercion

By implementing Deref<Target = U> for a type T you're telling the compiler that &T and &U are somewhat interchangeable.
In particular, you get the following behavior:

  • References to T are implicitly converted into references to U (i.e. &T becomes &U)
  • You can call on &T all the methods defined on U that take &self as input.

There is one more thing around the dereference operator, *, but we don't need it yet (see std's docs if you're curious).

String implements Deref

String implements Deref with Target = str:

fn main() {
impl Deref for String {
    type Target = str;
    fn deref(&self) -> &str {
        // [...]

Thanks to this implementation and deref coercion, a &String is automatically converted into a &str when needed.

Don't abuse deref coercion

Deref coercion is a powerful feature, but it can lead to confusion.
Automatically converting types can make the code harder to read and understand. If a method with the same name is defined on both T and U, which one will be called?

We'll examine later in the course the "safest" use cases for deref coercion: smart pointers.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/07_deref


There's more to &str than meets the eye, even after having investigated deref coercion.
From our previous discussion on memory layouts, it would have been reasonable to expect &str to be represented as a single usize on the stack, a pointer. That's not the case though. &str stores some metadata next to the pointer: the length of the slice it points to. Going back to the example from a previous section:

fn main() {
let mut s = String::with_capacity(5);
// Create a string slice reference from the `String`, 
// skipping the first byte.
let slice: &str = &s[1..];

In memory, we get:

                    s                              slice
      +---------+--------+----------+      +---------+--------+
Stack | pointer | length | capacity |      | pointer | length |
      |    |    |   5    |    5     |      |    |    |   4    |
      +----|----+--------+----------+      +----|----+--------+
           |        s                           |  
           |                                    |
           v                                    | 
         +---+---+---+---+---+                  |
Heap:    | H | e | l | l | o |                  |
         +---+---+---+---+---+                  |
               ^                                |
               |                                |

What's going on?

Dynamically sized types

str is a dynamically sized type (DST).
A DST is a type whose size is not known at compile time. Whenever you have a reference to a DST, like &str, it has to include additional information about the data it points to. It is a fat pointer.
In the case of &str, it stores the length of the slice it points to. We'll see more examples of DSTs in the rest of the course.

The Sized trait

Rust's std library defines a trait called Sized.

fn main() {
pub trait Sized {
    // This is an empty trait, no methods to implement.

A type is Sized if its size is known at compile time. In other words, it's not a DST.

Marker traits

Sized is your first example of a marker trait.
A marker trait is a trait that doesn't require any methods to be implemented. It doesn't define any behavior. It only serves to mark a type as having certain properties. The mark is then leveraged by the compiler to enable certain behaviors or optimizations.

Auto traits

In particular, Sized is also an auto trait.
You don't need to implement it explicitly; the compiler implements it automatically for you based on the type's definition.


All the types we've seen so far are Sized: u32, String, bool, etc.

str, as we just saw, is not Sized.
&str is Sized though! We know its size at compile time: two usizes, one for the pointer and one for the length.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/08_sized

From and Into

Let's go back to where our string journey started:

fn main() {
let ticket = Ticket::new(
    "A title".into(), 
    "A description".into(), 

We now know enough to start unpacking what .into() is doing here.

The problem

This is the signature of the new method:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn new(
        title: String, 
        description: String, 
        status: String
    ) -> Self {
        // [...]

We've also seen that string literals (such as "A title") are of type &str.
We have a type mismatch here: a String is expected, but we have a &str. No magical coercion will come to save us this time; we need to perform a conversion.

From and Into

The Rust standard library defines two traits for infallible conversions: From and Into, in the std::convert module.

fn main() {
pub trait From<T>: Sized {
    fn from(value: T) -> Self;

pub trait Into<T>: Sized {
    fn into(self) -> T;

These trait definitions showcase a few concepts that we haven't seen before: supertraits and implicit trait bounds. Let's unpack those first.

Supertrait / Subtrait

The From: Sized syntax implies that From is a subtrait of Sized: any type that implements From must also implement Sized. Alternatively, you could say that Sized is a supertrait of From.

Implicit trait bounds

Every time you have a generic type parameter, the compiler implicitly assumes that it's Sized.

For example:

fn main() {
pub struct Foo<T> {
    inner: T,

is actually equivalent to:

fn main() {
pub struct Foo<T: Sized> 
    inner: T,

In the case of From<T>, the trait definition is equivalent to:

fn main() {
pub trait From<T: Sized>: Sized {
    fn from(value: T) -> Self;

In other words, both T and the type implementing From<T> must be Sized, even though the former bound is implicit.

Negative trait bounds

You can opt out of the implicit Sized bound with a negative trait bound:

fn main() {
pub struct Foo<T: ?Sized> {
    //            ^^^^^^^
    //            This is a negative trait bound
    inner: T,

This syntax reads as "T may or may not be Sized", and it allows you to bind T to a DST (e.g. Foo<str>). It is a special case, though: negative trait bounds are exclusive to Sized, you can't use them with other traits.

&str to String

In std's documentation you can see which std types implement the From trait.
You'll find that String implements From<&str> for String. Thus, we can write:

fn main() {
let title = String::from("A title");

We've been primarily using .into(), though.
If you check out the implementors of Into you won't find Into<String> for &str. What's going on?

From and Into are dual traits.
In particular, Into is implemented for any type that implements From using a blanket implementation:

fn main() {
impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
    U: From<T>,
    fn into(self) -> U {

If a type U implements From<T>, then Into<U> for T is automatically implemented. That's why we can write let title = "A title".into();.


Every time you see .into(), you're witnessing a conversion between types.
What's the target type, though?

In most cases, the target type is either:

  • Specified by the signature of a function/method (e.g. Ticket::new in our example above)
  • Specified in the variable declaration with a type annotation (e.g. let title: String = "A title".into();)

.into() will work out of the box as long as the compiler can infer the target type from the context without ambiguity.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/09_from

Generics and associated types

Let's re-examine the definition for two of the traits we studied so far, From and Deref:

fn main() {
pub trait From<T> {
    fn from(value: T) -> Self;

pub trait Deref {
    type Target;
    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target;

They both feature type parameters.
In the case of From, it's a generic parameter, T.
In the case of Deref, it's an associated type, Target.

What's the difference? Why use one over the other?

At most one implementation

Due to how deref coercion works, there can only be one "target" type for a given type. E.g. String can only deref to str. It's about avoiding ambiguity: if you could implement Deref multiple times for a type, which Target type should the compiler choose when you call a &self method?

That's why Deref uses an associated type, Target.
An associated type is uniquely determined by the trait implementation. Since you can't implement Deref more than once, you'll only be able to specify one Target for a given type and there won't be any ambiguity.

Generic traits

On the other hand, you can implement From multiple times for a type, as long as the input type T is different. For example, you can implement From for WrappingU32 using both u32 and u16 as input types:

fn main() {
impl From<u32> for WrappingU32 {
    fn from(value: u32) -> Self {
        WrappingU32 { inner: value }

impl From<u16> for WrappingU32 {
    fn from(value: u16) -> Self {
        WrappingU32 { inner: value.into() }

This works because From<u16> and From<u32> are considered different traits.
There is no ambiguity: the compiler can determine which implementation to use based on type of the value being converted.

Case study: Add

As a closing example, consider the Add trait from the standard library:

fn main() {
pub trait Add<RHS = Self> {
    type Output;
    fn add(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

It uses both mechanisms:

  • it has a generic parameter, RHS (right-hand side), which defaults to Self
  • it has an associated type, Output, the type of the result of the addition


RHS is a generic parameter to allow for different types to be added together.
For example, you'll find these two implementations in the standard library:

fn main() {
impl Add<u32> for u32 {
    type Output = u32;
    fn add(self, rhs: u32) -> u32 {
      //                      ^^^
      // This could be written as `Self::Output` instead.
      // The compiler doesn't care, as long as the type you
      // specify here matches the type you assigned to `Output` 
      // right above.
      // [...]

impl Add<&u32> for u32 {
    type Output = u32;
    fn add(self, rhs: &u32) -> u32 {
        // [...]

This allows the following code to compile:

fn main() {
let x = 5u32 + &5u32 + 6u32;

because u32 implements Add<&u32> as well as Add<u32>.


Output represents the type of the result of the addition.

Why do we need Output in the first place? Can't we just use Self as output, the type implementing Add? We could, but it would limit the flexibility of the trait. In the standard library, for example, you'll find this implementation:

fn main() {
impl Add<&u32> for &u32 {
    type Output = u32;

    fn add(self, rhs: &u32) -> u32 {
        // [...]

The type they're implementing the trait for is &u32, but the result of the addition is u32.
It would be impossible1 to provide this implementation if add had to return Self, i.e. &u32 in this case. Output lets std decouple the implementor from the return type, thus supporting this case.

On the other hand, Output can't be a generic parameter. The output type of the operation must be uniquely determined once the types of the operands are known. That's why it's an associated type: for a given combination of implementor and generic parameters, there is only one Output type.


To recap:

  • Use an associated type when the type must be uniquely determined for a given trait implementation.
  • Use a generic parameter when you want to allow multiple implementations of the trait for the same type, with different input types.

Flexibility is rarely free: the trait definition is more complex due to Output, and implementors have to reason about what they want to return. The trade-off is only justified if that flexibility is actually needed. Keep that in mind when designing your own traits.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/10_assoc_vs_generic

Copying values, pt. 1

In the previous chapter we introduced ownership and borrowing.
We stated, in particular, that:

  • Every value in Rust has a single owner at any given time.
  • When a function takes ownership of a value ("it consumes it"), the caller can't use that value anymore.

These restrictions can be somewhat limiting.
Sometimes we might have to call a function that takes ownership of a value, but we still need to use that value afterward.

fn main() {
fn consumer(s: String) { /* */ }

fn example() {
     let mut s = String::from("hello");
     s.push_str(", world!"); // error: value borrowed here after move

That's where Clone comes in.


Clone is a trait defined in Rust's standard library:

fn main() {
pub trait Clone {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self;

Its method, clone, takes a reference to self and returns a new owned instance of the same type.

In action

Going back to the example above, we can use clone to create a new String instance before calling consumer:

fn main() {
fn consumer(s: String) { /* */ }

fn example() {
     let mut s = String::from("hello");
     let t = s.clone();
     s.push_str(", world!"); // no error

Instead of giving ownership of s to consumer, we create a new String (by cloning s) and give that to consumer instead.
s remains valid and usable after the call to consumer.

In memory

Let's look at what happened in memory in the example above. When let mut s: String::from("hello"); is executed, the memory looks like this:

Stack | pointer | length | capacity | 
      |  |      |   5    |    5     |
Heap:  | H | e | l | l | o |

When let t = s.clone() is executed, a whole new region is allocated on the heap to store a copy of the data:

                    s                                    t
      +---------+--------+----------+      +---------+--------+----------+
Stack | pointer | length | capacity |      | pointer | length | capacity |
      |  |      |   5    |    5     |      |  |      |   5    |    5     |
      +--|------+--------+----------+      +--|------+--------+----------+
         |                                    |
         |                                    |
         v                                    v
       +---+---+---+---+---+                +---+---+---+---+---+
Heap:  | H | e | l | l | o |                | H | e | l | l | o |
       +---+---+---+---+---+                +---+---+---+---+---+

If you're coming from a language like Java, you can think of clone as a way to create a deep copy of an object.

Implementing Clone

To make a type Clone-able, we have to implement the Clone trait for it.
You almost always implement Clone by deriving it:

fn main() {
struct MyType {
    // fields

The compiler implements Clone for MyType as you would expect: it clones each field of MyType individually and then constructs a new MyType instance using the cloned fields.
Remember that you can use cargo expand (or your IDE) to explore the code generated by derive macros.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/11_clone

Copying values, pt. 2

Let's consider the same example as before, but with a slight twist: using u32 rather than String as a type.

fn main() {
fn consumer(s: u32) { /* */ }

fn example() {
     let s: u32 = 5;
     let t = s + 1;

It'll compile without errors! What's going on here? What's the difference between String and u32 that makes the latter work without .clone()?


Copy is another trait defined in Rust's standard library:

fn main() {
pub trait Copy: Clone { }

It is a marker trait, just like Sized.

If a type implements Copy, there's no need to call .clone() to create a new instance of the type: Rust does it implicitly for you.
u32 is an example of a type that implements Copy, which is why the example above compiles without errors: when consumer(s) is called, Rust creates a new u32 instance by performing a bitwise copy of s, and then passes that new instance to consumer. It all happens behind the scenes, without you having to do anything.

What can be Copy?

Copy is not equivalent to "automatic cloning", although it implies it.
Types must meet a few requirements in order to be allowed to implement Copy.

First of all, it must implement Clone, since Copy is a subtrait of Clone. This makes sense: if Rust can create a new instance of a type implicitly, it should also be able to create a new instance explicitly by calling .clone().

That's not all, though. A few more conditions must be met:

  1. The type doesn't manage any additional resources (e.g. heap memory, file handles, etc.) beyond the std::mem::size_of bytes that it occupies in memory.
  2. The type is not a mutable reference (&mut T).

If both conditions are met, then Rust can safely create a new instance of the type by performing a bitwise copy of the original instance—this is often referred to as a memcpy operation, after the C standard library function that performs the bitwise copy.

Case study 1: String

String is a type that doesn't implement Copy.
Why? Because it manages an additional resource: the heap-allocated memory buffer that stores the string's data.

Let's imagine that Rust allowed String to implement Copy.
Then, when a new String instance is created by performing a bitwise copy of the original instance, both the original and the new instance would point to the same memory buffer:

              s                                 copied_s
+---------+--------+----------+      +---------+--------+----------+
| pointer | length | capacity |      | pointer | length | capacity |
|  |      |   5    |    5     |      |  |      |   5    |    5     |
+--|------+--------+----------+      +--|------+--------+----------+
   |                                    |
   |                                    |
   v                                    |
 +---+---+---+---+---+                  |
 | H | e | l | l | o |                  |
 +---+---+---+---+---+                  |
   ^                                    |
   |                                    |

This is bad! Both String instances would try to free the memory buffer when they go out of scope, leading to a double-free error. You could also create two distinct &mut String references that point to the same memory buffer, violating Rust's borrowing rules.

Case study 2: u32

u32 implements Copy. All integer types do, in fact.
An integer is "just" the bytes that represent the number in memory. There's nothing more! If you copy those bytes, you get another perfectly valid integer instance. Nothing bad can happen, so Rust allows it.

Case study 3: &mut u32

When we introduced ownership and mutable borrows, we stated one rule quite clearly: there can only ever be one mutable borrow of a value at any given time.
That's why &mut u32 doesn't implement Copy, even though u32 does.

If &mut u32 implemented Copy, you could create multiple mutable references to the same value and modify it in multiple places at the same time. That'd be a violation of Rust's borrowing rules! It follows that &mut T never implements Copy, no matter what T is.

Implementing Copy

In most cases, you don't need to manually implement Copy. You can just derive it, like this:

fn main() {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct MyStruct {
    field: u32,


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/12_copy

The Drop trait

When we introduced destructors, we mentioned that the drop function:

  1. reclaims the memory occupied by the type (i.e. std::mem::size_of bytes)
  2. cleans up any additional resources that the value might be managing (e.g. the heap buffer of a String)

Step 2. is where the Drop trait comes in.

fn main() {
pub trait Drop {
    fn drop(&mut self);

The Drop trait is a mechanism for you to define additional cleanup logic for your types, beyond what the compiler does for you automatically.
Whatever you put in the drop method will be executed when the value goes out of scope.

