Instrumenting asynchronous code

We're finally ready to tackle the big boss: instrumenting asynchronous code.

Let's start by brushing up on Rust's asynchronous programming model. If you're familiar with the details, feel free to skim through!


The cornerstone of Rust's asynchronous programming model is the Future trait.

pub trait Future {
    type Output;

    // Required method
    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

We refer to an implementor of the Future trait as a future. A future represents a computation that will eventually produce a value (of type Output). Futures are designed to be lazy—if you want them to make progress on whatever job they're doing, you need to repeatedly call their poll method until they're done, i.e. Poll::Ready is returned.

Async runtimes

The component in charge of polling a future is known as an asynchronous runtime. Rust's standard library does not include a "default" asynchronous runtime. You need to bring your own, usually as a third-party dependency.

When it comes to tracing, there are two key things to keep in mind when it comes to asynchronous runtimes:

  • When a certain future can't make any more progress (i.e. it returns Poll::Pending) the runtime will usually try to run (on that very thread!) another future that has been queued up. This is what allows concurrency to be highly efficient!
  • Many popular runtimes (e.g. tokio or async-std) are built around the concept of multi-threaded work-stealing. The next time a future is polled, it may be on a different thread. This model comes with some advantages: you don't need to worry too much about balancing your work across threads, the runtime will transparently take care of it for you.
    It also introduces some challenges: you can't rely on thread-local state to keep track of values that the future cares about, because the next time it's polled it may be on a different thread where that state is not available (or it's set to a different value).


As much as possible, we want our instrumentation code to behave correctly no matter what runtime our code is being executed on.
Let's assume that a future is a unit of work we want to track. We want to know how much time it spent doing work (i.e. inside poll), as well as how long it takes in terms of wall clock time.
Based on what we discussed so far, it follows that:

  • Any tracing-specific state that is associated to our future (i.e. its span handle) must be stored in the future itself.
  • Whenever our future is polled, we need to re-enter its span.
  • Whenever our future returns from poll, we need to exit its span.

This is the exact strategy implemented in the tracing crate via the Instrumented future:

// I have spared you the Pin-related stuff here, for simplicity.
// You can see the full implementation with all the details in `tracing`'s source code.
pub struct Instrumented<T> {
    inner: T,
    span: Span,

impl<T: Future> Future for Instrumented<T> {
    type Output = T::Output;

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        let _enter = self.span.enter();

It wraps around the future you want to instrument and bundles it together with its tracking span. Every time poll is called, we enter the span and then exit it when it returns. One of those cases where the actual implementation is very simple compared to the rationale that justifies it!


The exercise for this section is located in 01_structured_logging/12_futures