Copying values, pt. 2

Let's consider the same example as before, but with a slight twist: using u32 rather than String as a type.

fn consumer(s: u32) { /* */ }

fn example() {
     let s: u32 = 5;
     let t = s + 1;

It'll compile without errors! What's going on here? What's the difference between String and u32 that makes the latter work without .clone()?


Copy is another trait defined in Rust's standard library:

pub trait Copy: Clone { }

It is a marker trait, just like Sized.

If a type implements Copy, there's no need to call .clone() to create a new instance of the type: Rust does it implicitly for you.
u32 is an example of a type that implements Copy, which is why the example above compiles without errors: when consumer(s) is called, Rust creates a new u32 instance by performing a bitwise copy of s, and then passes that new instance to consumer. It all happens behind the scenes, without you having to do anything.

What can be Copy?

Copy is not equivalent to "automatic cloning", although it implies it.
Types must meet a few requirements in order to be allowed to implement Copy.

First of all, it must implement Clone, since Copy is a subtrait of Clone. This makes sense: if Rust can create a new instance of a type implicitly, it should also be able to create a new instance explicitly by calling .clone().

That's not all, though. A few more conditions must be met:

  1. The type doesn't manage any additional resources (e.g. heap memory, file handles, etc.) beyond the std::mem::size_of bytes that it occupies in memory.
  2. The type is not a mutable reference (&mut T).

If both conditions are met, then Rust can safely create a new instance of the type by performing a bitwise copy of the original instance—this is often referred to as a memcpy operation, after the C standard library function that performs the bitwise copy.

Case study 1: String

String is a type that doesn't implement Copy.
Why? Because it manages an additional resource: the heap-allocated memory buffer that stores the string's data.

Let's imagine that Rust allowed String to implement Copy.
Then, when a new String instance is created by performing a bitwise copy of the original instance, both the original and the new instance would point to the same memory buffer:

              s                                 copied_s
+---------+--------+----------+      +---------+--------+----------+
| pointer | length | capacity |      | pointer | length | capacity |
|  |      |   5    |    5     |      |  |      |   5    |    5     |
+--|------+--------+----------+      +--|------+--------+----------+
   |                                    |
   |                                    |
   v                                    |
 +---+---+---+---+---+                  |
 | H | e | l | l | o |                  |
 +---+---+---+---+---+                  |
   ^                                    |
   |                                    |

This is bad! Both String instances would try to free the memory buffer when they go out of scope, leading to a double-free error. You could also create two distinct &mut String references that point to the same memory buffer, violating Rust's borrowing rules.

Case study 2: u32

u32 implements Copy. All integer types do, in fact.
An integer is "just" the bytes that represent the number in memory. There's nothing more! If you copy those bytes, you get another perfectly valid integer instance. Nothing bad can happen, so Rust allows it.

Case study 3: &mut u32

When we introduced ownership and mutable borrows, we stated one rule quite clearly: there can only ever be one mutable borrow of a value at any given time.
That's why &mut u32 doesn't implement Copy, even though u32 does.

If &mut u32 implemented Copy, you could create multiple mutable references to the same value and modify it in multiple places at the same time. That'd be a violation of Rust's borrowing rules! It follows that &mut T never implements Copy, no matter what T is.

Implementing Copy

In most cases, you don't need to manually implement Copy. You can just derive it, like this:

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct MyStruct {
    field: u32,


The exercise for this section is located in 04_traits/12_copy