Drop and Copy

When talking about the Copy trait, we said that a type can't implement Copy if it manages additional resources beyond the std::mem::size_of bytes that it occupies in memory.

You might wonder: how does the compiler know if a type manages additional resources? That's right: Drop trait implementations!
If your type has an explicit Drop implementation, the compiler will assume that your type has additional resources attached to it and won't allow you to implement Copy.

fn main() {
// This is a unit struct, i.e. a struct with no fields.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct MyType;

impl Drop for MyType {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
       // We don't need to do anything here,
       // it's enough to have an "empty" Drop implementation

The compiler will complain with this error message:

error[E0184]: the trait `Copy` cannot be implemented for this type; 
              the type has a destructor
 --> src/lib.rs:2:17
2 | #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
  |                 ^^^^ `Copy` not allowed on types with destructors


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/13_drop

Wrapping up

We've covered quite a few different traits in this chapter—and we've only scratched the surface! It may feel like you have a lot to remember, but don't worry: you'll bump into these traits so often when writing Rust code that they'll soon become second nature.

Closing thoughts

Traits are powerful, but don't overuse them.
A few guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Don't make a function generic if it is always invoked with a single type. It introduces indirection in your codebase, making it harder to understand and maintain.
  • Don't create a trait if you only have one implementation. It's a sign that the trait is not needed.
  • Implement standard traits for your types (Debug, PartialEq, etc.) whenever it makes sense. It will make your types more idiomatic and easier to work with, unlocking a lot of functionality provided by the standard library and ecosystem crates.
  • Implement traits from third-party crates if you need the functionality they unlock within their ecosystem.
  • Beware of making code generic solely to use mocks in your tests. The maintainability cost of this approach can be high, and it's often better to use a different testing strategy. Check out the testing masterclass for details on high-fidelity testing.

Testing your knowledge

Before moving on, let's go through one last exercise to consolidate what we've learned. You'll have minimal guidance this time—just the exercise description and the tests to guide you.


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/14_outro

Modelling A Ticket, pt. 2

The Ticket struct we worked on in the previous chapters is a good start, but it still screams "I'm a beginner Rustacean!".

We'll use this chapter to refine our Rust domain modelling skills. We'll need to introduce a few more concepts along the way:

  • enums, one of Rust's most powerful features for data modeling
  • The Option type, to model nullable values
  • The Result type, to model recoverable errors
  • The Debug and Display traits, for printing
  • The Error trait, to mark error types
  • The TryFrom and TryInto traits, for fallible conversions
  • Rust's package system, explaining what's a library, what's a binary, how to use third-party crates


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/00_intro


Based on the validation logic you wrote in a previous chapter, there are only a few valid statuses for a ticket: To-Do, InProgress and Done.
This is not obvious if we look at the status field in the Ticket struct or at the type of the status parameter in the new method:

fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Ticket {
    title: String,
    description: String,
    status: String,

impl Ticket {
    pub fn new(
        title: String, 
        description: String, 
        status: String
    ) -> Self {
        // [...]

In both cases we're using String to represent the status field. String is a very general type—it doesn't immediately convey the information that the status field has a limited set of possible values. Even worse, the caller of Ticket::new will only find out at runtime if the status they provided is valid or not.

We can do better than that with enumerations.


An enumeration is a type that can have a fixed set of values, called variants.
In Rust, you define an enumeration using the enum keyword:

fn main() {
enum Status {

enum, just like struct, defines a new Rust type.


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/01_enum


You may be wondering—what can you actually do with an enum?
The most common operation is to match on it.

fn main() {
enum Status {

impl Status {
    fn is_done(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            Status::Done => true,
            // The `|` operator lets you match multiple patterns.
            // It reads as "either `Status::ToDo` or `Status::InProgress`".
            Status::InProgress | Status::ToDo => false

A match statement that lets you compare a Rust value against a series of patterns.
You can think of it as a type-level if. If status is a Done variant, execute the first block; if it's a InProgress or ToDo variant, execute the second block.


There's one key detail here: match is exhaustive. You must handle all enum variants.
If you forget to handle a variant, Rust will stop you at compile-time with an error.

E.g. if we forget to handle the ToDo variant:

fn main() {
match self {
    Status::Done => true,
    Status::InProgress => false,

the compiler will complain:

error[E0004]: non-exhaustive patterns: `ToDo` not covered
 --> src/main.rs:5:9
5 |     match status {
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^ pattern `ToDo` not covered

This is a big deal!
Codebases evolve over time—you might add a new status down the line, e.g. Blocked. The Rust compiler will emit an error for every single match statement that's missing logic for the new variant. That's why Rust developers often sing the praises of "compiler-driven refactoring"—the compiler tells you what to do next, you just have to fix what it reports.


If you don't care about one or more variants, you can use the _ pattern as a catch-all:

fn main() {
match status {
    Status::Done => true,
    _ => false

The _ pattern matches anything that wasn't matched by the previous patterns.


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/02_match

Variants can hold data

fn main() {
enum Status {

Our Status enum is what's usually called a C-style enum.
Each variant is a simple label, a bit like a named constant. You can find this kind of enum in many programming languages, like C, C++, Java, C#, Python, etc.

Rust enums can go further though. We can attach data to each variant.


Let's say that we want to store the name of the person who's currently working on a ticket.
We would only have this information if the ticket is in progress. It wouldn't be there for a to-do ticket or a done ticket. We can model this by attaching a String field to the InProgress variant:

fn main() {
enum Status {
    InProgress {
        assigned_to: String,

InProgress is now a struct-like variant.
The syntax mirrors, in fact, the one we used to define a struct—it's just "inlined" inside the enum, as a variant.

Accessing variant data

If we try to access assigned_to on a Status instance,

fn main() {
let status: Status = /* */;

// This won't compile
println!("Assigned to: {}", status.assigned_to);

the compiler will stop us:

error[E0609]: no field `assigned_to` on type `Status`
 --> src/main.rs:5:40
5 |     println!("Assigned to: {}", status.assigned_to);
  |                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field

assigned_to is variant-specific, it's not available on all Status instances.
To access assigned_to, we need to use pattern matching:

fn main() {
match status {
    Status::InProgress { assigned_to } => {
        println!("Assigned to: {}", assigned_to);
    Status::ToDo | Status::Done => {


In the match pattern Status::InProgress { assigned_to }, assigned_to is a binding.
We're destructuring the Status::InProgress variant and binding the assigned_to field to a new variable, also named assigned_to.
If we wanted, we could bind the field to a different variable name:

fn main() {
match status {
    Status::InProgress { assigned_to: person } => {
        println!("Assigned to: {}", person);
    Status::ToDo | Status::Done => {


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/03_variants_with_data

Concise branching

Your solution to the previous exercise probably looks like this:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn assigned_to(&self) -> &str {
        match &self.status {
            Status::InProgress { assigned_to } => assigned_to,
            Status::Done | Status::ToDo => {
                    "Only `In-Progress` tickets can be \
                    assigned to someone"

You only care about the Status::InProgress variant. Do you really need to match on all the other variants?

New constructs to the rescue!

if let

The if let construct allows you to match on a single variant of an enum, without having to handle all the other variants.

Here's how you can use if let to simplify the assigned_to method:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn assigned_to(&self) -> &str {
        if let Status::InProgress { assigned_to } = &self.status {
        } else {
                "Only `In-Progress` tickets can be assigned to someone"


If the else branch is meant to return early (a panic counts as returning early!), you can use the let/else construct:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn assigned_to(&self) -> &str {
        let Status::InProgress { assigned_to } = &self.status else {
                "Only `In-Progress` tickets can be assigned to someone"

It allows you to assign the destructured variable without incurring any "right drift", i.e. the variable is assigned at the same indentation level as the code that precedes it.


Both if let and let/else are idiomatic Rust constructs.
Use them as you see fit to improve the readability of your code, but don't overdo it: match is always there when you need it.


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/04_if_let


Our implementation of the assigned method is fairly blunt: panicking for to-do and done tickets is far from ideal.
We can do better using Rust's Option type.


Option is a Rust type that represents nullable values.
It is an enum, defined in Rust's standard library:

fn main() {
enum Option<T> {

Option encodes the idea that a value might be present (Some(T)) or absent (None).
It also forces you to explicitly handle both cases. You'll get a compiler error if you are working with a nullable value and you forget to handle the None case.
This is a significant improvement over "implicit" nullability in other languages, where you can forget to check for null and thus trigger a runtime error.

Option's definition

Option's definition uses a Rust construct that you haven't seen before: tuple-like variants.

Tuple-like variants

Option has two variants: Some(T) and None.
Some is a tuple-like variant: it's a variant that holds unnamed fields.

Tuple-like variants are often used when there is a single field to store, especially when we're looking at a "wrapper" type like Option.

Tuple-like structs

They're not specific to enums—you can define tuple-like structs too:

fn main() {
struct Point(i32, i32);

You can then access the two fields of a Point instance using their positional index:

fn main() {
let point = Point(3, 4);
let x = point.0;
let y = point.1;


It's weird to say that something is tuple-like when we haven't seen tuples yet!
Tuples are another example of a primitive Rust type. They group together a fixed number of values with (potentially different) types:

fn main() {
// Two values, same type
let first: (i32, i32) = (3, 4);
// Three values, different types
let second: (i32, u32, u8) = (-42, 3, 8);

The syntax is simple: you list the types of the values between parentheses, separated by commas. You can access the fields of a tuple using the dot notation and the field index:

fn main() {
assert_eq!(second.0, -42);
assert_eq!(second.1, 3);
assert_eq!(second.2, 8);

Tuples are a convenient way of grouping values together when you can't be bothered to define a dedicated struct type.


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/05_nullability


Let's revisit the Ticket::new function from the previous exercise:

fn main() {
impl Ticket {
    pub fn new(
        title: String, 
        description: String, 
        status: Status
    ) -> Ticket {
        if title.is_empty() {
            panic!("Title cannot be empty");
        if title.len() > 50 {
            panic!("Title cannot be longer than 50 bytes");
        if description.is_empty() {
            panic!("Description cannot be empty");
        if description.len() > 500 {
            panic!("Description cannot be longer than 500 bytes");

        Ticket {

As soon as one of the checks fails, the function panics. This is not ideal, as it doesn't give the caller a chance to handle the error.

It's time to introduce the Result type, Rust's primary mechanism for error handling.

The Result type

The Result type is an enum defined in the standard library:

fn main() {
enum Result<T, E> {

It has two variants:

  • Ok(T): represents a successful operation. It holds T, the output of the operation.
  • Err(E): represents a failed operation. It holds E, the error that occurred.

Both Ok and Err are generic, allowing you to specify your own types for the success and error cases.

No exceptions

Recoverable errors in Rust are represented as values.
They're just an instance of a type, being passed around and manipulated like any other value. This is a significant difference from other languages, such as Python or C#, where exceptions are used to signal errors.

Exceptions create a separate control flow path that can be hard to reason about.
You don't know, just by looking at a function's signature, if it can throw an exception or not. You don't know, just by looking at a function's signature, which exception types it can throw.
You must either read the function's documentation or look at its implementation to find out.

Exception handling logic has very poor locality: the code that throws the exception is far removed from the code that catches it, and there's no direct link between the two.

Fallibility is encoded in the type system

Rust, with Result, forces you to encode fallibility in the function's signature.
If a function can fail (and you want the caller to have a shot at handling the error), it must return a Result.

fn main() {
// Just by looking at the signature, you know that this function 
// can fail. You can also inspect `ParseIntError` to see what 
// kind of failures to expect.
fn parse_int(s: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    // ...

That's the big advantage of Result: it makes fallibility explicit.

Keep in mind, though, that panics exist. They aren't tracked by the type system, just like exceptions in other languages. But they're meant for unrecoverable errors and should be used sparingly.


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/06_fallibility


Ticket::new now returns a Result instead of panicking on invalid inputs.
What does this mean for the caller?

Failures can't be (implicitly) ignored

Unlike exceptions, Rust's Result forces you to handle errors at the call site.
If you call a function that returns a Result, Rust won't allow you to implicitly ignore the error case.

fn main() {
fn parse_int(s: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    // ...

// This won't compile: we're not handling the error case.
// We must either use `match` or one of the combinators provided by 
// `Result` to "unwrap" the success value or handle the error.
let number = parse_int("42") + 2;

You got a Result. Now what?

When you call a function that returns a Result, you have two key options:

  • Panic if the operation failed. This is done using either the unwrap or expect methods.
    fn main() {
    // Panics if `parse_int` returns an `Err`.
    let number = parse_int("42").unwrap();
    // `expect` lets you specify a custom panic message.
    let number = parse_int("42").expect("Failed to parse integer");
  • Destructure the Result using a match expression to deal with the error case explicitly.
    fn main() {
    match parse_int("42") {
        Ok(number) => println!("Parsed number: {}", number),
        Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err),


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/07_unwrap

Error enums

Your solution to the previous exercise may have felt awkward: matching on strings is not ideal!
A colleague might rework the error messages returned by Ticket::new (e.g. to improve readability) and, all of a sudden, your calling code would break.

You already know the machinery required to fix this: enums!

Reacting to errors

When you want to allow the caller to behave differently based on the specific error that occurred, you can use an enum to represent the different error cases:

fn main() {
// An error enum to represent the different error cases
// that may occur when parsing a `u32` from a string.
enum U32ParseError {

Using an error enum, you're encoding the different error cases in the type system—they become part of the signature of the fallible function.
This simplifies error handling for the caller, as they can use a match expression to react to the different error cases:

fn main() {
match s.parse_u32() {
    Ok(n) => n,
    Err(U32ParseError::Negative) => 0,
    Err(U32ParseError::TooLarge) => u32::MAX,
    Err(U32ParseError::NotANumber) => {
        panic!("Not a number: {}", s);


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/08_error_enums

Error trait

Error reporting

In the previous exercise you had to destructure the TitleError variant to extract the error message and pass it to the panic! macro.
This is a (rudimentary) example of error reporting: transforming an error type into a representation that can be shown to a user, a service operator, or a developer.

It's not practical for each Rust developer to come up with their own error reporting strategy: it'd be a waste of time and it wouldn't compose well across projects. That's why Rust provides the std::error::Error trait.

The Error trait

There are no constraints on the type of the Err variant in a Result, but it's a good practice to use a type that implements the Error trait. Error is the cornerstone of Rust's error handling story:

fn main() {
// Slightly simplified definition of the `Error` trait
pub trait Error: Debug + Display {}

You might recall the : syntax from the From trait—it's used to specify supertraits. For Error, there are two supertraits: Debug and Display. If a type wants to implement Error, it must also implement Debug and Display.

Display and Debug

We've already encountered the Debug trait in a previous exercise—it's the trait used by assert_eq! to display the values of the variables it's comparing when the assertion fails.

