- 1. Welcome
- 2. Structured logging
- 2.1. The log crate
- 2.2. Log levels
- 2.3. What to log
- 2.4. The tracing crate
- 2.5. Fields
- 2.6. instrument macro
- 2.7. Structured output
- 2.8. OpenTelemetry
- 2.9. tracing subscribers
- 2.10. The lifecycle of a Span
- 2.11. Thread-local state
- 2.12. Instrumenting async code
- 2.13. Instrumenting async code #2
- 2.14. Interoperability
- 3. Error handling
- 3.1. The Error trait
- 3.2. Error reporters
- 3.3. Panic handling
- 4. Metrics
- 4.1. The metrics crate
- 4.2. Describe
- 4.3. Labels
- 4.4. Prometheus
- 4.5. Gauges
- 4.6. Histograms
- 4.7. Outro