
In the previous chapter we modelled Ticket in a vacuum: we defined its fields and their constraints, we learned how to best represent them in Rust, but we didn't consider how Ticket fits into a larger system. We'll use this chapter to build a simple workflow around Ticket, introducing a (rudimentary) management system to store and retrieve tickets.

The task will give us an opportunity to explore new Rust concepts, such as:

  • Stack-allocated arrays
  • Vec, a growable array type
  • Iterator and IntoIterator, for iterating over collections
  • Slices (&[T]), to work with parts of a collection
  • Lifetimes, to describe how long references are valid
  • HashMap and BTreeMap, two key-value data structures
  • Eq and Hash, to compare keys in a HashMap
  • Ord and PartialOrd, to work with a BTreeMap
  • Index and IndexMut, to access elements in a collection


The exercise for this section is located in 06_ticket_management/00_intro