From a "mechanical" perspective, Display and Debug are identical—they encode how a type should be converted into a string-like representation:

fn main() {
// `Debug`
pub trait Debug {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>;

// `Display`
pub trait Display {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>;

The difference is in their purpose: Display returns a representation that's meant for "end-users", while Debug provides a low-level representation that's more suitable to developers and service operators.
That's why Debug can be automatically implemented using the #[derive(Debug)] attribute, while Display requires a manual implementation.


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/09_error_trait

Libraries and binaries

It took a bit of code to implement the Error trait for TicketNewError, didn't it?
A manual Display implementation, plus an Error impl block.

We can remove some of the boilerplate by using thiserror, a Rust crate that provides a procedural macro to simplify the creation of custom error types.
But we're getting ahead of ourselves: thiserror is a third-party crate, it'd be our first dependency!

Let's take a step back to talk about Rust's packaging system before we dive into dependencies.

What is a package?

A Rust package is defined by the [package] section in a Cargo.toml file, also known as its manifest. Within [package] you can set the package's metadata, such as its name and version.

Go check the Cargo.toml file in the directory of this section's exercise!

What is a crate?

Inside a package, you can have one or more crates, also known as targets.
The two most common crate types are binary crates and library crates.


A binary is a program that can be compiled to an executable file.
It must include a function named main—the program's entry point. main is invoked when the program is executed.


Libraries, on the other hand, are not executable on their own. You can't run a library, but you can import its code from another package that depends on it.
A library groups together code (i.e. functions, types, etc.) that can be leveraged by other packages as a dependency.

All the exercises you've solved so far have been structured as libraries, with a test suite attached to them.


There are some conventions around Rust packages that you need to keep in mind:

  • The package's source code is usually located in the src directory.
  • If there's a src/lib.rs file, cargo will infer that the package contains a library crate.
  • If there's a src/main.rs file, cargo will infer that the package contains a binary crate.

You can override these defaults by explicitly declaring your targets in the Cargo.toml file—see cargo's documentation for more details.

Keep in mind that while a package can contain multiple crates, it can only contain one library crate.


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/10_packages


A package can depend on other packages by listing them in the [dependencies] section of its Cargo.toml file.
The most common way to specify a dependency is by providing its name and version:

thiserror = "1"

This will add thiserror as a dependency to your package, with a minimum version of 1.0.0. thiserror will be pulled from crates.io, Rust's official package registry. When you run cargo build, cargo will go through a few stages:

  • Dependency resolution
  • Downloading the dependencies
  • Compiling your project (your own code and the dependencies)

Dependency resolution is skipped if your project has a Cargo.lock file and your manifest files are unchanged. A lockfile is automatically generated by cargo after a successful round of dependency resolution: it contains the exact versions of all dependencies used in your project, and is used to ensure that the same versions are consistently used across different builds (e.g. in CI). If you're working on a project with multiple developers, you should commit the Cargo.lock file to your version control system.

You can use cargo update to update the Cargo.lock file with the latest (compatible) versions of all your dependencies.

Path dependencies

You can also specify a dependency using a path. This is useful when you're working on multiple local packages.

my-library = { path = "../my-library" }

The path is relative to the Cargo.toml file of the package that's declaring the dependency.

Other sources

Check out the Cargo documentation for more details on where you can get dependencies from and how to specify them in your Cargo.toml file.

Dev dependencies

You can also specify dependencies that are only needed for development—i.e. they only get pulled in when you're running cargo test.
They go in the [dev-dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml file:

static_assertions = "1.1.0"

We've been using a few of these throughout the book to shorten our tests.


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/11_dependencies


That was a bit of detour, wasn't it? But a necessary one!
Let's get back on track now: custom error types and thiserror.

Custom error types

We've seen how to implement the Error trait "manually" for a custom error type.
Imagine that you have to do this for most error types in your codebase. That's a lot of boilerplate, isn't it?

We can remove some of the boilerplate by using thiserror, a Rust crate that provides a procedural macro to simplify the creation of custom error types.

fn main() {
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
enum TicketNewError {

You can write your own macros

All the derive macros we've seen so far were provided by the Rust standard library.
thiserror::Error is the first example of a third-party derive macro.

derive macros are a subset of procedural macros, a way to generate Rust code at compile time. We won't get into the details of how to write a procedural macro in this course, but it's important to know that you can write your own!
A topic to approach in a more advanced Rust course.

Custom syntax

Each procedural macro can define its own syntax, which is usually explained in the crate's documentation. In the case of thiserror, we have:

  • #[derive(thiserror::Error)]: this is the syntax to derive the Error trait for a custom error type, helped by thiserror.
  • #[error("{0}")]: this is the syntax to define a Display implementation for each variant of the custom error type. {0} is replaced by the zero-th field of the variant (String, in this case) when the error is displayed.


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/12_thiserror

TryFrom and TryInto

In the previous chapter we looked at the From and Into traits, Rust's idiomatic interfaces for infallible type conversions.
But what if the conversion is not guaranteed to succeed?

We now know enough about errors to discuss the fallible counterparts of From and Into: TryFrom and TryInto.

TryFrom and TryInto

Both TryFrom and TryInto are defined in the std::convert module, just like From and Into.

fn main() {
pub trait TryFrom<T>: Sized {
    type Error;
    fn try_from(value: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;

pub trait TryInto<T>: Sized {
    type Error;
    fn try_into(self) -> Result<T, Self::Error>;

The main difference between From/Into and TryFrom/TryInto is that the latter return a Result type.
This allows the conversion to fail, returning an error instead of panicking.


Both TryFrom and TryInto have an associated Error type. This allows each implementation to specify its own error type, ideally the most appropriate for the conversion being attempted.

Self::Error is a way to refer to the Error associated type defined in the trait itself.


Just like From and Into, TryFrom and TryInto are dual traits.
If you implement TryFrom for a type, you get TryInto for free.


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/13_try_from


There's one more thing we need to talk about to complete our coverage of the Error trait: the source method.

fn main() {
// Full definition this time!
pub trait Error: Debug + Display {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {

The source method is a way to access the error cause, if any.
Errors are often chained, meaning that one error is the cause of another: you have a high-level error (e.g. cannot connect to the database) that is caused by a lower-level error (e.g. can't resolve the database hostname). The source method allows you to "walk" the full chain of errors, often used when capturing error context in logs.

Implementing source

The Error trait provides a default implementation that always returns None (i.e. no underlying cause). That's why you didn't have to care about source in the previous exercises.
You can override this default implementation to provide a cause for your error type.

fn main() {
use std::error::Error;

struct DatabaseError {
    source: std::io::Error

impl std::fmt::Display for DatabaseError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Failed to connect to the database")

impl std::error::Error for DatabaseError {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {

In this example, DatabaseError wraps an std::io::Error as its source. We then override the source method to return this source when called.

&(dyn Error + 'static)

What's this &(dyn Error + 'static) type?
Let's unpack it:

  • dyn Error is a trait object. It's a way to refer to any type that implements the Error trait.
  • 'static is a special lifetime specifier. 'static implies that the reference is valid for "as long as we need it", i.e. the entire program execution.

Combined: &(dyn Error + 'static) is a reference to a trait object that implements the Error trait and is valid for the entire program execution.

Don't worry too much about either of these concepts for now. We'll cover them in more detail in future chapters.

Implementing source using thiserror

thiserror provides three ways to automatically implement source for your error types:

  • A field named source will automatically be used as the source of the error.
    fn main() {
    use thiserror::Error;
    #[derive(Error, Debug)]
    pub enum MyError {
        #[error("Failed to connect to the database")]
        DatabaseError {
            source: std::io::Error
  • A field annotated with the #[source] attribute will automatically be used as the source of the error.
    fn main() {
    use thiserror::Error;
    #[derive(Error, Debug)]
    pub enum MyError {
        #[error("Failed to connect to the database")]
        DatabaseError {
            inner: std::io::Error
  • A field annotated with the #[from] attribute will automatically be used as the source of the error and thiserror will automatically generate a From implementation to convert the annotated type into your error type.
    fn main() {
    use thiserror::Error;
    #[derive(Error, Debug)]
    pub enum MyError {
        #[error("Failed to connect to the database")]
        DatabaseError {
            inner: std::io::Error

The ? operator

The ? operator is a shorthand for propagating errors.
When used in a function that returns a Result, it will return early with an error if the Result is Err.

For example:

fn main() {
use std::fs::File;

fn read_file() -> Result<String, std::io::Error> {
    let mut file = File::open("file.txt")?;
    let mut contents = String::new();
    file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?;

is equivalent to:

fn main() {
use std::fs::File;

fn read_file() -> Result<String, std::io::Error> {
    let mut file = match File::open("file.txt") {
        Ok(file) => file,
        Err(e) => {
            return Err(e);
    let mut contents = String::new();
    match file.read_to_string(&mut contents) {
        Ok(_) => (),
        Err(e) => {
            return Err(e);

You can use the ? operator to shorten your error handling code significantly.
In particular, the ? operator will automatically convert the error type of the fallible operation into the error type of the function, if a conversion is possible (i.e. if there is a suitable From implementation)


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/14_source

Wrapping up

When it comes to domain modelling, the devil is in the details.
Rust offers a wide range of tools to help you represent the constraints of your domain directly in the type system, but it takes some practice to get it right and write code that looks idiomatic.

Let's close the chapter with one final refinement of our Ticket model.
We'll introduce a new type for each of the fields in Ticket to encapsulate the respective constraints.
Every time someone accesses a Ticket field, they'll get back a value that's guaranteed to be valid—i.e. a TicketTitle instead of a String. They won't have to worry about the title being empty elsewhere in the code: as long as they have a TicketTitle, they know it's valid by construction.

This is just an example of how you can use Rust's type system to make your code safer and more expressive.

Further reading


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/15_outro


In the previous chapter we modelled Ticket in a vacuum: we defined its fields and their constraints, we learned how to best represent them in Rust, but we didn't consider how Ticket fits into a larger system. We'll use this chapter to build a simple workflow around Ticket, introducing a (rudimentary) management system to store and retrieve tickets.

The task will give us an opportunity to explore new Rust concepts, such as:

  • Stack-allocated arrays
  • Vec, a growable array type
  • Iterator and IntoIterator, for iterating over collections
  • Slices (&[T]), to work with parts of a collection
  • Lifetimes, to describe how long references are valid
  • HashMap and BTreeMap, two key-value data structures
  • Eq and Hash, to compare keys in a HashMap
  • Ord and PartialOrd, to work with a BTreeMap
  • Index and IndexMut, to access elements in a collection


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/00_intro


As soon as we start talking about "ticket management" we need to think about a way to store multiple tickets. In turn, this means we need to think about collections. In particular, homogeneous collections: we want to store multiple instances of the same type.

What does Rust have to offer in this regard?


A first attempt could be to use an array.
Arrays in Rust are fixed-size collections of elements of the same type.

Here's how you can define an array:

fn main() {
// Array type syntax: [ <type> ; <number of elements> ]
let numbers: [u32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];

This creates an array of 3 integers, initialized with the values 1, 2, and 3.
The type of the array is [u32; 3], which reads as "an array of u32s with a length of 3".

Accessing elements

You can access elements of an array using square brackets:

fn main() {
let first = numbers[0];
let second = numbers[1];
let third = numbers[2];

The index must be of type usize.
Arrays are zero-indexed, like everything in Rust. You've seen this before with string slices and field indexing in tuples/tuple-like variants.

Out-of-bounds access

If you try to access an element that's out of bounds, Rust will panic:

fn main() {
let numbers: [u32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
let fourth = numbers[3]; // This will panic

This is enforced at runtime using bounds checking. It comes with a small performance overhead, but it's how Rust prevents buffer overflows.
In some scenarios the Rust compiler can optimize away bounds checks, especially if iterators are involved—we'll speak more about this later on.

If you don't want to panic, you can use the get method, which returns an Option<&T>:

fn main() {
let numbers: [u32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
assert_eq!(numbers.get(0), Some(&1));
// You get a `None` if you try to access an out-of-bounds index
// rather than a panic.
assert_eq!(numbers.get(3), None);


Since the size of an array is known at compile-time, the compiler can allocate the array on the stack. If you run the following code:

fn main() {
let numbers: [u32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];

You'll get the following memory layout:

Stack:  | 1 | 2 | 3 |

In other words, the size of an array is std::mem::size_of::<T>() * N, where T is the type of the elements and N is the number of elements.
You can access and replace each element in O(1) time.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/01_arrays


Arrays' strength is also their weakness: their size must be known upfront, at compile-time. If you try to create an array with a size that's only known at runtime, you'll get a compilation error:

fn main() {
let n = 10;
let numbers: [u32; n];
error[E0435]: attempt to use a non-constant value in a constant
 --> src/main.rs:3:20
2 | let n = 10;
3 | let numbers: [u32; n];
  |                    ^ non-constant value

Arrays wouldn't work for our ticket management system—we don't know how many tickets we'll need to store at compile-time. This is where Vec comes in.


Vec is a growable array type, provided by the standard library.
You can create an empty array using the Vec::new function:

fn main() {
let mut numbers: Vec<u32> = Vec::new();

You would then push elements into the vector using the push method:

fn main() {

New values are added to the end of the vector.
You can also create an initialized vector using the vec! macro, if you know the values at creation time:

fn main() {
let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3];

Accessing elements

The syntax for accessing elements is the same as with arrays:

fn main() {
let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3];
let first = numbers[0];
let second = numbers[1];
let third = numbers[2];

The index must be of type usize.
You can also use the get method, which returns an Option<&T>:

fn main() {
let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3];
assert_eq!(numbers.get(0), Some(&1));
// You get a `None` if you try to access an out-of-bounds index
// rather than a panic.
assert_eq!(numbers.get(3), None);

Access is bounds-checked, just like element access with arrays. It has O(1) complexity.

Memory layout

Vec is a heap-allocated data structure.
When you create a Vec, it allocates memory on the heap to store the elements.

If you run the following code:

fn main() {
let mut numbers = Vec::with_capacity(3);

you'll get the following memory layout:

Stack | pointer | length | capacity | 
      |  |      |   2    |    3     |
Heap:  | 1 | 2 | ? |

Vec keeps track of three things:

  • The pointer to the heap region you reserved.
  • The length of the vector, i.e. how many elements are in the vector.
  • The capacity of the vector, i.e. the number of elements that can fit in the space reserved on the heap.

This layout should look familiar: it's exactly the same as String!
That's not a coincidence: String is defined as a vector of bytes, Vec<u8>, under the hood:

fn main() {
pub struct String {
    vec: Vec<u8>,


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/02_vec


We said that Vec is a "growable" vector type, but what does that mean? What happens if you try to insert an element into a Vec that's already at maximum capacity?

fn main() {
let mut numbers = Vec::with_capacity(3);
numbers.push(3); // Max capacity reached
numbers.push(4); // What happens here?

The Vec will resize itself.
It will ask the allocator for a new (larger) chunk of heap memory, copy the elements over, and deallocate the old memory.

This operation can be expensive, as it involves a new memory allocation and copying all existing elements.


If you have a rough idea of how many elements you'll store in a Vec, you can use the Vec::with_capacity method to pre-allocate enough memory upfront.
This can avoid a new allocation when the Vec grows, but it may waste memory if you overestimate actual usage.

