
Honeycomb is my go-to recommendations when working with structured logs. What about metrics?

The most common option, by far, is Prometheus. It's a timeseries database that has seen incredible adoption and it's now deployed in production environments at all levels of scale. It is often used in combination with:

  • Grafana, a dashboard tool to explore and visualize metric data
  • Alertmanager, a system to trigger alerts based on metric queries (e.g. alert me when the % of failed requests exceeds 5% for more than 15 minutes)

Explaining the ins and outs of these systems is outside the scope of this workshop—it'd have to be a whole workshop on its own!

But we can try to set it up once, to get a feel for what they look like.

Push vs Pull

When it comes to metrics, there are two mechanisms for exporting data: push-based or pull-based.

In the push-based model it's the application's job to send metric data to your storage system of choice. This can be done, for example, over the network or by appending the data to a file. The application is also in control of the exporting schedule.

In the pull-based model, instead, the application is passive: it exposes an endpoint for retrieving the current value of all recorded metrics. It is the job of an external system to call (or "scrape") that endpoint to collect the data, usually on a schedule (15s is a common choice for Prometheus).


The recommended Prometheus configuration is pull-based. You can also choose to push metrics though, using their push gateway.

In both cases, you can rely on the metrics-exporter-prometheus crate.
It provides a recorder implementation that can be configured to either listen to incoming HTTP requests or push data on a schedule.

What about OpenTelemetry?

The OpenTelemetry specification covers all kinds of telemetry data, including metrics. Nonetheless, the metric story (and the associated tooling) is relatively recent: you might want to do due some due diligence before relying on it.


The exercise for this section is located in 03_metrics/04_prometheus