Combining everything together

We've covered a lot of ground together: structured logging, failure handling, metrics. I've tried to break each topic down into small bites, empowering you to build up your knowledge incrementally.

It's time to put everything together! Pick your web framework of choice—I recommend either actix-web or axum.

You have to:

  • Configure a tracing subscriber that exports data to both Honeycomb and stdout, in JSON format
  • Configure a suitable panic hook
  • Configure a metric recorder that exposes metric data at /metrics, using a different port than your API endpoints
  • Add one or more middleware to:
    • Create a top-level INFO span for each incoming request
    • Track the number of concurrent requests using a gauge
    • Track request duration using a histogram
    • Track the number of handled requests All metrics should include success/failure as a label.

Bonus points if you:

  • devise a mechanism for your request handlers to get a handle to the root span, in order to populate span fields with context from your domain layer
  • allow changing the set of filtered/included tracing spans at runtime

I don't have a suite of tests for you here, but please call me in when you're done—I want to see what you come up with!

If you're looking for inspiration, you can check out these solutions:


The exercise for this section is located in 03_metrics/07_outro