Evaluate on a case-by-case basis.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/03_resizing


During the very first exercises, you learned that Rust lets you iterate over collections using for loops. We were looking at ranges at that point (e.g. 0..5), but the same holds true for collections like arrays and vectors.

fn main() {
// It works for `Vec`s
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
for n in v {
    println!("{}", n);

// It also works for arrays
let a: [u32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
for n in a {
    println!("{}", n);

It's time to understand how this works under the hood.

for desugaring

Every time you write a for loop in Rust, the compiler desugars it into the following code:

fn main() {
let mut iter = IntoIterator::into_iter(v);
loop {
    match iter.next() {
        Some(n) => {
            println!("{}", n);
        None => break,

loop is another looping construct, on top of for and while.
A loop block will run forever, unless you explicitly break out of it.

Iterator trait

The next method in the previous code snippet comes from the Iterator trait. The Iterator trait is defined in Rust's standard library and provides a shared interface for types that can produce a sequence of values:

fn main() {
trait Iterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

The Item associated type specifies the type of the values produced by the iterator.

next returns the next value in the sequence.
It returns Some(value) if there's a value to return, and None when there isn't.

Be careful: there is no guarantee that an iterator is exhausted when it returns None. That's only guaranteed if the iterator implements the (more restrictive) FusedIterator trait.

IntoIterator trait

Not all types implement Iterator, but many can be converted into a type that does.
That's where the IntoIterator trait comes in:

fn main() {
trait IntoIterator {
    type Item;
    type IntoIter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;
    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter;

The into_iter method consumes the original value and returns an iterator over its elements.
A type can only have one implementation of IntoIterator: there can be no ambiguity as to what for should desugar to.

One detail: every type that implements Iterator automatically implements IntoIterator as well. They just return themselves from into_iter!

Bounds checks

Iterating over iterators has a nice side effect: you can't go out of bounds, by design.
This allows Rust to remove bounds checks from the generated machine code, making iteration faster.

In other words,

fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
for n in v {
    println!("{}", n);

is usually faster than

fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
for i in 0..v.len() {
    println!("{}", v[i]);

There are exceptions to this rule: the compiler can sometimes prove that you're not going out of bounds even with manual indexing, thus removing the bounds checks anyway. But in general, prefer iteration to indexing where possible.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/04_iterators


IntoIterator consumes self to create an iterator.

This has its benefits: you get owned values from the iterator. For example: if you call .into_iter() on a Vec<Ticket> you'll get an iterator that returns Ticket values.

That's also its downside: you can no longer use the original collection after calling .into_iter() on it. Quite often you want to iterate over a collection without consuming it, looking at references to the values instead. In the case of Vec<Ticket>, you'd want to iterate over &Ticket values.

Most collections expose a method called .iter() that returns an iterator over references to the collection's elements. For example:

fn main() {
let numbers: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 2];
// `n` has type `&u32` here
for n in numbers.iter() {
    // [...]

This pattern can be simplified by implementing IntoIterator for a reference to the collection. In our example above, that would be &Vec<Ticket>.
The standard library does this, that's why the following code works:

fn main() {
let numbers: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 2];
// `n` has type `&u32` here
// We didn't have to call `.iter()` explicitly
// It was enough to use `&numbers` in the `for` loop
for n in &numbers {
    // [...]

It's idiomatic to provide both options:

  • An implementation of IntoIterator for a reference to the collection.
  • An .iter() method that returns an iterator over references to the collection's elements.

The former is convenient in for loops, the latter is more explicit and can be used in other contexts.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/05_iter


Let's try to complete the previous exercise by adding an implementation of IntoIterator for &TicketStore, for maximum convenience in for loops.

Let's start by filling in the most "obvious" parts of the implementation:

fn main() {
impl IntoIterator for &TicketStore {
    type Item = &Ticket;
    type IntoIter = // What goes here?

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

What should type IntoIter be set to?
Intuitively, it should be the type returned by self.tickets.iter(), i.e. the type returned by Vec::iter().
If you check the standard library documentation, you'll find that Vec::iter() returns an std::slice::Iter. The definition of Iter is:

fn main() {
pub struct Iter<'a, T> { /* fields omitted */ }

'a is a lifetime parameter.

Lifetime parameters

Lifetimes are labels used by the Rust compiler to keep track of how long a reference (either mutable or immutable) is valid.
The lifetime of a reference is constrained by the scope of the value it refers to. Rust always makes sure, at compile-time, that references are not used after the value they refer to has been dropped, to avoid dangling pointers and use-after-free bugs.

This should sound familiar: we've already seen these concepts in action when we discussed ownership and borrowing. Lifetimes are just a way to name how long a specific reference is valid.

Naming becomes important when you have multiple references and you need to clarify how they relate to each other. Let's look at the signature of Vec::iter():

fn main() {
impl <T> Vec<T> {
    // Slightly simplified
    pub fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Iter<'a, T> {
        // [...]

Vec::iter() is generic over a lifetime parameter, named 'a.
'a is used to tie together the lifetime of the Vec and the lifetime of the Iter returned by iter(). In plain English: the Iter returned by iter() cannot outlive the Vec reference (&self) it was created from.

This is important because Vec::iter, as we discussed, returns an iterator over references to the Vec's elements. If the Vec is dropped, the references returned by the iterator would be invalid. Rust must make sure this doesn't happen, and lifetimes are the tool it uses to enforce this rule.

Lifetime elision

Rust has a set of rules, called lifetime elision rules, that allow you to omit explicit lifetime annotations in many cases. For example, Vec::iter's definition looks like this in std's source code:

fn main() {
impl <T> Vec<T> {
    pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T> {
        // [...]

No explicit lifetime parameter is present in the signature of Vec::iter(). Elision rules imply that the lifetime of the Iter returned by iter() is tied to the lifetime of the &self reference. You can think of '_ as a placeholder for the lifetime of the &self reference.

See the References section for a link to the official documentation on lifetime elision.
In most cases, you can rely on the compiler telling you when you need to add explicit lifetime annotations.



The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/06_lifetimes


Iterators can do so much more than for loops!
If you look at the documentation for the Iterator trait, you'll find a vast collections of methods that you can leverage to transform, filter, and combine iterators in various ways.

Let's mention the most common ones:

  • map applies a function to each element of the iterator.
  • filter keeps only the elements that satisfy a predicate.
  • filter_map combines filter and map in one step.
  • cloned converts an iterator of references into an iterator of values, cloning each element.
  • enumerate returns a new iterator that yields (index, value) pairs.
  • skip skips the first n elements of the iterator.
  • take stops the iterator after n elements.
  • chain combines two iterators into one.

These methods are called combinators.
They are usually chained together to create complex transformations in a concise and readable way:

fn main() {
let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// The sum of the squares of the even numbers
let outcome: u32 = numbers.iter()
    .filter(|&n| n % 2 == 0)
    .map(|&n| n * n)


What's going on with the filter and map methods above?
They take closures as arguments.

Closures are anonymous functions, i.e. functions that are not defined using the fn syntax we are used to.
They are defined using the |args| body syntax, where args are the arguments and body is the function body. body can be a block of code or a single expression. For example:

fn main() {
// An anonymous function that adds 1 to its argument
let add_one = |x| x + 1;
// Could be written with a block too:
let add_one = |x| { x + 1 };

Closures can take more than one argument:

fn main() {
let add = |x, y| x + y;
let sum = add(1, 2);

They can also capture variables from their environment:

fn main() {
let x = 42;
let add_x = |y| x + y;
let sum = add_x(1);

If necessary, you can specify the types of the arguments and/or the return type:

fn main() {
// Just the input type
let add_one = |x: i32| x + 1;
// Or both input and output types, using the `fn` syntax
let add_one: fn(i32) -> i32 = |x| x + 1;


What happens when you're done transforming an iterator using combinators?
You either iterate over the transformed values using a for loop, or you collect them into a collection.

The latter is done using the collect method.
collect consumes the iterator and collects its elements into a collection of your choice.

For example, you can collect the squares of the even numbers into a Vec:

fn main() {
let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let squares_of_evens: Vec<u32> = numbers.iter()
    .filter(|&n| n % 2 == 0)
    .map(|&n| n * n)

collect is generic over its return type.
Therefore you usually need to provide a type hint to help the compiler infer the correct type. In the example above, we annotated the type of squares_of_evens to be Vec<u32>. Alternatively, you can use the turbofish syntax to specify the type:

fn main() {
let squares_of_evens = numbers.iter()
    .filter(|&n| n % 2 == 0)
    .map(|&n| n * n)
    // Turbofish syntax: `<method_name>::<type>()`
    // It's called turbofish because `::<>` looks like a fish

Further reading


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/07_combinators

impl Trait

TicketStore::to_dos returns a Vec<&Ticket>.
That signature introduces a new heap allocation every time to_dos is called, which may be unnecessary depending on what the caller needs to do with the result. It'd be better if to_dos returned an iterator instead of a Vec, thus empowering the caller to decide whether to collect the results into a Vec or just iterate over them.

That's tricky though! What's the return type of to_dos, as implemented below?

fn main() {
impl TicketStore {
    pub fn to_dos(&self) -> ??? {
        self.tickets.iter().filter(|t| t.status == Status::ToDo)

Unnameable types

The filter method returns an instance of std::iter::Filter, which has the following definition:

fn main() {
pub struct Filter<I, P> { /* fields omitted */ }

where I is the type of the iterator being filtered on and P is the predicate used to filter the elements.
We know that I is std::slice::Iter<'_, Ticket> in this case, but what about P?
P is a closure, an anonymous function. As the name suggests, closures don't have a name, so we can't write them down in our code.

Rust has a solution for this: impl Trait.

impl Trait

impl Trait is a feature that allows you to return a type without specifying its name. You just declare what trait(s) the type implements, and Rust figures out the rest.

In this case, we want to return an iterator of references to Tickets:

fn main() {
impl TicketStore {
    pub fn to_dos(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Ticket> {
        self.tickets.iter().filter(|t| t.status == Status::ToDo)

That's it!


impl Trait in return position is not a generic parameter.

Generics are placeholders for types that are filled in by the caller of the function. A function with a generic parameter is polymorphic: it can be called with different types, and the compiler will generate a different implementation for each type.

That's not the case with impl Trait. The return type of a function with impl Trait is fixed at compile time, and the compiler will generate a single implementation for it. This is why impl Trait is also called opaque return type: the caller doesn't know the exact type of the return value, only that it implements the specified trait(s). But the compiler knows the exact type, there is no polymorphism involved.


If you read RFCs or deep-dives about Rust, you might come across the acronym RPIT.
It stands for "Return Position Impl Trait" and refers to the use of impl Trait in return position.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/08_impl_trait

impl Trait in argument position

In the previous section, we saw how impl Trait can be used to return a type without specifying its name.
The same syntax can also be used in argument position:

fn main() {
fn print_iter(iter: impl Iterator<Item = i32>) {
    for i in iter {
        println!("{}", i);

print_iter takes an iterator of i32s and prints each element.
When used in argument position, impl Trait is equivalent to a generic parameter with a trait bound:

fn main() {
fn print_iter<T>(iter: T) 
    T: Iterator<Item = i32>
    for i in iter {
        println!("{}", i);


As a rule of thumb, prefer generics over impl Trait in argument position.
Generics allow the caller to explicitly specify the type of the argument, using the turbofish syntax (::<>), which can be useful for disambiguation. That's not the case with impl Trait.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/09_impl_trait_2


Let's go back to the memory layout of a Vec:

fn main() {
let mut numbers = Vec::with_capacity(3);
Stack | pointer | length | capacity | 
      |  |      |   2    |    3     |
Heap:  | 1 | 2 | ? |

We already remarked how String is just a Vec<u8> in disguise.
The similarity should prompt you to ask: "What's the equivalent of &str for Vec?"


[T] is a slice of a contiguous sequence of elements of type T.
It's most commonly used in its borrowed form, &[T].

There are various ways to create a slice reference from a Vec:

fn main() {
let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3];
// Via index syntax
let slice: &[i32] = &numbers[..];
// Via a method
let slice: &[i32] = numbers.as_slice();
// Or for a subset of the elements
let slice: &[i32] = &numbers[1..];

Vec implements the Deref trait using [T] as the target type, so you can use slice methods on a Vec directly thanks to deref coercion:

fn main() {
let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3];
// Surprise, surprise: `iter` is not a method on `Vec`!
// It's a method on `&[T]`, but you can call it on a `Vec` 
// thanks to deref coercion.
let sum: i32 = numbers.iter().sum();

Memory layout

A &[T] is a fat pointer, just like &str.
It consists of a pointer to the first element of the slice and the length of the slice.

If you have a Vec with three elements:

fn main() {
let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3];

and then create a slice reference:

fn main() {
let slice: &[i32] = &numbers[1..];

you'll get this memory layout:

                  numbers                          slice
      +---------+--------+----------+      +---------+--------+
Stack | pointer | length | capacity |      | pointer | length |
      |    |    |   3    |    4     |      |    |    |   2    |
      +----|----+--------+----------+      +----|----+--------+
           |                                    |  
           |                                    |
           v                                    | 
         +---+---+---+---+                      |
Heap:    | 1 | 2 | 3 | ? |                      |
         +---+---+---+---+                      |
               ^                                |
               |                                |

&Vec<T> vs &[T]

When you need to pass an immutable reference to a Vec to a function, prefer &[T] over &Vec<T>.
This allows the function to accept any kind of slice, not necessarily one backed by a Vec.

For example, you can then pass a subset of the elements in a Vec. But it goes further than that—you could also pass a slice of an array:

fn main() {
let array = [1, 2, 3];
let slice: &[i32] = &array;

Array slices and Vec slices are the same type: they're fat pointers to a contiguous sequence of elements. In the case of arrays, the pointer points to the stack rather than the heap, but that doesn't matter when it comes to using the slice.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/10_slices

Mutable slices

Every time we've talked about slice types (like str and [T]), we've used their immutable borrow form (&str and &[T]).
But slices can also be mutable!

Here's how you create a mutable slice:

fn main() {
let mut numbers = vec![1, 2, 3];
let slice: &mut [i32] = &mut numbers;

You can then modify the elements in the slice:

fn main() {
slice[0] = 42;

This will change the first element of the Vec to 42.


When working with immutable borrows, the recommendation was clear: prefer slice references over references to the owned type (e.g. &[T] over &Vec<T>).
That's not the case with mutable borrows.

Consider this scenario:

fn main() {
let mut numbers = Vec::with_capacity(2);
let mut slice: &mut [i32] = &mut numbers;

It won't compile!
push is a method on Vec, not on slices. This is the manifestation of a more general principle: Rust won't allow you to add or remove elements from a slice. You will only be able to modify/replace the elements that are already there.

In this regard, a &mut Vec or a &mut String are strictly more powerful than a &mut [T] or a &mut str.
Choose the type that best fits based on the operations you need to perform.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/11_mutable_slices

Ticket ids

Let's think again about our ticket management system.
Our ticket model right now looks like this:

fn main() {
pub struct Ticket {
    pub title: TicketTitle,
    pub description: TicketDescription,
    pub status: Status

One thing is missing here: an identifier to uniquely identify a ticket.
That identifier should be unique for each ticket. That can be guaranteed by generating it automatically when a new ticket is created.

