Modelling A Ticket, pt. 2

The Ticket struct we worked on in the previous chapters is a good start, but it still screams "I'm a beginner Rustacean!".

We'll use this chapter to refine our Rust domain modelling skills. We'll need to introduce a few more concepts along the way:

  • enums, one of Rust's most powerful features for data modeling
  • The Option type, to model nullable values
  • The Result type, to model recoverable errors
  • The Debug and Display traits, for printing
  • The Error trait, to mark error types
  • The TryFrom and TryInto traits, for fallible conversions
  • Rust's package system, explaining what's a library, what's a binary, how to use third-party crates


The exercise for this section is located in 05_ticket_v2/00_intro