Refining the model

Where should the id be stored?
We could add a new field to the Ticket struct:

fn main() {
pub struct Ticket {
    pub id: TicketId,
    pub title: TicketTitle,
    pub description: TicketDescription,
    pub status: Status

But we don't know the id before creating the ticket. So it can't be there from the get-go.
It'd have to be optional:

fn main() {
pub struct Ticket {
    pub id: Option<TicketId>,
    pub title: TicketTitle,
    pub description: TicketDescription,
    pub status: Status

That's also not ideal—we'd have to handle the None case every single time we retrieve a ticket from the store, even though we know that the id should always be there once the ticket has been created.

The best solution is to have two different ticket states, represented by two separate types: a TicketDraft and a Ticket:

fn main() {
pub struct TicketDraft {
    pub title: TicketTitle,
    pub description: TicketDescription

pub struct Ticket {
    pub id: TicketId,
    pub title: TicketTitle,
    pub description: TicketDescription,
    pub status: Status

A TicketDraft is a ticket that hasn't been created yet. It doesn't have an id, and it doesn't have a status.
A Ticket is a ticket that has been created. It has an id and a status.
Since each field in TicketDraft and Ticket embeds its own constraints, we don't have to duplicate logic across the two types.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/12_two_states


TicketStore::get returns an Option<&Ticket> for a given TicketId.
We've seen before how to access elements of arrays and vectors using Rust's indexing syntax:

fn main() {
let v = vec![0, 1, 2];
assert_eq!(v[0], 0);

How can we provide the same experience for TicketStore?
You guessed right: we need to implement a trait, Index!


The Index trait is defined in Rust's standard library:

fn main() {
// Slightly simplified
pub trait Index<Idx>
    type Output;

    // Required method
    fn index(&self, index: Idx) -> &Self::Output;

It has:

  • One generic parameter, Idx, to represent the index type
  • One associated type, Output, to represent the type we retrieved using the index

Notice how the index method doesn't return an Option. The assumption is that index will panic if you try to access an element that's not there, as it happens for array and vec indexing.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/13_index

Mutable indexing

Index allows read-only access. It doesn't let you mutate the value you retrieved.


If you want to allow mutability, you need to implement the IndexMut trait.

fn main() {
// Slightly simplified
pub trait IndexMut<Idx>: Index<Idx>
    // Required method
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Idx) -> &mut Self::Output;

IndexMut can only be implemented if the type already implements Index, since it unlocks an additional capability.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/14_index_mut


Our implementation of Index/IndexMut is not ideal: we need to iterate over the entire Vec to retrieve a ticket by id; the algorithmic complexity is O(n), where n is the number of tickets in the store.

We can do better by using a different data structure for storing tickets: a HashMap<K, V>.

fn main() {
use std::collections::HashMap;

// Type inference lets us omit an explicit type signature (which
// would be `HashMap<String, String>` in this example).
let mut book_reviews = HashMap::new();

    "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn".to_string(),
    "My favorite book.".to_string(),

HashMap works with key-value pairs. It's generic over both: K is the generic parameter for the key type, while V is the one for the value type.

The expected cost of insertions, retrievals and removals is constant, O(1). That sounds perfect for our usecase, doesn't it?

Key requirements

There are no trait bounds on HashMap's struct definition, but you'll find some on its methods. Let's look at insert, for example:

fn main() {
// Slightly simplified
impl<K, V> HashMap<K, V>
    K: Eq + Hash,
    pub fn insert(&mut self, k: K, v: V) -> Option<V> {
        // [...]

The key type must implement the Eq and Hash traits.
Let's dig into those two.


A hashing function (or hasher) maps a potentially infinite set of a values (e.g. all possible strings) to a bounded range (e.g. a u64 value).
There are many different hashing functions around, each with different properties (speed, collision risk, reversibility, etc.).

A HashMap, as the name suggests, uses a hashing function behind the scene. It hashes your key and then uses that hash to store/retrieve the associated value. This strategy requires the key type must be hashable, hence the Hash trait bound on K.

You can find the Hash trait in the std::hash module:

fn main() {
pub trait Hash {
    // Required method
    fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
       where H: Hasher;

You will rarely implement Hash manually. Most of the times you'll derive it:

fn main() {
struct Person {
    id: u32,
    name: String,


HashMap must be able to compare keys for equality. This is particularly important when dealing with hash collisions—i.e. when two different keys hash to the same value.

You may wonder: isn't that what the PartialEq trait is for? Almost!
PartialEq is not enough for HashMap because it doesn't guarantee reflexivity, i.e. a == a is always true.
For example, floating point numbers (f32 and f64) implement PartialEq, but they don't satisfy the reflexivity property: f32::NAN == f32::NAN is false.
Reflexivity is crucial for HashMap to work correctly: without it, you wouldn't be able to retrieve a value from the map using the same key you used to insert it.

The Eq trait extends PartialEq with the reflexivity property:

fn main() {
pub trait Eq: PartialEq {
    // No additional methods

It's a marker trait: it doesn't add any new methods, it's just a way for you to say to the compiler that the equality logic implemented in PartialEq is reflexive.

You can derive Eq automatically when you derive PartialEq:

fn main() {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Person {
    id: u32,
    name: String,

Eq and Hash are linked

There is an implicit contract between Eq and Hash: if two keys are equal, their hashes must be equal too. This is crucial for HashMap to work correctly. If you break this contract, you'll get nonsensical results when using HashMap.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/15_hashmap


By moving from a Vec to a HashMap we have improved the performance of our ticket management system, and simplified our code in the process.
It's not all roses, though. When iterating over a Vec-backed store, we could be sure that the tickets would be returned in the order they were added.
That's not the case with a HashMap: you can iterate over the tickets, but the order is random.

We can recover a consistent ordering by switching from a HashMap to a BTreeMap.


A BTreeMap guarantees that entries are sorted by their keys.
This is useful when you need to iterate over the entries in a specific order, or if you need to perform range queries (e.g. "give me all tickets with an id between 10 and 20").

Just like HashMap, you won't find trait bounds on the definition of BTreeMap. But you'll find trait bounds on its methods. Let's look at insert:

fn main() {
// `K` and `V` stand for the key and value types, respectively,
// just like in `HashMap`.
impl<K, V> BTreeMap<K, V> {
    pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Option<V>
        K: Ord,
        // implementation

Hash is no longer required. Instead, the key type must implement the Ord trait.


The Ord trait is used to compare values.
While PartialEq is used to compare for equality, Ord is used to compare for ordering.

It's defined in std::cmp:

fn main() {
pub trait Ord: Eq + PartialOrd {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering;

The cmp method returns an Ordering enum, which can be one of Less, Equal, or Greater.
Ord requires that two other traits are implemented: Eq and PartialOrd.


PartialOrd is a weaker version of Ord, just like PartialEq is a weaker version of Eq. You can see why by looking at its definition:

fn main() {
pub trait PartialOrd: PartialEq {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering>;

PartialOrd::partial_cmp returns an Option—it is not guaranteed that two values can be compared.
For example, f32 doesn't implement Ord because NaN values are not comparable, the same reason why f32 doesn't implement Eq.

Implementing Ord and PartialOrd

Both Ord and PartialOrd can be derived for your types:

fn main() {
// You need to add `Eq` and `PartialEq` too,
// since `Ord` requires them.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
struct TicketId(u64);

If you choose (or need) to implement them manually, be careful:

  • Ord and PartialOrd must be consistent with Eq and PartialEq.
  • Ord and PartialOrd must be consistent with each other.


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/16_btreemap


One of Rust's big promises is fearless concurrency: making it easier to write safe, concurrent programs. We haven't seen much of that yet. All the work we've done so far has been single-threaded. Time to change that!

In this chapter we'll make our ticket store multithreaded.
We'll have the opportunity to touch most of Rust's core concurrency features, including:

  • Threads, using the std::thread module
  • Message passing, using channels
  • Shared state, using Arc, Mutex and RwLock
  • Send and Sync, the traits that encode Rust's concurrency guarantees

We'll also discuss various design patterns for multithreaded systems and some of their trade-offs.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/00_intro


Before we start writing multithreaded code, let's take a step back and talk about what threads are and why we might want to use them.

What is a thread?

A thread is an execution context managed by the underlying operating system.
Each thread has its own stack and instruction pointer.

A single process can manage multiple threads. These threads share the same memory space, which means they can access the same data.

Threads are a logical construct. In the end, you can only run one set of instructions at a time on a CPU core, the physical execution unit.
Since there can be many more threads than there are CPU cores, the operating system's scheduler is in charge of deciding which thread to run at any given time, partitioning CPU time among them to maximize throughput and responsiveness.


When a Rust program starts, it runs on a single thread, the main thread.
This thread is created by the operating system and is responsible for running the main function.

use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() {
    loop {
        println!("Hello from the main thread!");


Rust's standard library provides a module, std::thread, that allows you to create and manage threads.


You can use std::thread::spawn to create new threads and execute code on them.

For example:

use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() {
    let handle = thread::spawn(|| {
        loop {
            println!("Hello from a thread!");
    loop {
        println!("Hello from the main thread!");

If you execute this program on the Rust playground you'll see that the main thread and the spawned thread run concurrently.
Each thread makes progress independently of the other.

Process termination

When the main thread finishes, the overall process will exit.
A spawned thread will continue running until it finishes or the main thread finishes.

use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() {
    let handle = thread::spawn(|| {
        loop {
            println!("Hello from a thread!");


In the example above, you can expect to see the message "Hello from a thread!" printed roughly five times.
Then the main thread will finish (when the sleep call returns), and the spawned thread will be terminated since the overall process exits.


You can also wait for a spawned thread to finish by calling the join method on the JoinHandle that spawn returns.

use std::thread;
fn main() {
    let handle = thread::spawn(|| {
        println!("Hello from a thread!");


In this example, the main thread will wait for the spawned thread to finish before exiting.
This introduces a form of synchronization between the two threads: you're guaranteed to see the message "Hello from a thread!" printed before the program exits, because the main thread won't exit until the spawned thread has finished.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/01_threads


If you tried to borrow a slice from the vector in the previous exercise, you probably got a compiler error that looks something like this:

error[E0597]: `v` does not live long enough
11 | pub fn sum(v: Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
   |            - binding `v` declared here
15 |     let right = &v[split_point..];
   |                  ^ borrowed value does not live long enough
16 |     let left_handle = spawn(move || left.iter().sum::<i32>());
   |                             -------------------------------- 
                     argument requires that `v` is borrowed for `'static`
19 | }
   |  - `v` dropped here while still borrowed

argument requires that v is borrowed for 'static, what does that mean?

The 'static lifetime is a special lifetime in Rust.
It means that the value will be valid for the entire duration of the program.

Detached threads

A thread launched via thread::spawn can outlive the thread that spawned it.
For example:

fn main() {
use std::thread;

fn f() {
    thread::spawn(|| {
        thread::spawn(|| {
            loop {
                println!("Hello from the detached thread!");

In this example, the first spawned thread will in turn spawn a child thread that prints a message every second.
The first thread will then finish and exit. When that happens, its child thread will continue running for as long as the overall process is running.
In Rust's lingo, we say that the child thread has outlived its parent.

'static lifetime

Since a spawned thread can:

  • outlive the thread that spawned it (its parent thread)
  • run until the program exits

it must not borrow any values that might be dropped before the program exits; violating this constraint would expose us to a use-after-free bug.
That's why std::thread::spawn's signature requires that the closure passed to it has the 'static lifetime:

fn main() {
pub fn spawn<F, T>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<T> 
    F: FnOnce() -> T + Send + 'static,
    T: Send + 'static
    // [..]

'static is not (just) about references

All values in Rust have a lifetime, not just references.

In particular, a type that owns its data (like a Vec or a String) satisfies the 'static constraint: if you own it, you can keep working with it for as long as you want, even after the function that originally created it has returned.

You can thus interpret 'static as a way to say:

  • Give me an owned value
  • Give me a reference that's valid for the entire duration of the program

The first approach is how you solved the issue in the previous exercise: by allocating new vectors to hold the left and right parts of the original vector, which were then moved into the spawned threads.

'static references

Let's talk about the second case, references that are valid for the entire duration of the program.

Static data

The most common case is a reference to static data, such as string literals:

fn main() {
let s: &'static str = "Hello world!";

Since string literals are known at compile-time, Rust stores them inside your executable, in a region known as read-only data segment. All references pointing to that region will therefore be valid for as long as the program runs; they satisfy the 'static contract.

Further reading


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/02_static

Leaking data

The main concern around passing references to spawned threads is use-after-free bugs: accessing data using a pointer to a memory region that's already been freed/de-allocated.
If you're working with heap-allocated data, you can avoid the issue by telling Rust that you'll never reclaim that memory: you choose to leak memory, intentionally.

This can be done, for example, using the Box::leak method from Rust's standard library:

fn main() {
// Allocate a `u32` on the heap, by wrapping it in a `Box`.
let x = Box::new(41u32);
// Tell Rust that you'll never free that heap allocation
// using `Box::leak`. You can thus get back a 'static reference.
let static_ref: &'static mut u32 = Box::leak(x);

Data leakage is process-scoped

Leaking data is dangerous: if you keep leaking memory, you'll eventually run out and crash with an out-of-memory error.

fn main() {
// If you leave this running for a while, 
// it'll eventually use all the available memory.
fn oom_trigger() {
    loop {
        let v: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(1024);

At the same time, memory leaked via leak method is not truly forgotten.
The operating system can map each memory region to the process responsible for it. When the process exits, the operating system will reclaim that memory.

Keeping this in mind, it can be OK to leak memory when:

  • The amount of memory you need to leak is not unbounded/known upfront, or
  • Your process is short-lived and you're confident you won't exhaust all the available memory before it exits

"Let the OS deal with it" is a perfectly valid memory management strategy if your usecase allows for it.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/03_leak

Scoped threads

All the lifetime issues we discussed so far have a common source: the spawned thread can outlive its parent.
We can sidestep this issue by using scoped threads.

fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let midpoint = v.len() / 2;

std::thread::scope(|scope| {
    scope.spawn(|| {
        let first = &v[..midpoint];
        println!("Here's the first half of v: {first:?}");
    scope.spawn(|| {
        let second = &v[midpoint..];
        println!("Here's the second half of v: {second:?}");

println!("Here's v: {v:?}");

Let's unpack what's happening.


The std::thread::scope function creates a new scope.
std::thread::scope takes as input a closure, with a single argument: a Scope instance.

Scoped spawns

Scope exposes a spawn method.
Unlike std::thread::spawn, all threads spawned using a Scope will be automatically joined when the scope ends.

If we were to "translate" the previous example to std::thread::spawn, it'd look like this:

fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let midpoint = v.len() / 2;

let handle1 = std::thread::spawn(|| {
    let first = &v[..midpoint];
    println!("Here's the first half of v: {first:?}");
let handle2 = std::thread::spawn(|| {
    let second = &v[midpoint..];
    println!("Here's the second half of v: {second:?}");


println!("Here's v: {v:?}");

Borrowing from the environment

The translated example wouldn't compile, though: the compiler would complain that &v can't be used from our spawned threads since its lifetime isn't 'static.

That's not an issue with std::thread::scope—you can safely borrow from the environment.

In our example, v is created before the spawning points. It will only be dropped after scope returns. At the same time, all threads spawned inside scope are guaranteed to finish before scope returns, therefore there is no risk of having dangling references.

The compiler won't complain!


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/04_scoped_threads


All our spawned threads have been fairly short-lived so far.
Get some input, run a computation, return the result, shut down.

For our ticket management system, we want to do something different: a client-server architecture.

We will have one long-running server thread, responsible for managing our state, the stored tickets.

We will then have multiple client threads.
Each client will be able to send commands and queries to the stateful thread, in order to change its state (e.g. add a new ticket) or retrieve information (e.g. get the status of a ticket).
Client threads will run concurrently.


So far we've only had very limited parent-child communication:

  • The spawned thread borrowed/consumed data from the parent context
  • The spawned thread returned data to the parent when joined

This isn't enough for a client-server design.
Clients need to be able to send and receive data from the server thread after it has been launched.

We can solve the issue using channels.


Rust's standard library provides multi-producer, single-consumer (mpsc) channels in its std::sync::mpsc module.
There are two channel flavours: bounded and unbounded. We'll stick to the unbounded version for now, but we'll discuss the pros and cons later on.

Channel creation looks like this:

fn main() {
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;

let (sender, receiver) = channel();

You get a sender and a receiver.
You call send on the sender to push data into the channel.
You call recv on the receiver to pull data from the channel.

Multiple senders

Sender is clonable: we can create multiple senders (e.g. one for each client thread) and they will all push data into the same channel.

Receiver, instead, is not clonable: there can only be a single receiver for a given channel.

That's what mpsc (multi-producer single-consumer) stands for!

Message type

Both Sender and Receiver are generic over a type parameter T.
That's the type of the messages that can travel on our channel.

It could be a u64, a struct, an enum, etc.


Both send and recv can fail.
send returns an error if the receiver has been dropped.
recv returns an error if all senders have been dropped and the channel is empty.

In other words, send and recv error when the channel is effectively closed.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/05_channels

Interior mutability

Let's take a moment to reason about the signature of Sender's send:

fn main() {
impl<T> Sender<T> {
    pub fn send(&self, t: T) -> Result<(), SendError<T>> {
        // [...]

send takes &self as its argument.
But it's clearly causing a mutation: it's adding a new message to the channel. What's even more interesting is that Sender is cloneable: we can have multiple instances of Sender trying to modify the channel state at the same time, from different threads.

That's the key property we are using to build this client-server architecture. But why does it work? Doesn't it violate Rust's rules about borrowing? How are we performing mutations via an immutable reference?

Shared rather than immutable references

When we introduced the borrow-checker, we named the two types of references we can have in Rust:

  • immutable references (&T)
  • mutable references (&mut T)

It would have been more accurate to name them:

  • shared references (&T)
  • exclusive references (&mut T)

Immutable/mutable is a mental model that works for the vast majority of cases, and it's a great one to get started with Rust. But it's not the whole story, as you've just seen: &T doesn't actually guarantee that the data it points to is immutable.
Don't worry, though: Rust is still keeping its promises. It's just that the terms are a bit more nuanced than they might seem at first.


Whenever a type allows you to mutate data through a shared reference, you're dealing with interior mutability.

By default, the Rust compiler assumes that shared references are immutable. It optimises your code based on that assumption.
The compiler can reorder operations, cache values, and do all sorts of magic to make your code faster.

You can tell the compiler "No, this shared reference is actually mutable" by wrapping the data in an UnsafeCell.
Every time you see a type that allows interior mutability, you can be certain that UnsafeCell is involved, either directly or indirectly.
Using UnsafeCell, raw pointers and unsafe code, you can mutate data through shared references.

Let's be clear, though: UnsafeCell isn't a magic wand that allows you to ignore the borrow-checker!
unsafe code is still subject to Rust's rules about borrowing and aliasing. It's an (advanced) tool that you can leverage to build safe abstractions whose safety can't be directly expressed in Rust's type system. Whenever you use the unsafe keyword you're telling the compiler: "I know what I'm doing, I won't violate your invariants, trust me."

Every time you call an unsafe function, there will be documentation explaining its safety preconditions: under what circumstances it's safe to execute its unsafe block. You can find the ones for UnsafeCell in std's documentation.

We won't be using UnsafeCell directly in this course, nor will we be writing unsafe code. But it's important to know that it's there, why it exists and how it relates to the types you use every day in Rust.

Key examples

Let's go through a couple of important std types that leverage interior mutability.
These are types that you'll encounter somewhat often in Rust code, especially if you peek under the hood of some the libraries you use.

Reference counting

Rc is a reference-counted pointer.
It wraps around a value and keeps track of how many references to the value exist. When the last reference is dropped, the value is deallocated.
The value wrapped in an Rc is immutable: you can only get shared references to it.

fn main() {
use std::rc::Rc;

let a: Rc<String> = Rc::new("My string".to_string());
// Only one reference to the string data exists.
assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(&a), 1);

// When we call `clone`, the string data is not copied!
// Instead, the reference count for `Rc` is incremented.
let b = Rc::clone(&a);
assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(&a), 2);
assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(&b), 2);
// ^ Both `a` and `b` point to the same string data
//   and share the same reference counter.

Rc uses UnsafeCell internally to allow shared references to increment and decrement the reference count.


RefCell is one of the most common examples of interior mutability in Rust. It allows you to mutate the value wrapped in a RefCell even if you only have an immutable reference to the RefCell itself.

This is done via runtime borrow checking. The RefCell keeps track of the number (and type) of references to the value it contains at runtime. If you try to borrow the value mutably while it's already borrowed immutably, the program will panic, ensuring that Rust's borrowing rules are always enforced.

fn main() {
use std::cell::RefCell;

let x = RefCell::new(42);

let y = x.borrow(); // Immutable borrow
let z = x.borrow_mut(); // Panics! There is an active immutable borrow.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/06_interior_mutability

Two-way communication

In our current client-server implementation, communication flows in one direction: from the client to the server.
The client has no way of knowing if the server received the message, executed it successfully, or failed. That's not ideal.

To solve this issue, we can introduce a two-way communication system.

Response channel

We need a way for the server to send a response back to the client.
There are various ways to do this, but the simplest option is to include a Sender channel in the message that the client sends to the server. After processing the message, the server can use this channel to send a response back to the client.

This is a fairly common pattern in Rust applications built on top of message-passing primitives.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/07_ack

A dedicated Client type

All the interactions from the client side have been fairly low-level: you have to manually create a response channel, build the command, send it to the server, and then call recv on the response channel to get the response.

This is a lot of boilerplate code that could be abstracted away, and that's exactly what we're going to do in this exercise.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/08_client

Bounded vs unbounded channels

So far we've been using unbounded channels.
You can send as many messages as you want, and the channel will grow to accommodate them.
In a multi-producer single-consumer scenario, this can be problematic: if the producers enqueue messages at a faster rate than the consumer can process them, the channel will keep growing, potentially consuming all available memory.

Our recommendation is to never use an unbounded channel in a production system.
You should always enforce an upper limit on the number of messages that can be enqueued using a bounded channel.

Bounded channels

A bounded channel has a fixed capacity.
You can create one by calling sync_channel with a capacity greater than zero:

fn main() {
use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel;

let (sender, receiver) = sync_channel(10);

receiver has the same type as before, Receiver<T>.
sender, instead, is an instance of SyncSender<T>.

Sending messages

You have two different methods to send messages through a SyncSender:

  • send: if there is space in the channel, it will enqueue the message and return Ok(()).
    If the channel is full, it will block and wait until there is space available.
  • try_send: if there is space in the channel, it will enqueue the message and return Ok(()).
    If the channel is full, it will return Err(TrySendError::Full(value)), where value is the message that couldn't be sent.

Depending on your use case, you might want to use one or the other.


The main advantage of using bounded channels is that they provide a form of backpressure.
They force the producers to slow down if the consumer can't keep up. The backpressure can then propagate through the system, potentially affecting the whole architecture and preventing end users from overwhelming the system with requests.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/09_bounded

Update operations

So far we've implemented only insertion and retrieval operations.
Let's see how we can expand the system to provide an update operation.

Legacy updates

In the non-threaded version of the system, updates were fairly straightforward: TicketStore exposed a get_mut method that allowed the caller to obtain a mutable reference to a ticket, and then modify it.

Multithreaded updates

The same strategy won't work in the current multithreaded version. The borrow checker would stop us: SyncSender<&mut Ticket> isn't 'static because &mut Ticket doesn't satisfy the 'static lifetime, therefore they can't be captured by the closure that gets passed to std::thread::spawn.

There are a few ways to work around this limitation. We'll explore a few of them in the following exercises.


We can't send a &mut Ticket over a channel, therefore we can't mutate on the client-side.
Can we mutate on the server-side?

We can, if we tell the server what needs to be changed. In other words, if we send a patch to the server:

fn main() {
struct TicketPatch {
    id: TicketId,
    title: Option<TicketTitle>,
    description: Option<TicketDescription>,
    status: Option<TicketStatus>,

The id field is mandatory, since it's required to identify the ticket that needs to be updated.
All other fields are optional:

  • If a field is None, it means that the field should not be changed.
  • If a field is Some(value), it means that the field should be changed to value.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/10_patch

Locks, Send and Arc

The patching strategy you just implemented has a major drawback: it's racy.
If two clients send patches for the same ticket roughly at same time, the server will apply them in an arbitrary order. Whoever enqueues their patch last will overwrite the changes made by the other client.

Version numbers

We could try to fix this by using a version number.
Each ticket gets assigned a version number upon creation, set to 0.
Whenever a client sends a patch, they must include the current version number of the ticket alongside the desired changes. The server will only apply the patch if the version number matches the one it has stored.

In the scenario described above, the server would reject the second patch, because the version number would have been incremented by the first patch and thus wouldn't match the one sent by the second client.

This approach is fairly common in distributed systems (e.g. when client and servers don't share memory), and it is known as optimistic concurrency control.
The idea is that most of the time, conflicts won't happen, so we can optimize for the common case. You know enough about Rust by now to implement this strategy on your own as a bonus exercise, if you want to.


We can also fix the race condition by introducing a lock.
Whenever a client wants to update a ticket, they must first acquire a lock on it. While the lock is active, no other client can modify the ticket.

Rust's standard library provides two different locking primitives: Mutex<T> and RwLock<T>.
Let's start with Mutex<T>. It stands for mutual exclusion, and it's the simplest kind of lock: it allows only one thread to access the data, no matter if it's for reading or writing.

Mutex<T> wraps the data it protects, and it's therefore generic over the type of the data.
You can't access the data directly: the type system forces you to acquire a lock first using either Mutex::lock or Mutex::try_lock. The former blocks until the lock is acquired, the latter returns immediately with an error if the lock can't be acquired.
Both methods return a guard object that dereferences to the data, allowing you to modify it. The lock is released when the guard is dropped.

fn main() {
use std::sync::Mutex;

// An integer protected by a mutex lock
let lock = Mutex::new(0);

// Acquire a lock on the mutex
let mut guard = lock.lock().unwrap();

// Modify the data through the guard,
// leveraging its `Deref` implementation
*guard += 1;

// The lock is released when `data` goes out of scope
// This can be done explicitly by dropping the guard
// or happen implicitly when the guard goes out of scope

Locking granularity

What should our Mutex wrap?
The simplest option would be the wrap the entire TicketStore in a single Mutex.
This would work, but it would severely limit the system's performance: you wouldn't be able to read tickets in parallel, because every read would have to wait for the lock to be released.
This is known as coarse-grained locking.

It would be better to use fine-grained locking, where each ticket is protected by its own lock. This way, clients can keep working with tickets in parallel, as long as they aren't trying to access the same ticket.

fn main() {
// The new structure, with a lock for each ticket
struct TicketStore {
    tickets: BTreeMap<TicketId, Mutex<Ticket>>,

This approach is more efficient, but it has a downside: TicketStore has to become aware of the multithreaded nature of the system; up until now, TicketStore has been blissfully ignoring the existence of threads.
Let's go for it anyway.

Who holds the lock?

For the whole scheme to work, the lock must be passed to the client that wants to modify the ticket.
The client can then directly modify the ticket (as if they had a &mut Ticket) and release the lock when they're done.

This is a bit tricky.
We can't send a Mutex<Ticket> over a channel, because Mutex is not Clone and we can't move it out of the TicketStore. Could we send the MutexGuard instead?

Let's test the idea with a small example:

use std::thread::spawn;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel;

fn main() {
    let lock = Mutex::new(0);
    let (sender, receiver) = sync_channel(1);
    let guard = lock.lock().unwrap();

    spawn(move || {

    // Try to send the guard over the channel
    // to another thread

The compiler is not happy with this code:

error[E0277]: `MutexGuard<'_, i32>` cannot be sent between 
              threads safely
   --> src/main.rs:10:7
10  |   spawn(move || {
    |  _-----_^
    | | |
    | | required by a bound introduced by this call
11  | |     receiver.recv().unwrap();
12  | | });
    | |_^ `MutexGuard<'_, i32>` cannot be sent between threads safely
    = help: the trait `Send` is not implemented for 
            `MutexGuard<'_, i32>`, which is required by 
            `{closure@src/main.rs:10:7: 10:14}: Send`
    = note: required for `Receiver<MutexGuard<'_, i32>>` 
            to implement `Send`
note: required because it's used within this closure

MutexGuard<'_, i32> is not Send: what does it mean?


Send is a marker trait that indicates that a type can be safely transferred from one thread to another.
Send is also an auto-trait, just like Sized; it's automatically implemented (or not implemented) for your type by the compiler, based on its definition.
You can also implement Send manually for your types, but it requires unsafe since you have to guarantee that the type is indeed safe to send between threads for reasons that the compiler can't automatically verify.

Channel requirements

Sender<T>, SyncSender<T> and Receiver<T> are Send if and only if T is Send.
That's because they are used to send values between threads, and if the value itself is not Send, it would be unsafe to send it between threads.


MutexGuard is not Send because the underlying operating system primitives that Mutex uses to implement the lock require (on some platforms) that the lock must be released by the same thread that acquired it.
If we were to send a MutexGuard to another thread, the lock would be released by a different thread, which would lead to undefined behavior.

Our challenges

Summing it up:

  • We can't send a MutexGuard over a channel. So we can't lock on the server-side and then modify the ticket on the client-side.
  • We can send a Mutex over a channel because it's Send as long as the data it protects is Send, which is the case for Ticket. At the same time, we can't move the Mutex out of the TicketStore nor clone it.

How can we solve this conundrum?
We need to look at the problem from a different angle. To lock a Mutex, we don't need an owned value. A shared reference is enough, since Mutex uses internal mutability:

fn main() {
impl<T> Mutex<T> {
    // `&self`, not `self`!
    pub fn lock(&self) -> LockResult<MutexGuard<'_, T>> {
        // Implementation details

It is therefore enough to send a shared reference to the client.
We can't do that directly, though, because the reference would have to be 'static and that's not the case.
In a way, we need an "owned shared reference". It turns out that Rust has a type that fits the bill: Arc.

Arc to the rescue

Arc stands for atomic reference counting.
Arc wraps around a value and keeps track of how many references to the value exist. When the last reference is dropped, the value is deallocated.
The value wrapped in an Arc is immutable: you can only get shared references to it.

fn main() {
use std::sync::Arc;

let data: Arc<u32> = Arc::new(0);
let data_clone = Arc::clone(&data);

// `Arc<T>` implements `Deref<T>`, so can convert 
// a `&Arc<T>` to a `&T` using deref coercion
let data_ref: &u32 = &data;

If you're having a déjà vu moment, you're right: Arc sounds very similar to Rc, the reference-counted pointer we introduced when talking about interior mutability. The difference is thread-safety: Rc is not Send, while Arc is. It boils down to the way the reference count is implemented: Rc uses a "normal" integer, while Arc uses an atomic integer, which can be safely shared and modified across threads.


If we pair Arc with Mutex, we finally get a type that:

  • Can be sent between threads, because:
    • Arc is Send if T is Send, and
    • Mutex is Send if T is Send.
    • T is Ticket, which is Send.
  • Can be cloned, because Arc is Clone no matter what T is. Cloning an Arc increments the reference count, the data is not copied.
  • Can be used to modify the data it wraps, because Arc lets you get a shared reference to Mutex<T> which can in turn be used to acquire a lock.

We have all the pieces we need to implement the locking strategy for our ticket store.

Further reading


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/11_locks

Readers and writers

Our new TicketStore works, but its read performance is not great: there can only be one client at a time reading a specific ticket, because Mutex<T> doesn't distinguish between readers and writers.

We can solve the issue by using a different locking primitive: RwLock<T>.
RwLock<T> stands for read-write lock. It allows multiple readers to access the data simultaneously, but only one writer at a time.

RwLock<T> has two methods to acquire a lock: read and write.
read returns a guard that allows you to read the data, while write returns a guard that allows you to modify it.

fn main() {
use std::sync::RwLock;

// An integer protected by a read-write lock
let lock = RwLock::new(0);

// Acquire a read lock on the RwLock
let guard1 = lock.read().unwrap();

// Acquire a **second** read lock
// while the first one is still active
let guard2 = lock.read().unwrap();


On the surface, RwLock<T> seems like a no-brainer: it provides a superset of the functionality of Mutex<T>. Why would you ever use Mutex<T> if you can use RwLock<T> instead?

There are two key reasons:

  • Locking a RwLock<T> is more expensive than locking a Mutex<T>.
    This is because RwLock<T> has to keep track of the number of active readers and writers, while Mutex<T> only has to keep track of whether the lock is held or not. This performance overhead is not an issue if there are more readers than writers, but if the workload is write-heavy Mutex<T> might be a better choice.
  • RwLock<T> can cause writer starvation.
    If there are always readers waiting to acquire the lock, writers might never get a chance to run.
    RwLock<T> doesn't provide any guarantees about the order in which readers and writers are granted access to the lock. It depends on the policy implemented by the underlying OS, which might not be fair to writers.

In our case, we can expect the workload to be read-heavy (since most clients will be reading tickets, not modifying them), so RwLock<T> is a good choice.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/12_rw_lock

Design review

Let's take a moment to review the journey we've been through.

Lockless with channel serialization

Our first implementation of a multithreaded ticket store used:

  • a single long-lived thread (server), to hold the shared state
  • multiple clients sending requests to it via channels from their own threads.

No locking of the state was necessary, since the server was the only one modifying the state. That's because the "inbox" channel naturally serialized incoming requests: the server would process them one by one.
We've already discussed the limitations of this approach when it comes to patching behaviour, but we didn't discuss the performance implications of the original design: the server could only process one request at a time, including reads.

Fine-grained locking

We then moved to a more sophisticated design, where each ticket was protected by its own lock and clients could independently decide if they wanted to read or atomically modify a ticket, acquiring the appropriate lock.

This design allows for better parallelism (i.e. multiple clients can read tickets at the same time), but it is still fundamentally serial: the server processes commands one by one. In particular, it hands out locks to clients one by one.

Could we remove the channels entirely and allow clients to directly access the TicketStore, relying exclusively on locks to synchronize access?

Removing channels

We have two problems to solve:

  • Sharing TicketStore across threads
  • Synchronizing access to the store

Sharing TicketStore across threads

We want all threads to refer to the same state, otherwise we don't really have a multithreaded system—we're just running multiple single-threaded systems in parallel.
We've already encountered this problem when we tried to share a lock across threads: we can use an Arc.

Synchronizing access to the store

There is one interaction that's still lockless thanks to the serialization provided by the channels: inserting (or removing) a ticket from the store.
If we remove the channels, we need to introduce (another) lock to synchronize access to the TicketStore itself.

If we use a Mutex, then it makes no sense to use an additional RwLock for each ticket: the Mutex will already serialize access to the entire store, so we wouldn't be able to read tickets in parallel anyway.
If we use a RwLock, instead, we can read tickets in parallel. We just need to pause all reads while inserting or removing a ticket.

Let's go down this path and see where it leads us.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/13_without_channels


Before we wrap up this chapter, let's talk about another key trait in Rust's standard library: Sync.

Sync is an auto trait, just like Send.
It is automatically implemented by all types that can be safely shared between threads.

In order words: T: Sync means that &T is Send.

Sync doesn't imply Send

It's important to note that Sync doesn't imply Send.
For example: MutexGuard is not Send, but it is Sync.

It isn't Send because the lock must be released on the same thread that acquired it, therefore we don't want MutexGuard to be dropped on a different thread.
But it is Sync, because giving a &MutexGuard to another thread has no impact on where the lock is released.

Send doesn't imply Sync

The opposite is also true: Send doesn't imply Sync.
For example: RefCell<T> is Send (if T is Send), but it is not Sync.

RefCell<T> performs runtime borrow checking, but the counters it uses to track borrows are not thread-safe. Therefore, having multiple threads holding a &RefCell would lead to a data race, with potentially multiple threads obtaining mutable references to the same data. Hence RefCell is not Sync.
Send is fine, instead, because when we send a RefCell to another thread we're not leaving behind any references to the data it contains, hence no risk of concurrent mutable access.


The exercise for this section is located in 07_threads/14_sync

Async Rust

Threads are not the only way to write concurrent programs in Rust.
In this chapter we'll explore another approach: asynchronous programming.

In particular, you'll get an introduction to:

  • The async/.await keywords, to write asynchronous code effortlessly
  • The Future trait, to represent computations that may not be complete yet
  • tokio, the most popular runtime for running asynchronous code
  • The cooperative nature of Rust asynchronous model, and how this affects your code


The exercise for this section is located in 08_futures/00_intro

Asynchronous functions

All the functions and methods you've written so far were eager.
Nothing happened until you invoked them. But once you did, they ran to completion: they did all their work, and then returned their output.

Sometimes that's undesirable.
For example, if you're writing an HTTP server, there might be a lot of waiting: waiting for the request body to arrive, waiting for the database to respond, waiting for a downstream service to reply, etc.

What if you could do something else while you're waiting?
What if you could choose to give up midway through a computation?
What if you could choose to prioritise another task over the current one?

That's where asynchronous functions come in.

async fn

You use the async keyword to define an asynchronous function:

fn main() {
use tokio::net::TcpListener;

// This function is asynchronous
async fn bind_random() -> TcpListener {
    // [...]

What happens if you call bind_random as you would a regular function?

fn main() {
fn run() {
    // Invoke `bind_random`
    let listener = bind_random();
    // Now what?

Nothing happens!
Rust doesn't start executing bind_random when you call it, not even as a background task (as you might expect based on your experience with other languages). Asynchronous functions in Rust are lazy: they don't do any work until you explicitly ask them to. Using Rust's terminology, we say that bind_random returns a future, a type that represents a computation that may complete later. They're called futures because they implement the Future trait, an interface that we'll examine in detail later on in this chapter.


The most common way to ask an asynchronous function to do some work is to use the .await keyword:

fn main() {
use tokio::net::TcpListener;

async fn bind_random() -> TcpListener {
    // [...]

async fn run() {
    // Invoke `bind_random` and wait for it to complete
    let listener = bind_random().await;
    // Now `listener` is ready

.await doesn't return control to the caller until the asynchronous function has run to completion—e.g. until the TcpListener has been created in the example above.


If you're puzzled, you're right to be!
We've just said that the perk of asynchronous functions is that they don't do all their work at once. We then introduced .await, which doesn't return until the asynchronous function has run to completion. Haven't we just re-introduced the problem we were trying to solve? What's the point?

Not quite! A lot happens behind the scenes when you call .await!
You're yielding control to an async runtime, also known as an async executor. Executors are where the magic happens: they are in charge of managing all your ongoing asynchronous tasks. In particular, they balance two different goals:

  • Progress: they make sure that tasks make progress whenever they can.
  • Efficiency: if a task is waiting for something, they try to make sure that another task can run in the meantime, fully utilising the available resources.

No default runtime

Rust is fairly unique in its approach to asynchronous programing: there is no default runtime. The standard library doesn't ship with one. You need to bring your own!

In most cases, you'll choose one of the options available in the ecosystem. Some runtimes are designed to be broadly applicable, a solid option for most applications. tokio and async-std belong to this category. Other runtimes are optimised for specific use cases—e.g. embassy for embedded systems.

Throughout this course we'll rely on tokio, the most popular runtime for general-purpose asynchronous programming in Rust.


The entrypoint of your executable, the main function, must be a synchronous function. That's where you're supposed to set up and launch your chosen async runtime.

Most runtimes provides a macro to make this easier. For tokio, it's tokio::main:

async fn main() {
    // Your async code goes here

which expands to:

fn main() {
    let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
        // Your async function goes here
        // [...]


The same goes for tests: they must be synchronous functions.
Each test function is run in its own thread, and you're responsible for setting up and launching an async runtime if you need to run async code in your tests.
tokio provides a #[tokio::test] macro to make this easier:

fn main() {
async fn my_test() {
    // Your async test code goes here


The exercise for this section is located in 08_futures/01_async_fn

Spawning tasks

Your solution to the previous exercise should look something like this:

fn main() {
pub async fn echo(listener: TcpListener) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    loop {
        let (mut socket, _) = listener.accept().await?;
        let (mut reader, mut writer) = socket.split();
        tokio::io::copy(&mut reader, &mut writer).await?;

This is not bad!
If a long time passes between two incoming connections, the echo function will be idle (since TcpListener::accept is an asynchronous function), thus allowing the executor to run other tasks in the meantime.

But how can we actually have multiple tasks running concurrently?
If we always run our asynchronous functions until completion (by using .await), we'll never have more than one task running at a time.

This is where the tokio::spawn function comes in.


tokio::spawn allows you to hand off a task to the executor, without waiting for it to complete.
Whenever you invoke tokio::spawn, you're telling tokio to continue running the spawned task, in the background, concurrently with the task that spawned it.

Here's how you can use it to process multiple connections concurrently:

fn main() {
use tokio::net::TcpListener;

pub async fn echo(listener: TcpListener) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    loop {
        let (mut socket, _) = listener.accept().await?;
        // Spawn a background task to handle the connection
        // thus allowing the main task to immediately start 
        // accepting new connections
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            let (mut reader, mut writer) = socket.split();
            tokio::io::copy(&mut reader, &mut writer).await?;

Asynchronous blocks

In this example, we've passed an asynchronous block to tokio::spawn: async move { /* */ } Asynchronous blocks are a quick way to mark a region of code as asynchronous without having to define a separate async function.


tokio::spawn returns a JoinHandle.
You can use JoinHandle to .await the background task, in the same way we used join for spawned threads.

fn main() {
pub async fn run() {
    // Spawn a background task to ship telemetry data
    // to a remote server
    let handle = tokio::spawn(emit_telemetry());
    // In the meantime, do some other useful work
    // But don't return to the caller until 
    // the telemetry data has been successfully delivered

pub async fn emit_telemetry() {
    // [...]

pub async fn do_work() {
    // [...]

Panic boundary

If a task spawned with tokio::spawn panics, the panic will be caught by the executor.
If you don't .await the corresponding JoinHandle, the panic won't be propagated to the spawner. Even if you do .await the JoinHandle, the panic won't be propagated automatically. Awaiting a JoinHandle returns a Result, with JoinError as its error type. You can then check if the task panicked by calling JoinError::is_panic and choose what to do with the panic—either log it, ignore it, or propagate it.

fn main() {
use tokio::task::JoinError;

pub async fn run() {
    let handle = tokio::spawn(work());
    if let Err(e) = handle.await {
        if let Ok(reason) = e.try_into_panic() {
            // The task has panicked
            // We resume unwinding the panic,
            // thus propagating it to the current task

pub async fn work() {
    // [...]

std::thread::spawn vs tokio::spawn

You can think of tokio::spawn as the asynchronous sibling of std::thread::spawn.

Notice a key difference: with std::thread::spawn, you're delegating control to the OS scheduler. You're not in control of how threads are scheduled.

With tokio::spawn, you're delegating to an async executor that runs entirely in user space. The underlying OS scheduler is not involved in the decision of which task to run next. We're in charge of that decision now, via the executor we chose to use.


The exercise for this section is located in 08_futures/02_spawn

Runtime architecture

So far we've been talking about async runtimes as an abstract concept. Let's dig a bit deeper into the way they are implemented—as you'll see soon enough, it has an impact on our code.


tokio ships two different runtime flavors.

You can configure your runtime via tokio::runtime::Builder:

  • Builder::new_multi_thread gives you a multithreaded tokio runtime
  • Builder::new_current_thread will instead rely on the current thread for execution.

#[tokio::main] returns a multithreaded runtime by default, while #[tokio::test] uses a current thread runtime out of the box.

Current thread runtime

The current-thread runtime, as the name implies, relies exclusively on the OS thread it was launched on to schedule and execute tasks.
When using the current-thread runtime, you have concurrency but no parallelism: asynchronous tasks will be interleaved, but there will always be at most one task running at any given time.

Multithreaded runtime

When using the multithreaded runtime, instead, there can up to N tasks running in parallel at any given time, where N is the number of threads used by the runtime. By default, N matches the number of available CPU cores.

There's more: tokio performs work-stealing.
If a thread is idle, it won't wait around: it'll try to find a new task that's ready for execution, either from a global queue or by stealing it from the local queue of another thread.
Work-stealing can have significant performance benefits, especially on tail latencies, whenever your application is dealing with workloads that are not perfectly balanced across threads.


tokio::spawn is flavor-agnostic: it'll work no matter if you're running on the multithreaded or current-thread runtime. The downside is that the signature assumes the worst case (i.e. multithreaded) and is constrained accordingly:

fn main() {
pub fn spawn<F>(future: F) -> JoinHandle<F::Output>
    F: Future + Send + 'static,
    F::Output: Send + 'static,
{ /* */ }

Let's ignore the Future trait for now to focus on the rest.
spawn is asking all its inputs to be Send and have a 'static lifetime.

The 'static constraint follows the same rationale of the 'static constraint on std::thread::spawn: the spawned task may outlive the context it was spawned from, therefore it shouldn't depend on any local data that may be de-allocated after the spawning context is destroyed.

fn main() {
fn spawner() {
    let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
    // This won't work, since `&v` doesn't
    // live long enough.
    tokio::spawn(async { 
        for x in &v {

Send, on the other hand, is a direct consequence of tokio's work-stealing strategy: a task that was spawned on thread A may end up being moved to thread B if that's idle, thus requiring a Send bound since we're crossing thread boundaries.

fn main() {
fn spawner(input: Rc<u64>) {
    // This won't work either, because
    // `Rc` isn't `Send`.
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        println!("{}", input);


The exercise for this section is located in 08_futures/03_runtime

The Future trait

The local Rc problem

Let's go back to tokio::spawn's signature:

fn main() {
pub fn spawn<F>(future: F) -> JoinHandle<F::Output>
        F: Future + Send + 'static,
        F::Output: Send + 'static,
{ /* */ }

What does it actually mean for F to be Send?
It implies, as we saw in the previous section, that whatever value it captures from the spawning environment has to be Send. But it goes further than that.

Any value that's held across a .await point has to be Send.
Let's look at an example:

fn main() {
use std::rc::Rc;
use tokio::task::yield_now;

fn spawner() {

async fn example() {
    // A value that's not `Send`,
    // created _inside_ the async function
    let non_send = Rc::new(1);
    // A `.await` point that does nothing

    // The local non-`Send` value is still needed
    // after the `.await`
    println!("{}", non_send);

The compiler will reject this code:

error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
5   |     tokio::spawn(example());
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^ 
    | future returned by `example` is not `Send`
note: future is not `Send` as this value is used across an await
11  |     let non_send = Rc::new(1);
    |         -------- has type `Rc<i32>` which is not `Send`
12  |     // A `.await` point
13  |     yield_now().await;
    |                 ^^^^^ 
    |   await occurs here, with `non_send` maybe used later
note: required by a bound in `tokio::spawn`
164 |     pub fn spawn<F>(future: F) -> JoinHandle<F::Output>
    |            ----- required by a bound in this function
165 |     where
166 |         F: Future + Send + 'static,
    |                     ^^^^ required by this bound in `spawn`

To understand why that's the case, we need to refine our understanding of Rust's asynchronous model.

The Future trait

We stated early on that async functions return futures, types that implement the Future trait. You can think of a future as a state machine. It's in one of two states:

  • pending: the computation has not finished yet.
  • ready: the computation has finished, here's the output.

This is encoded in the trait definition:

fn main() {
trait Future {
    type Output;
    // Ignore `Pin` and `Context` for now
    fn poll(
      self: Pin<&mut Self>, 
      cx: &mut Context<'_>
    ) -> Poll<Self::Output>;


The poll method is the heart of the Future trait.
A future on its own doesn't do anything. It needs to be polled to make progress.
When you call poll, you're asking the future to do some work. poll tries to make progress, and then returns one of the following:

  • Poll::Pending: the future is not ready yet. You need to call poll again later.
  • Poll::Ready(value): the future has finished. value is the result of the computation, of type Self::Output.

Once Future::poll returns Poll::Ready, it should not be polled again: the future has completed, there's nothing left to do.

The role of the runtime

You'll rarely, if ever, be calling poll directly.
That's the job of your async runtime: it has all the required information (the Context in poll's signature) to ensure that your futures are making progress whenever they can.

async fn and futures

We've worked with the high-level interface, asynchronous functions.
We've now looked at the low-level primitive, the Future trait.

How are they related?

Every time you mark a function as asynchronous, that function will return a future. The compiler will transform the body of your asynchronous function into a state machine: one state for each .await point.

Going back to our Rc example:

fn main() {
use std::rc::Rc;
use tokio::task::yield_now;

async fn example() {
    let non_send = Rc::new(1);
    println!("{}", non_send);

The compiler would transform it into an enum that looks somewhat like this:

fn main() {
pub enum ExampleFuture {

When example is called, it returns ExampleFuture::NotStarted. The future has never been polled yet, so nothing has happened.
When the runtime polls it the first time, ExampleFuture will advance until the next .await point: it'll stop at the ExampleFuture::YieldNow(Rc<i32>) stage of the state machine, returning Poll::Pending.
When it's polled again, it'll execute the remaining code (println!) and return Poll::Ready(()).

When you look at its state machine representation, ExampleFuture, it is now clear why example is not Send: it holds an Rc, therefore it cannot be Send.

Yield points

As you've just seen with example, every .await point creates a new intermediate state in the lifecycle of a future.
That's why .await points are also known as yield points: your future yields control back to the runtime that was polling it, allowing the runtime to pause it and (if necessary) schedule another task for execution, thus making progress on multiple fronts concurrently.

We'll come back to the importance of yielding in a later section.


The exercise for this section is located in 08_futures/04_future

Don't block the runtime

Let's circle back to yield points.
Unlike threads, Rust tasks cannot be preempted.

tokio cannot, on its own, decide to pause a task and run another one in its place. The control goes back to the executor exclusively when the task yields—i.e. when Future::poll returns Poll::Pending or, in the case of async fn, when you .await a future.

This exposes the runtime to a risk: if a task never yields, the runtime will never be able to run another task. This is called blocking the runtime.

What is blocking?

How long is too long? How much time can a task spend without yielding before it becomes a problem?

It depends on the runtime, the application, the number of in-flight tasks, and many other factors. But, as a general rule of thumb, try to spend less than 100 microseconds between yield points.


Blocking the runtime can lead to:

  • Deadlocks: if the task that's not yielding is waiting for another task to complete, and that task is waiting for the first one to yield, you have a deadlock. No progress can be made, unless the runtime is able to schedule the other task on a different thread.
  • Starvation: other tasks might not be able to run, or might run after a long delay, which can lead to poor performances (e.g. high tail latencies).

Blocking is not always obvious

Some types of operations should generally be avoided in async code, like:

  • Synchronous I/O. You can't predict how long it will take, and it's likely to be longer than 100 microseconds.
  • Expensive CPU-bound computations.

The latter category is not always obvious though. For example, sorting a vector with a few elements is not a problem; that evaluation changes if the vector has billions of entries.

How to avoid blocking

OK, so how do you avoid blocking the runtime assuming you must perform an operation that qualifies or risks qualifying as blocking?
You need to move the work to a different thread. You don't want to use the so-called runtime threads, the ones used by tokio to run tasks.

tokio provides a dedicated threadpool for this purpose, called the blocking pool. You can spawn a synchronous operation on the blocking pool using the tokio::task::spawn_blocking function. spawn_blocking returns a future that resolves to the result of the operation when it completes.

fn main() {
use tokio::task;

fn expensive_computation() -> u64 {
    // [...]

async fn run() {
    let handle = task::spawn_blocking(expensive_computation);
    // Do other stuff in the meantime
    let result = handle.await.unwrap();

The blocking pool is long-lived. spawn_blocking should be faster than creating a new thread directly via std::thread::spawn because the cost of thread initialization is amortized over multiple calls.

Further reading


The exercise for this section is located in 08_futures/05_blocking

Async-aware primitives

If you browse tokio's documentation, you'll notice that it provides a lot of types that "mirror" the ones in the standard library, but with an asynchronous twist: locks, channels, timers, and more.

When working in an asynchronous context, you should prefer these asynchronous alternatives to their synchronous counterparts.

To understand why, let's take a look at Mutex, the mutually exclusive lock we explored in the previous chapter.

Case study: Mutex

Let's look at a simple example:

fn main() {
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

async fn run(m: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u64>>>) {
    let guard = m.lock().unwrap();
    println!("Sent {:?} to the server", &guard);
    // `guard` is dropped here

/// Use `v` as the body of an HTTP call.
async fn http_call(v: &[u64]) {
  // [...]

std::sync::MutexGuard and yield points

This code will compile, but it's dangerous.

We try to acquire a lock over a Mutex from std in an asynchronous context. We then hold on to the resulting MutexGuard across a yield point (the .await on http_call).

Let's imagine that there are two tasks executing run, concurrently, on a single-threaded runtime. We observe the following sequence of scheduling events:

     Task A          Task B
  Acquire lock
Yields to runtime
             Tries to acquire lock

We have a deadlock. Task B will never manage to acquire the lock, because the lock is currently held by task A, which has yielded to the runtime before releasing the lock and won't be scheduled again because the runtime cannot preempt task B.


You can solve the issue by switching to tokio::sync::Mutex:

fn main() {
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;

async fn run(m: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u64>>>) {
    let guard = m.lock().await;
    println!("Sent {:?} to the server", &guard);
    // `guard` is dropped here

Acquiring the lock is now an asynchronous operation, which yields back to the runtime if it can't make progress.
Going back to the previous scenario, the following would happen:

       Task A          Task B
  Acquires the lock
  Starts `http_call`
  Yields to runtime
             Tries to acquire the lock
              Cannot acquire the lock
                 Yields to runtime
`http_call` completes      
  Releases the lock
   Yield to runtime
                 Acquires the lock

All good!

Multithreaded won't save you

We've used a single-threaded runtime as the execution context in our previous example, but the same risk persists even when using a multithreaded runtime.
The only difference is in the number of concurrent tasks required to create the deadlock: in a single-threaded runtime, 2 are enough; in a multithreaded runtime, we would need N+1 tasks, where N is the number of runtime threads.


Having an async-aware Mutex comes with a performance penalty.
If you're confident that the lock isn't under significant contention and you're careful to never hold it across a yield point, you can still use std::sync::Mutex in an asynchronous context.

But weigh the performance benefit against the liveness risk you will incur.

Other primitives

We used Mutex as an example, but the same applies to RwLock, semaphores, etc.
Prefer async-aware versions when working in an asynchronous context to minimise the risk of issues.


The exercise for this section is located in 08_futures/06_async_aware_primitives


What happens when a pending future is dropped?
The runtime will no longer poll it, therefore it won't make any further progress. In other words, its execution has been cancelled.

In the wild, this often happens when working with timeouts. For example:

fn main() {
use tokio::time::timeout;
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use std::time::Duration;

async fn http_call() {
    // [...]

async fn run() {
    // Wrap the future with a `Timeout` set to expire in 10 milliseconds.
    let duration = Duration::from_millis(10);
    if let Err(_) = timeout(duration, http_call()).await {
        println!("Didn't receive a value within 10 ms");

When the timeout expires, the future returned by http_call will be cancelled. Let's imagine that this is http_call's body:

fn main() {
use std::net::TcpStream;

async fn http_call() {
    let (stream, _) = TcpStream::connect(/* */).await.unwrap();
    let request: Vec<u8> = /* */;

Each yield point becomes a cancellation point.
http_call can't be preempted by the runtime, so it can only be discarded after it has yielded control back to the executor via .await. This applies recursively—e.g. stream.write_all(&request) is likely to have multiple yield points in its implementation. It is perfectly possible to see http_call pushing a partial request before being cancelled, thus dropping the connection and never finishing transmitting the body.

Clean up

Rust's cancellation mechanism is quite powerful—it allows the caller to cancel an ongoing task without needing any form of cooperation from the task itself.
At the same time, this can be quite dangerous. It may be desirable to perform a graceful cancellation, to ensure that some clean-up tasks are performed before aborting the operation.

For example, consider this fictional API for a SQL transaction:

fn main() {
async fn transfer_money(
    connection: SqlConnection,
    payer_id: u64,
    payee_id: u64,
    amount: u64
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    let transaction = connection.begin_transaction().await?;
    update_balance(payer_id, amount, &transaction).await?;
    decrease_balance(payee_id, amount, &transaction).await?;

On cancellation, it'd be ideal to explicitly abort the pending transaction rather than leaving it hanging. Rust, unfortunately, doesn't provide a bullet-proof mechanism for this kind of asynchronous clean up operations.

The most common strategy is to rely on the Drop trait to schedule the required clean-up work. This can be by:

  • Spawning a new task on the runtime
  • Enqueueing a message on a channel
  • Spawning a background thread

The optimal choice is contextual.

Cancelling spawned tasks

When you spawn a task using tokio::spawn, you can no longer drop it; it belongs to the runtime.
Nonetheless, you can use its JoinHandle to cancel it if needed:

fn main() {
async fn run() {
    let handle = tokio::spawn(/* some async task */);
    // Cancel the spawned task

Further reading

  • Be extremely careful when using tokio's select! macro to "race" two different futures. Retrying the same task in a loop is dangerous unless you can ensure cancellation safety. Check out select!'s documentation for more details.
    If you need to interleave two asynchronous streams of data (e.g. a socket and a channel), prefer using StreamExt::merge instead.
  • A CancellationToken may be preferable to JoinHandle::abort in some cases.


The exercise for this section is located in 08_futures/07_cancellation


Rust's asynchronous model is quite powerful, but it does introduce additional complexity. Take time to know your tools: dive deep into tokio's documentation and get familiar with its primitives to make the most out of it.

Keep in mind, as well, that there is ongoing work at the language and std level to streamline and "complete" Rust's asynchronous story. You may experience some rough edges in your day-to-day work due to some of these missing pieces.

A few recommendations for a mostly-pain-free async experience:

  • Pick a runtime and stick to it.
    Some primitives (e.g. timers, I/O) are not portable across runtimes. Trying to mix runtimes is likely to cause you pain. Trying to write code that's runtime agnostic can significantly increase the complexity of your codebase. Avoid it if you can.
  • There is no stable Stream/AsyncIterator interface yet.
    An AsyncIterator is, conceptually, an iterator that yields new items asynchronously. There is ongoing design work, but no consensus (yet). If you're using tokio, refer to tokio_stream as your go-to interface.
  • Be careful with buffering.
    It is often the cause of subtle bugs. Check out "Barbara battles buffered streams" for more details.
  • There is no equivalent of scoped threads for asynchronous tasks.
    Check out "The scoped task trilemma" for more details.

Don't let these caveats scare you: asynchronous Rust is being used effectively at massive scale (e.g. AWS, Meta) to power foundational services.
You will have to master it if you're planning building networked applications in Rust.


The exercise for this section is located in 08_futures/08_outro


Our tour of Rust ends here.
It has been quite extensive, but by no means exhaustive: Rust is a language with a large surface area, and an even larger ecosystem!
Don't let this scare you, though: there's no need to learn everything. You'll pick up whatever is necessary to be effective in the domain (backend, embedded, CLIs, GUIs, etc.) while working on your projects.

In the end, there are no shortcuts: if you want to get good at something, you need to do it, over and over again. Throughout this course you wrote a fair amount of Rust, enough to get the language and its syntax flowing under your fingers. It'll take many more lines of code to feel it "yours", but that moment will come without a doubt if you keep practicing.

Going further

Let's close with some pointers to additional resources that you might find useful as you move forward in your journey with Rust.


You can find more exercises to practice Rust in the rustlings project and on exercism.io's Rust track.

Introductory material

Check out the Rust book and "Programming Rust" if you're looking for a different perspective on the same concepts we covered throughout this course. You'll certainly learn something new since they don't cover exactly the same topics; Rust has a lot of surface area!

Advanced material

If you want to dive deeper into the language, refer to the Rustonomicon and "Rust for Rustaceans".
The "Decrusted" series is another excellent resource to learn more about the internals of many of the most popular Rust libraries.

Domain-specific material

If you want to use Rust for backend development, check out "Zero to Production in Rust".
If you want to use Rust for embedded development, check out the Embedded Rust book.


You can then find resources on key topics that cut across domains.
For testing, check out "Advanced testing, going beyond the basics".
For telemetry, check out "You can't fix what you can't see".